Keuskupan Reggio Emilia-Guastalla adalah sebuah wilayah gerejawi Katolik Roma di Emilia-Romagna, Italia.Keuskupan tersebut berdiri dalam bentuk saat ini sejak 11986. Bishop Vitale certified a land transfer in 838, and was the recipient of a privilege of the Emperor Lothair II, variously dated 838, 840, 841, or 842. REGGIO EMILIA – Nell’ambito del bando di Servizio Civile Universale 2020-2021, la Caritas diocesana ha 20 posti disponibili tra Reggio Emilia e provincia, suddivisi in 4 progetti come di seguito specificato. The 5th century Tommaso is a figment. Finally, on 3 April, in a public consistory, the Pope proposed the name of Enrico de Casalorci, who was a Canon of the cathedral of Cremona. L'origine della diocesi di Reggio Emilia è datata tradizionalmente al I secolo, tuttavia si hanno riscontri storici affidabili di un vescovo reggiano solo a partire dal 451, anno in cui Favenzio prese parte al concilio di Milano, infatti originariamente la diocesi reggiane era suffraganea dell'arcidiocesi lombarda. Ritzler-Sefrin, V, p. 331 with note 4. Thereafter, the seminary was without a home, and dependent upon the creation of a benefice by the bishop to fund them. He died a nonagenarian on 3 June 1755. (1913). A confusion, based on the fact that the 8th century Bishop Tommaso transferred the remains of Prospero, and was later buried next to him. It was not until 21 December 1614 that he instituted the college of seminarians in the cathedral. Tommasino was excommunicated in 1337, for having refused to surrender his position when the new bishop was appointed. Parrocchia di Pratocentenaro - MILANO. Seccani, pp. He also found quarters for the Discalced Carmelites (O.C.D.) It has existed in its current form since 1986. Saccani, pp. In 1726 there were fifty-six seminarians. He was transferred to the diocese of Reggio on 24 January 1661 by, Marliani belonged to a patrician family of Genoa. 126-129. Parrocchia di San Carlo alla Ca' Granda - MILANO. When Augusto Bellincini was appointed bishop, he immediately began his own efforts to raise additional funds. Reggio Emilia, 30 giugno 2019 – Il vescovo Massimo Camisasca ha ufficializzano trasferimenti, incarichi e nomine della diocesi reggiano-guastallese. Saccani, pp. He was elected bishop sometime after 19 July 1379, when Bishop Lorenzo was still alive. Adalbero's latest known document is dated 18 March 1059, in the sixth year of his pontificate, making his first year 1053. On 2 October, Innocent ordered the Archbishop of Ravenna to confirm one of the parties; on 20 October, Innocent wrote that the election was to be submitted to the Holy See, since Gucciolo was excommunicated and the election was canonically irregular; on 1 December, he ordered the Bishop of Modena to cite the two. [54] On 28 April 2018, it was announced that the Episcopal Seminary would become one of the new seats for the University of Modena-Reggio (UNIMORE). 39-40. tel. He had been the confessor of Pope Pius V. He was appointed Bishop of Reggio in the consistory of 15 April 1569, by. Prenotazioni online attive per altre parrocchie. Lanzoni, p. 802, no. This brought with it the title of Prince, and the bishops of Reggio continued to enjoy the privilege and title until the end of the 14th century. Reggio Emilia was stricken particularly hard by the bubonic plague from 1630 to 1632, the result of German troop movements in the war between the French and the Empire. Aveva 92 anni, Contatti: Curia Nella sua lunga vita sacerdotale egli è stato soprattutto un educatore e un insegnante, ricoprendo anche incarichi di dirigenza scolastica. Eubel, III, p. 284. [53] On 15 April 2015, the Diocese of Reggio announced that it was putting the Episcopal Seminary up for sale, due to a serious financial emergency. Grande amico dei giovani, di don Gigi, dell’IDML e della Chiesa reggiana, fu a Reggio Emilia da giugno dell’88 […] Aperte le iscrizioni al secondo quadrimestre in IDML! [23], Bishop Serafino Tavacci, O.Min. (1379–1387) was the first bishop of Reggio to enjoy the title Prince.[24]. Panciroli, I, pp. [15] In April 1242, the Emperor Frederick wrote a letter to Bishop Maltraversi, expressing his joy at the bishop's success in bringing his nephews and other relatives (consanguineos et nepotes tuos) back to the imperial side (the Ghibellines) and loyalty to the Emperor; he urged Nicolò to return to him as soon as possible, to assist in some difficult and useful matters. The diocese is a suffragan of the Archdiocese of Modena-Nonantola. His successor, Bishop Eustachio Locatelli, held another conference, in which it was decided to appoint a deputy to engage in planning and fund raising,[42] but he too died before advancing the plan significantly. He was the nephew of his predecessor, Bishop Andreasi. [38] He held a second synod on 17–19 April 1674. Codebò became a Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures, and governor successively of Tivoli, Terni, Rieti, Rimini, Benevento, Ascoli, Spoleto, and Camerino. [17] Nonetheless, on 2 September 1243, he wrote to the Bishop of Modena and to his own nephew, the Archdeacon of Parma, that they should lift the sentences of excommunication which had been pronounced against the Canons of Reggio, and order the Canons to elect a bishop within twenty days; otherwise, the Bishop of Modena should choose a suitable candidate as bishop. Saccani, p. 80, note 4. "Reggio dell' Emilia". Angelo Mercati, quoted by Lanzoni, stated. His formal entry into his diocese took place on 17 August. Saccani, p. 85. Pierluigi Saccardi, Vice Presidente della Provincia di Reggio Emilia [citation needed][9] After the death of Countess Matilda (1115) the popes claimed the town as a part of her inheritance, while the emperors claimed the same as a fief of the Holy Roman Empire. He was also Apostolic Administrator of the diocese of Vicenza from 1212 to 1219. 1861 - Reggio becomes part of the Kingdom of Italy. Lanzoni, p. 801. [41], Bishop Giambattista Grossi (1549–1569) brought home the idea of a seminary for the diocese from the Council of Trent, which had decreed in its twenty-third Session that every diocese should have a seminary for the education of the clergy. Their real existence is doubted. Teuzo (Teuzone): Documents begin in 980. Elenco delle Parrocchie di Reggio nell'Emilia su Gandulfus took office after 1 July 1065; an act of his is dated 1 July 1073, in his eighth year. Both competitors were dead when, Casalorci was a native of Cremona and was a Doctor of Canon Law and Canon of the Cathedral Chapter of Cremona. Conferenza Episcopale Emilia-Romagna . Kehr, p. 365: Cappelletti, p. 377, citing the words of Fra Salimbene in full. A grant of privileges to Bishop Aribardus by Kings Ugo and Lothair is dated 10 August 942. He attended the, Locatelli was a native of Bologna. Reggio accepted the vicars of Emperor Henry VII and Louis the Bavarian, and was subject to the pope under Cardinal Bertrand du Poyet (1322). 48-49. Concerto di Santo Stefano 23 Dicembre 2020. He was appointed by, Guido de Baisio's homonymous uncle had been Archdeacon of Reggio during the long. He was appointed Bishop of Reggio by, Tavacci (Tavani, Tavari) is variously said to have been from Trino, Trio, Tridino, or Trento. He studied at Bologna, and in April 1617 he was named Archpriest of Carpi by, Born in Modena in 1594, Codebò obtained a doctorate in law from the University of Bologna, and became a member of Cardinal Alessandro d'Este's entourage when he was ambassador of the Duke of Modena to the Papal Court. Saccani, p. 55. [19] After an investigation of the canonical validity of the election,[20] the Pope pronounced his nephew to be the new bishop. Nell’ambito del bando di Servizio Civile Universale 2020-2021, la Caritas diocesana ha 20 posti disponibili tra Reggio Emilia e provincia, suddivisi in … In addition, in accordance with the decrees of the Council of Trent, one Canon was designated the Theologus, and another the Penitentiary. 1856 - Reggio Emilia Synagogue built. Diocesi: Reggio Emilia, sacerdoti volontari impegnati nei reparti Covid 11 dicembre 2020 @ 11:41 Sacerdoti impegnati nei reparti Covid … Maltraversi was a native of Padua (or Vicenza), and a Canon in the cathedral of Padua. Saccani, pp. But on 8 April 1213, he is still called bishop-elect. He died on 10 May 1118. At the death of Bishop d'Este, he was elected Vicar Capitular, to govern the diocese during the, Cattani had previously been the Canon Theologus of the Chapter of the cathedral of Carpi, and then Bishop of Carpi (1822-1826). Sport, gioco, medaglie e tanto divertimento per i ragazzi delle scuole medie e i loro animatori. Clicca qui per effettuare PRENOTAZIONI ONLINE. A local legend makes the first bishop of Reggio Saint Protasius, a disciple of Saint Apollinaris, a first-century disciple of Saint Peter himself. In 1387 he transferred remains of Saint Prospero from the Basilica of S. Prospero to the Cathedral. Ripristinare, a partire da domenica 14 febbraio, “un gesto con il quale ci si scambia il dono della pace, invocato da Dio durante la celebrazione eucaristica”. On 17 March 944 he defended the rights of his Church before King Ugo. "Bishop Condelardo" is a duplicate of Conon. He was censor of books in the diocese of Modena. BeWeB - Diocesi : Reggio Emilia - Guastalla - La città, fondata da Marco Emilio Lepido nel 185 a.C., divenne Municipium «Regium Lepidi» al tempo di Cesare. [47] At the end of the seventeenth century, there were thirty seminarians. to the diocese of Reggio (1681). [52], A new seminary building was constructed in the 1950s, with space for c. 250 seminarians. Saccani, p. 55. [11] In Piacenza he attempted to broker a peace between the Ghibelline Sessi and the Guelph Roberti-Fogliani. He was then Bishop of Borgo San Donnino (Faenza) (19 September 1879), and was transferred to the diocese of Reggio by, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Gianluca Castellini (del Pozzo, Pontremoli), "Diocese of Reggio Emilia-Guastalla (Italy)(Italy)", "Vade retro ignoranza: il seminario vescovile diventerà sede universitaria. Schwartz, p. 198. Saccani, pp. Since he is recorded as dying on 16 January, that would have to be 1060, 1061, or 1062. Bartolomeo had been a Canon of the Collegiate Church of San Secondo in Asti, and, in 1337, Archdeacon of the Cathedral of Reggio. Prospero. Il vescovo di Reggio ferma la colata di cemento che deve finire sull’area di 150 mila metri quadri a sud del Conad Le Querce, fra le … In 1857, there were those five, plus eight other Canons. Seccani, pp. But this identification belongs to the. Kehr, p. 299. Saccani, pp. The current number (2018), however, is only 15. [12] In 1221 he helped Cardinal Ugolino (later Pope Gregory IX) preach the crusade in northern Italy. Nel Vangelo che … Continua a leggere Omelia nella santa Messa per la Giornata della Vita Consacrata », Il sacerdote è stato educatore, insegnante e dirigente scolastico. Dottori della Chiesa? [40] This was the last synod held in the diocese of Reggio until the synod of 2–4 October 1894, held by Bishop Vincenzo Manicardi. 604),, Roman Catholic dioceses in Emilia-Romagna, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Articles with unsourced statements from November 2018, Articles needing additional references from November 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Articles incorporating text from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia without Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Cattedrale di Beata Vergine Assunta (Reggio Emilia), Concattedrale di Ss. Anche molti dei vescovi del VI secolo hanno riscontri labili e la loro datazione differisce tra gli autori. Granello di Senapa (via Vittorio Veneto 6, Reggio Emilia) 2 posti. Attualmente la diocesi è organizzata in 5 vicariati.. Vicariato Urbano di Reggio Emilia. Eubel, I, p. 418, note 6. Lanzoni, pp. In 1624 he was named Archpriest of Carpi. A single document of Bishop Lodoicus survives, dated 1092; it is printed by Ughelli, pp. He also welcomed the Minims of S. Francesco di Paola in 1696. Reggio Emilia, 16 maggio 2020 - Da lunedì 18 maggio, anche nella nostra Diocesi, sarà possibile partecipare nuovamente alla messa: … A document of August 1038 states that Bishop Sigifredus was in his 7th year, and a document of October 1042 states that he was in his 11th year; implying a beginning of his episcopacy after October 1031. Catholic Encyclopedia. Alberico had been Provost of the Cathedral Chapter from 1160 to 1163. [26] An inscription at Guastalla states that 2,104 persons had died in one parish alone. Schwartz, p. 197. Per approfondire. He was the first Prince Bishop of Reggio. Schwartz, p. 196. REGGIO EMILIA – “Non è intenzione della Diocesi costruire e nulla è stato fatto in tal senso”: è il passaggio chiave di una lettera indirizzata dal vescovo Massimo Camisasca ai sacerdoti, ai diaconi e ai membri del Consiglio espiscopale e del Consiglio presbiterale sul piano particolareggiato di via Francia, di fronte al Conad Le Querce.. Una lettera addolorata, a tratti … In May and June 1230, Bishop Nicolò dei Maltraversi (1211–1243) accompanied an embassy of the Emperor Frederick II to Pope Gregory IX, in the hope of bringing peace between Empire and Church. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}44°42′00″N 10°38′00″E / 44.7000°N 10.6333°E / 44.7000; 10.6333, Roman Catholic Ecclesiastical Province of Modena, Other priests of this diocese who became bishops. On 25 April 1569. [1][2], Originally the diocese was part of the ecclesiastical province of Milan, then it was suffragan to the Archbishop of Ravenna. Fondi 8x1000 Anno 2018 - Diocesi di Reggio Emilia - Guastalla. Saccani, pp. [39] Bishop Augusto Bellincini (1674–1700) presided over a diocesan synod on 20–22 May 1697. Only on 25 September 1213 does he have the full title of Bishop of Reggio. Bishop Enrico de Casalorci attended the provincial synod of Ravenna in 1310–1311, and sent a procurator to the synod of 1314. He was named a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter in 1819, and Vicar General in 1820. Via Vittorio Veneto 6, Reggio Emilia [43], The next bishop, Cardinal Alessandro d'Este (1621–1624), however, took immediate steps to resurrect the seminary. Utilizziamo i cookie per essere sicuri che tu possa avere la migliore esperienza sul nostro sito. 2020-21. His latest known document is dated 1 June 1065, in his third year. The bishop spells his name Heribaldus in a grant of 22 May 943.

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