Freya, as a child, had curly blonde hair and green eyes. Freya agrees with him and tells him thickly that she was sorry. For the next several centuries, Dahlia and Freya were together. Freya is displeased with this mistrusts but has no choice but to cooperate with the new plan. Urodził się w Nowym Świecie, jako jeden z synów czarownicy Esther i wikinga, Mikaela. She asks where Keelin went as it's not safe, and Keelin tells her she has a job interview. She was seen being doted on by young Mikael in Norway and was again seen being taken away from her mother and twin brother, Finn, by Dahlia. In When the Levee Breaks, Freya is mourning Mikael in the cemetery. She also suggests using the last living Labonair, Hope, and wield a blade forged with Hope's blood to end her once and for all. In I Would for You, Stefan mentioned Freya to Valerie Tulle (a witch-vampire hybrid), telling her that he almost run out of the herbs Freya had given him in A Streetcar Named Desire. Davina pleads with Marcel as she bleeds from her eyes and nose, but Elijah breaks his neck. Seasons 2-3 In season 2, … After a brief breakup during the last season, Freya and Keelin reunite at Hayley's funeral and decide to make time for each other despite not being together anymore. The blood on the paper begins to move towards each other, and the effects of the spell can be seen affecting both Elijah and Kol, and Freya's nose starts to bleed. She seems sad when she realizes that Klaus is gonna 'disappear'. Depressed and pained, Freya drank from a deadly poison in an attempt to kill both herself and her unborn son, so that they could both be free from Dahlia. She fails to break the curse permanently, and Tristan steals her talisman. Freya reveals to her what the witches of New Orleans saw and that the firstborns in their family possess devastating power. In Alone with Everybody, Freya is seen bashing wits with Lucien as he arrives at the compound. Freya is seen helping Kol, Marcel and Vincent protects Davina from the Ancestors while they figure out a way to bring her back. Elijah was an Original Vampire. Freya then walks around the streets and is confronted by Keelin. When Klaus suggests Vincent, Freya cites that Vincent wouldn't hurt Hope, but could be sinking their bodies as they speak. In the same episode, the eldest Mikaelson sibling cast a spell (while in astral form) that simultaneously snapped the necks of all vampires surrounding her, proving she is a force to be reckoned with. He tells her that it's only fair that they both pay for their sins against Davina, however, she tells him that Davina didn't want revenge. Freya takes the opportunity to request that Finn allow her to take a few minutes with their father and Finn tries to sway her against this, telling her that their father is no longer the man she remembered from when she was five years old. In The Bloody Crown, Freya is seen preparing to cast a spell. Height Keelin is ecstatic and agrees to marry her. She then sees Keelin's body on the floor and when she thinks she is dead, Keelin wakes up and says not yet. She tells them to focus so she can break them out, Klaus tells her the Kings, and Elijah tells her the Knights, but Freya tells them that they have to be sure. The two then marry as planned and become wives. Freya casting a spell with Kol's guidance. She seems to have some nostalgia for him, as she embraced him upon meeting. With Rebekah's advice, Freya talks with Keelin about the situation, revealing that she cannot have children, given she lost a child before he was even born. Rebekah is able to convince Freya that whilst the family is broken, she can break the pattern and they are not doomed to repeat their parent's mistakes. Upon finally meeting and introducing herself to her family, Freya seemingly has a firm sense of honor, as she killed Cassie for betraying Rebekah to the Kindred. Significant kills Freya is a member of the Mikaelson Family . Episode Count She watches as Klaus belittles and ends Lucien. This shows that she has a sense of authority, being the eldest of the Mikaelson children. Witch She claims that she despises traitors, yet specifically calls what happened between her and Dahlia as a betrayal of her aunt. Freya wants to use Hope as a bait, but Elijah and Rebekah both refuse. Freya is seen visibly troubled and torn. She begins the spell and notes that it's working, and keeps going. When she gets close to killing him, he reveals he knows where Keelin is and threatens her. Freya notes that there's always a loophole and welcomes Vincent to look through her mother's grimoires with her. Biographical information Rebekah convinces Freya to give children a shot. Afterward, Freya begins to put the pendant back together at the compound and keeps trying to feel if Elijah is inside. While trying to find some relief for Klaus' situation, Freya notices that Vincent is packing his bags and, questioning him, he reveals that he has decided to leave New Orleans behind in search of a fresh start. Freya is again seen standing as a mediator between Kol and Finn, as Kol was trying to attack his older brother, physically blocking Kol from Finn. Rebekah was born in Mystic Falls along with her older siblings and younger brother. As she chants more, the pendant begins to glow a bright blue and Elijah is resurrected. Klaus wants to go help, but Freya and Elijah tell him that it is dangerous, though he goes after telling them to help Kol so he doesn't feel the pain he went through. Freya tells them that Lucien is a regular vampire now, that his power was gone. She asks Finn for his help, as she is still unable to cast spells due to her drug in her system and blood loss. Freya tells Klaus that, sadly, that there was something that he needed to know, trying to explain to Klaus that she had no other choice than to sacrifice Davina to save her family. Unborn SonScarface Kindred WitchCassie (2nd time)Lenore (as a vampire)Esther (4th time; in Lenore's body)Alistair's HenchmanThe Hollow's Followers Dahlia allowed Freya to live planning to use her to brand a new form of power which she would absorb from the powerful Freya, casting a spell on her that causes her to hibernate for a hundred years to preserve her youth and to only age for a year upon awakening which is also presumably what Dahlia has done to preserve herself as well. Mikael and Esther's firstborn child was a daughter. Prisoner (Formerly)Member of the New Orleans Witch CommunityMentor of Hope MikaelsonMember of The Faction (Currently) Physical Information Freya uses Elijah and Klaus as her anchor. Later, the werewolves and Mikaelson Family have a private funeral for Hayley. Josie explains that she is from the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted and is seeking help to reverse engineer a spell. In Out of the Easy, The Mikaelson siblings host a Thanksgiving party in order to take down their progenies, after learning Rebekah's whereabouts. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Freya was born in the late years of the 10th century to a Viking warrior named Mikael and his wife Esther. They walk into the house and notice a bunch of bodies laying around, with blood on their face. As Elijah touches her, they both get hits of the prophecy, showing Marcel as the Beast. Freya is tough, independent, she is a skilled actress, having convinced everyone in the Cottage that she was like any other inmate, but in truth, she is a strong, powerful woman and witch who is very much in control of herself. Both were born in Europe and migrated to America centuries later. As Hayley asks how they were gonna keep Aurora incapacitated, Freya stated that her spell should keep her down long enough to use the serum in her blood to figure out a way to kill both her and Lucien. With this, Freya leaves the Chambre de Chasse. She tells him that everything has a price. In Give 'Em Hell Kid, Freya is seen trying to see if she could find out more about the prophecy as Lucien was adamant about it. It becomes clear that another Mikaelson emergency is preventing her from leaving with Keelin. As Elijah holds Dominic over the balcony, Freya looks worried and looks at Keelin quickly. She managed to temporarily breach the boundary spell, for mere moments and freed her brother. Niklaus Mikaelson (Elder Futhark: ᚾᛁᚲᛚᚨᚢᛋ ᛗᛁᚲᚨᛖᛚᛋᛟᚾ) was the main protagonist (and sometimes antagonist/anti-hero) of The Originals. She tells Klaus she needs time and begins to cry when Hope walks in. Freya delivers a eulogy at the funeral before burning Hayley's body in true-werewolf fashion. She tells them they could use Inadu as a sacrifice and channel that power to resurrect Elijah. She comforts him and tells him that the weakness he was feeling should pass after a good night's rest, as he hemorrhaged a massive amount of mystical energy, enough to create a Nexus Vorti. She spends her night off partying at Rousseau's, dancing on the bar table and downing a couple of drinks. Finn originally thought that Freya was dead, and he mourned for her still even after not seeing her for centuries. He has six half-siblings: a deceased older half-brother, four other half-brothers named Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Henrik, and two younger half-sisters named Rebekah, and Renise. Status Freya, looking for a way to save her family quickly and uniquely, adapts two ancient spells to save her siblings. However, after Freya is forced to try to kill Klaus and Marcel, she states in near-tears that she doesn't want to kill either of them. Not long after she escaped the Cottage, Freya's look changed drastically. They were both immortal in some point in their lives. Klaus, suspicious of his long-lost older sister true motives doubting her at every turn, while Elijah and Rebekah warming up to her. Later in the Lafayette Cemetery, Freya appeared after Klaus had mortally injured Finn's vessel Vincent Griffith. While her magic was amplified she performed one of the most powerful uses of Pain infliction where she impaired a vampire's ability to heal to the point where it fatally wounded him. Rebekah brings up the idea of children, which creates tension as it becomes clear that Freya is uncertain about the prospect of children despite Keelin being set on having them. Freya takes offense to his labeling and snaps his neck with a hand gesture, which greatly impresses Stefan, leaving Freya to say that she works better with quiet. When she appeared in the Abattoir for the Christmas party in 1914, she is a extremely beautiful and gorgeous young woman of high stature and a slender build, carrying herself with grace and tact. The spell is powerful and takes a while to take effect, seeing the strain Elijah is feeling and Freya's exertion. Riley VoelkelElle Graham (Young/Child)Hannah-Bliss Carlton (body double in 2x10) When Hope touches Freya, she notes that she feels him inside, but he sounds as though he is in pain. Freya later proved to be capable of caring quite deeply about others outside her family as she constantly feared for the safety of Keelin and attempted to keep her at arm's length and away from the hostile situation that the Mikaelsons found themselves in. However, Freya is unable to find the memory in which Elijah has retreated to. She continued as her tears threatened to overwhelm her, telling him she had to protect her family. She quickly turns around and heads towards the bell tower. She tells Hayley to get the cure ready as the barrier is about down the Hollow arrives, managing to send a wind and destroy the jar the cure is in. Freya and Hope clash when Hope makes a comment about triggering her werewolf side, and Freya is forced to explain that Hayley doesn't want that life for her. Upon meeting them but having lived in contempt of her aunt Dahlia for the abuse and terror she endured at Dahlia's hands and for her mother Esther for abandoning her. Alive Freya has shown to be a curious person, having wondered about her siblings, the Mikaelsons for some time. Freya escaped from under Dahlia's wing and fled from her powerful aunt. Due to their utilization of the aging-circumventing spell, Freya, together with Dahlia is (presumably) the oldest living witch in history, having never died. However, Klaus' blood was unable to heal Finn and the latter ends up expiring but with his family by his side. Freya tells him that maybe she can't kill him, but she can certainly make him wish he was dead. Child of Mikael and Esther. She told Elena that her parents have lost a child to the plague, not knowing what really happened to her older sister. Attending as her brother, Kol's date, she was witness to Klaus' cruelty when he staked Kol in front of the entire party. She tells Klaus that he is hovering, though when he tells her that he would bring Vincent to hasten the process, she tells him that Vincent, like her, doesn't know how to kill Lucien. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Anton Petrov and Mariya Petrova (Harman), and Esther Mikaelson, as well as the step-granddaughter of Mikael. The two escort her down the aisle together. There is a division in the fandom on whether Freya still has her augmented power levels or not, as she's shown to be very much weaker in comparison to the previous season, and since she has lost every enhancement she had while Dahlia was alive, now that Dahlia is dead, it points to her also losing said power-levels, this being said, it has not been stated but only implied so still remains open to debate. While restrained she attempted to cast a spell to rip out his heart however, both spells failed due to the intervention of the Ancestors. She tied her hair into a braid while letting her side bangs frame her face. Freya, as a child, had curly blonde hair and green eyes. He was formerly a major recurring character in The Vampire Diaries, serving initially as an antagonist in the second season and eventually becoming a supporting character and protagonist in the third season and fourth seasons. I'm supposed to be the big sister that could fix everything... Daylight and Moonlight Amulet Creation Spells, Channeling the power of premonition (prophetic vision), Life-Force Linked Chambre de Chasse Spell, Freya and Davina (In-Laws/Former Enemies). Her personality seems to shift slightly, depending on which member of her family she is facing. Freya attempting to locate Aurora for another time. Freya turns to Elijah, and both are visibly shaken, though Freya tells him that it had to be done. She took Davina down because she saw it as the only way to save her family, despite the consequences. In We Have Not Long To Love, Freya eats breakfast with her family following their return to New Orleans. Nevertheless, she created a paste that masked his presence from Rayna Cruz, the huntress that continues to pursue him, then sent him off sweetly causing Stefan to ask why everyone wants him to leave. She reveals to Hope, now in a fragile state, that her father will more than likely not survive until the end of the day. This makes Freya the second Mikaelson to be compared to Klaus. Freya tells Elijah that he and Klaus have many enemies, Elijah corrects her by saying they just have one or two, and Freya finishes by saying that thankfully they do not have that many friends. Family Forever (modern day appearance) . In order to get the Ancestors' power, she would have to steal it while Davina was in the Ancestral well, which means that she would have to break Davina's protection. Freya is later seen threatening Klaus by asking if he wanted the chains back on, to which Elijah added a suggestion, making Freya smile. She is also one of the more reasonable Mikaelsons, as she went behind Klaus' back by releasing Cami and having her join in on the plan that eventually neutralized Tristan de Martel, also showing her capacity for laying out successful strategies. Kol stops her though telling her that even if she is his sister, and she spent all her life searching for them, he never for once wanted her. Freya casts an illusion spell on Josh and, unlike the previous spell she and Vincent performed, this glamour spell was physically harmful as the spell took effect. Occupation Freya is present with her brothers as they released Finn's ashes on a bridge over a river, thanking him for being her first friend and for giving her her life and her brothers united, even for a moment. She embraces with Hope, who begins to cry after her conversation with Rafael. Kol tells her he doesn't care and that they could rot, though he is sad that he won't be around to see it. As they argue, Freya gets an idea and shows the talisman she used to place Finn's soul in at one time. When Klaus asks to see the pendant, Freya opens her palm and shows it is broken, visibly upset at this turn of events. Species Freya recovers slightly and tells the others what she needs to break the curse. A happy Freya explaining what she did to save their family. Freya wakes to find herself in a coffin, after using her necklace to light the area. Freya warns Hope against the ritual, remarking that she knows what it is like being repressed; Hope is unwilling to listen, however and insists they carry out the ritual. Upon waking up, she was seen wearing clothes like any other female inmate of the cottage, messy and unkempt. As revenge for Klaus mistreating her badly, she promised to make the rest of the Mikaelson siblings turn against Klaus, which is successful being Klaus attempts to prove himself to his siblings. Keelin arrives at the loft and uses CPR on Freya, managing to revive her. She has a very stoic personality, keeping a calm, difficult to read, expression at near all times. Despite the spell she cast to repair Elijah's mind and to restore her talisman, it soon thereafter began to crack. Freya begs him to stay, telling him that the seven years of peace they had were because of him, however he tells her that he cannot stay, and she tells him not to disappear on her. Seemingly this is due to a lack in power as, while channeling powerful sources, she's been able to accomplish powerful spells, one such example being when she channeled Lucien in order to forcefully project herself into the Chambre de Chasse created by the Sisters. Freya and Klaus are interrupted, however, by Declan, who is angry that Freya told him of Hayley's death via voicemail. The necklace Freya was seen holding in the Fauline mansion (both by her spirit and her physical body) in. In When The Saints Go Marching In, having chained up Klaus in the Garden following his absorption of the Hollow, Freya reveals to Hope that his strength is working against him, killing him from the inside. Freya starts the spell, uses the Magic she has gathered from the Ancestors, to revert Lucien to his normal vampiric state, and she succeeds though she is left a bit winded. She has let her long dirty blonde hair flow freely and has her pendant around her neck. Freya tells Hayley that she could feel the energy left by the death, so her spell will work, but she asks Hayley if she was sure about doing it, showing her concern. Witch They are then seen to be working together when a werewolf comes to the cemetery. Freya attempts to tell Declan about Hayley not being human, however is prevented by Vincent who starts a fire in the kitchen. However, they are in a somewhat long distance relationship with Freya remaining in New Orleans trying to find a way to reunite her siblings and with Keelin away from the United States aiding others in need of medical attention. Freya, however, asks Keelin is they could just grab a drink, which Keelin agrees to, smiling. She is portrayed by an American-Canadian actress Riley Voelkel. Freya admits that she has heard of it but perhaps Josie should ask her teachers for help. In Where You Left Your Heart, Freya begins packing to leave New Orleans with Keelin. In doing so, she caused Lenore's body to transform into a few dozen starlings that died shortly after the transformation. As she slept for 100 years, she would appear to Rebekah as a girl wearing a black dress and her long, dirty blonde hair covering her face with a peculiar necklace in her hands. Freya is still sitting with Kol, tending to him. After she finishes the spell, she joked to Klaus saying "Behold your greatest hits, Klaus…", finishing by telling him that only one of the said enemies were here in New Orleans. In No More Heartbreaks, Freya is seen giving Cami a healing salve that is over a thousand of years old, to at least ease the pain of Cami's illness as she has no cure for Lucien's bite. In An Old Friend Calls, Freya bears witness to one of Klaus' dramatic episodes of paranoia as he gathers the letters that Klaus' victims wrote to their loved ones and finds herself reunited with Kol, the first of her siblings that she encountered long ago. The conversation takes a drastic turn when it is suggested that — in order to protect her family — Hope suppress her werewolf side in a similar way to how Esther suppressed Klaus' werewolf side centuries earlier. Freya manages to infiltrate the Chambre and tells her brothers to find what represents them, but she stares on in shock as she realizes that the desiring spell was starting. Hair color Freya tells her brothers that though she cloaked all of them if Lucien wants to find them, as he is working with the Ancestors, it may take a while but he will. Freya then meets Stefan Salvatore for the first time, after restating what Klaus had said in fewer words, and Stefan replies, Freya's countenance darkens and she welcomes him with distrust, as he could possibly be a friend that would take her brothers down. Physical appearance At the compound, she begins to do a locator spell to find Elijah but sees that he is cloaked by a spell. In Til the Day I Die, Freya and Keelin are in bed together and discuss the prospect of marriage. Freya easily locates Hope at the safe house and Finn goes there. In Season Three, Freya doesn't appear in four episodes: In Season Four, Freya doesn't appear in one episode: In Season Five, Freya doesn't appear in three episodes: If Freya was to truly follow Norse traditions, her surname should technically be, Elijah mentioned that his parents had seven children in total in, Her "death" caused Esther and Mikael to move to the New World, to the village that later became known as, Her aunt kidnapping her all because of a deal she made with Esther is a nod to the fairy tale about, The loss of Freya was the reason of why Mikael became so cruel in his grief, and so her loss was an indirect cause of the affair between Esther and. In the middle of the conversion, Rebekah loses control of Eva Sinclair's body, as her spirit break through. Freya hurriedly sat by her brothers as Klaus brought them into the penthouse, looking worried as she noticed their condition. Their confrontation turns into a fight and Freya had the upper hand. Not long after, Vincent expresses his concern that he feels Freya and Keelin are making a mistake and should abandon all hope of starting a family, feeling that the two are only pursuing this out of sadness — he respectfully declines their offer of being surrogate father. Freya goes right to business, asking them both what was their next plan of action as Aurora has the white oak and she won't stay quiet. Freya enters the circle and she and Davina are transported to the Ancestral plane. She is in considerable pain and notices that she is bleeding slowly. She also took a page from Finn's spell book and drew everyone, save Klaus, into a Chambre de Chasse, so that they could be a family while slumbering, in order to escape death (while Klaus lived and suffered). Freya accuses Davina of stealing the Nexus Vorti, looking at both Davina and Kol standing together. Then, we see Freya in utter anguish and heartbreak as Klaus kills Mikael so his ashes could be used as a weapon to murder Dahlia. Kol and Freya speak in the music room of the Abattoir. Freya watches as Hayley runs over to an area and break through the floorboards. Freya is again seen trying to reason with Kol as he fought Finn. In Don't It Just Break Your Heart, Freya takes Hope to an abandoned, condemned property to train her. Supernatural information Although it doesn't all go as planned, Freya, Elijah, and Klaus still manage to capture Lucien, Tristan, and Aurora, with the intention of interrogating them. In Klaus, Freya was referenced by Elijah, as he talked with Elena Gilbert about his family past, telling the human that his mother bore seven children. Klaus is an Original Vampire and the son of an alpha werewolf Ansel and Esther whom is an incrediblypowerful witch. Niklaus appearance in The Vampire Diaries. They arrive at the compound and goes to Hayley's unconscious body. Freya is seen talking to Finn, telling him that their siblings' treatment of him was as well as can be expected given his past in regards to them. In Save My Soul, Freya is invited to some kind of a dinner party with her three younger siblings. Freya then asked Klaus if all this torture was necessary. Both have been separated from their family for a long time, but are eventually reunited. Freya asks her siblings if they like the plane she placed them. They are both the firstborn of their generation, and they are both female. Please help improve this article by editing it. Freya is currently the oldest living woman in The TVD/TO universe after. Owner: Natalia. She was, according to Esther, the apple of Mikael's eye. The first was Hayley. Freya and Elijah watch as Kol and Davina reunites. After Dahlia's death, Klaus finally accepts Freya as his half-sister and they become close as siblings, especially in Season Three. Though as he said that his demons won the fight today, Freya accosts him, telling him angrily that Lucien was not his demon, and even though he sire Lucien, he didn't create 'that monster'. this page is dedicated to the most important beautiful woman in the originals, the first born of the Michaelsons Freya! However, she tells him that the spell would take most of her power and probably all of his. When he explains she smiles, stating that he is full of surprises. As Freya is still able to practice magic, it can be presumed that she still ages during her year of life, and is still capable of dying a natural death of old age. Freya and Hayley torture Aurora, who is not as an easy target as they thought. Freya tells Klaus that he's welcome as he says that he was looking forward to that. Her pseudo-immortality was also reversed with Dahlia's death as was confirmed on several occasions and with it, the Slumber Spell. She tells Elijah that she is working on way to take care of Lucien. She was left in Elijah's care as Klaus went after Aurora. Freya is seen solemnly asking Hayley if she was ready, as they sat around some candles. Davina pleads with Freya to stop as she would break the circle but Freya goes on unhindered, although the pain of what she is doing is clear on her face. Freya is also the wife of Keelin and the mother of their son, Nik. This makes her the third LGBT character to appear in The Originals after. Freya has shown the ability to not only astral project within the same city, but to also to very distant locations. There, Freya tells her younger brother that she almost had a son, but was forced to kill him - not wanting her child to grow up as she did; as a slave. They also both have witch ancestry from their mother/paternal grandmother, Esther. Freya is seen going to Klaus as he sits with Hope. As Hayley asks Freya what they did to her, another vampire entered the room. He was always there for her and promised to always protect her. Upon Hope's success, Freya is able to fix the pendant. Freya tells Keelin to leave New Orleans and travel, but Keelin is reluctant to leave without Freya. Despite her prowess, Freya has easily been overpowered and defeated by witches who have had less than a thousand years of experience than she does, like Alexis (who was a Seer and saw her coming, though), the Moroccan Witch, affiliated with the Strix, and Vincent Griffith, the Regent of the New Orleans witch community. In The Feast of All Sinners, Freya is with her siblings when Vincent tells them that the only way to save Hope from The Hollow is for Rebekah, Klaus, Elijah, and Kol to become hosts of The Hollow's soul. Freya is seen sensing if the serum was still inside Aurora but came to the conclusion that there was none. In Ordinary People, Freya was mentioned by Rebekah (although not by name) as she told Elena how her family was turned into the first vampires. Later, when Hayley is missing for real, Freya begins to panic. My daughter," happy to be reunited with her. In What, Will, I, Have, Left, Freya is confronted by Declan, who is upset that she and the other Mikaelsons are not doing more to look for Hayley.

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