4to, pamphlet. your own Pins on Pinterest 327.—Compendio de Artilleria. 45 minutes . 8vo. Abraham Markland, D.D., Prebendary of Westminster. 253.—Country Gentleman's Vade Mecumi. 344.—Lettees sue une Arme a Feu. K. McLemon. Small 4to, 114 pp., 2 plates, tables, diagrams. napoleon 8vo. Another edition, 1772-80. 270.—Poem. 294.—Treatise on Ancient Armour and Weapons. London, 1755, Svo, 28 copper plates. The methods of hunting all kinds of birds and beasts. 308.—Espingarda Perfeita. Facsimilé 1823 Teupkens - Kleeding en wapenuitrusting van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche troepen - Zutplen, Walburg Pers, 1978 - ca 150 pp. 277.-—The Sportsman's Dictionary, or The Gentleman's Companion, for the Town and Country, containing full and particular instructions for Setting, Hunting, Fowling, Hawking, etc., etc., the Management of Dogs, Gamecocks, Dunghill Fowls, Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, Pigeons, Singing Birds, etc., collected from the Best Authors, with very considerable Additions and Improvements, by Experienced Gentlemen. W. Greenwood. Grundels. Ivii, 95, 1 plate. London, 1795. 360.—Polvora. John Muller. Svo, in 1815-17. 278.—Restitution of the Geometrical Treatise of Apollonius Pergaeus on " Inclinations." The Art of War. G. E. L. von Timaeus. Petropol. 4to. 254. Studi Storici Di Luigi Cibrario: Storia del Conte Rosso; Frammenti Storici; Dell'armi Da Fuoco Dal 1300 a 1700; Le Valli Di Lanzo E d'Usseglio a Tempi Di Mezzo; Nota Sopra Un Pallio O Velo Figurato Di Stile Bizantino; Degli Amor E Della Morte d'Agnese VIS: Cibrario, Luigi: 9781390714579: Books - Amazon.ca With it is often found "Hobnol, or Rural Games" and "Field Sports," a poem. Tables of contents, xvi and 582 pp. This book is very frequently quoted by writers on firearms and gunmaking. COMMENTARII,  1767. Liebnechts. London, 1781. 282.—Shooting. LIBRI DEL 1700 IN LINGUA DIVERSA DALL'INGLESE . on rockets; Book IV., pt. 8vo. B. Simon. 322.—Cazador Instruido. Has some lines on shooting, and a demmeiation of the practice of slaughtering hand-reared birds. This book was in reality produced by a gunmaker and sporting goods dealer of Paris, named Krezne, q.v. Twelve editions have appeared. Instructions to sportsmen in the art of shooting with gun, on foot and on horseback, etc. 4to. 346.—Anfangs grunde der Geschuetz Kunst. C. "An eclogue to the Hon. collezionemoneteebanconote.com. Tomas Cerda. 267.—Treatise on Artillery. De Chaugrain. Italiano: Armi di Filippo V di Spagna come Duca di Milano. 298.—Periodical. 4to. Paris, 1775. ch. London, 1778. Madrid, 1793. This pioneer of sporting periodicals and general repository of all pertaining to field sports was started in 1793, and quickly became famous. Collectibles Store. Gotha, 1790. Collectibles Store. Has list of subscribers. Don Augusterio Calvo Pinto y Velarde. 280.—Dissertation on the Errors of Marksmen and Gunmakers. 12mo, 2 vols. Acad. iv., B. V., part II. Reinecke, Leipzig, 1792. Nov 1, 2020 - The Cavalry of the Bavarian Army 1800 - 1805: the Uniform Plates of Johann Cantler I., 393 pp. Avignon, 1780. London, 1778. A paper in which proofs are set out that gunpowder was used in Italy prior to 1380. Nos. 265.—Treatise on the Practical Part of Fortifica­tion. 84 pp., frontispiece. Codice della Marcelliana ccclxxv. A. Librairie: Fiodor srl (Italia) Année de parution: 1966; Éditeur: Salani; Thèmes: Littérature; Poids de l'envoi: 1.790 g; Reliure: HardCover; Description. Didot le Jeune. Please direct all other inquiries to militaryfactory AT gmail.com. Too numerous to specify particularly. 293.—Advice to officers of the British Army. In the preface to the first edition the author acknowledges his indebted­ness to M. Marolles, but claims to have added much new matter. Svo, 31 pp., 1 plate. Translations in various languages in Svo, 1755-72. This treatise is founded on Robins, with Wilson's additions, and was translated by Dupuys. 334.—Principes Nouveaux d'Artillerie. 275.—Discourse on the Theory of Gunnery. Casimirr Simienowicz. Cartello de Lari. 279.—Description of Double Firearms. (Ayala.) https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=897331646978924 London, 1789. London, 2 vols. Also another volume on the same subject, entitled, " Observations and Experi­ences." 1729. The first edition of his book had six plates illustrating arms—(1) the marks of barrel-makers ; and (2) plans. Jan 21, 2021. 17-gen-2018 - Il blog dedicato ai soldatini (con notizie sulle principali case produttrici di soldatini in plastica), alle uniformi ( con la pubblicazione di migliaia di tavole uniformologiche) ed alla storia militare Metzler, Stuttgart, 1776. Sorra. D. Vincenti. A practical and theoretical treatise on Artillery in Swedish. 363.—Machina. A treatise on cannon. ch. Alethopolis, 1774. 274.—Principles of Gunnery, investigated and explained, comprehending Euler's Observations upon the New System of Gunnery, published by Mr. Robins, to which are added many necessary explanations and remarks. In the same manner some books of minor interest have been omitted. Francis Grose. London, 1779. Paris, 1798. 299.—Prints. and articles, chiefly of Italian origin, the dates and some other particulars of which the compiler has been unable to verify.] On the art of shooting flying. 8vo, 8 plates. 315.—Grundlehren der Artillerie. Aznar, Madrid, 1795. 325.—Schutze und Jager. 87. 2. Date: 10 July 2014, 09:50:07: Source: Author This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file: Arms of Spain (1700-1761).svg (by Heralder). Amsterdam, 1772, 8vo; Amsterdam in 1773. 355.—Sperienze intorno alla carica, etc. William Starrat. Jacob Giles. In 1700 the army was the main instrument used by the Savoy sovereigns (such as Victor Amedeus II and his successor Charles Emanuel III), who assured Piedmont its territorial expansion and the rise to European power, participating in the main wars that broke out in the period (wars of succession of Spain, Poland and Austria ). Isidoro Soler. 4to, pp. To which is prefixed a theory of powder applied to firearms. London,  1786—1789. Geisler. R. Crutwell, Bath, 1787. Discover (and save!) 4to. Also in 1780 by Saugrain, Paris. 1 vol. 312.—De Justae Torjientorum. … 4to. Ho died at Paris when about sixty years of age, in the year 1792. 287.—Amusements. with the most necessary conclu­sions for the Practice of Gunnery, either in land or sea service. Might be more aptly named a Treatise on Arithmetic -and Elementary Mathematics. A translation from the Latin of an article in the Comm. William Beaumont Army Medical Center 5005 N Piedras St El Paso, TX 79920. 1703. Ahadia. 1 vol. 365.—Dissertatio Artiglieria. 251.—School of Recreation, or a Guide to the Most Ingenious Exercises of Hunting, Riding, Racing, Fireworks, Military Discipline, the Science of Defence, Hawking, Tennis, Bowling, Ringing, Singing, Cock-fighting, Fowling, etc. An ACS Classroom User Agreement must be signed before the start of scheduled class; form available at ACS front desk. 341.—Receuil de pieces sur un nouveau fusil. A vindication of his public character in the station of director-general of the military hospitals, and physician in chief to the American army: anno, 1776 Author(s): Morgan, John, 1735-1789 A rare book treating of Venetian artillery, and the author promised another dealing with ancient arms, but this does not appear to have been written. " 4to. 320.—Anledning til skiuta, etc. Folio, 404 pp., 23 copper plates. MS. now in the library of the Acad. A series of works, some relating to gunnery and muskets. 326.—Abhandlung von der Bahn dee Geschutz Kugeln. 288.—The Sportsman's Dictionary. xvii, 183, 4to, with illustrations. Barcelona, 1764. Contains : 1, General construction of brass and iron guns used by the sea and land forces, and of their carriages ; 2, General construction of mortars, howitzers, their beds and carriages; 3, The dimensions of all kinds of carriages used in the artillery; 4, The exercise of the regiment abroad ; 5, March and encampment, ammu­nition stores and horses; C, The necessary laboratory work. Military fire-balls; Book V., Warlike Firearms, 2 parts, xiii. 345.—Chasse au Fusil. London, 1747, 1750, 1781 ; 127 pp. Now in the Turin library, date 1745. Personal Blog. Svo, 2 vols. 310.—Art de Toute Sorte de Chasse et de Pèche. A treatise on the chase, hawking, etc., previously published as the " Almanach du Chasseur." 259 .—Country Gentleman's Companion, or Sportsman's Dictionary. A Poem. Leipzig, Price 5 sgr. 4to. Demy 8vo. Advertising Automobilia Gallery. 332.—Lecion de Artilleria. I have been unable to find a copy. In the second edition he writes of the " Metaphysics of the Art," and terms gunsmiths " a set of men who have little or nothing to do with the manufacture of the most important part of the instrument." de la Hist., Madrid; written about 1767. Bondet, Lyon, 1719. Arkslee & Merkus, Amsterdam and Leipzig, 1743. Shopping & Retail. A MS. in the Parmense collection. 4to, Is of a controversial character, and the author propounds his own theory of the qualities of explosives. 4to. D. Ig. Geisler. The Cavalry of the Bavarian Army 1800 - 1805: the Uniform Plates of Johann Cantler 8vo. A compilation; con­tains instruction for taking birds, fish, animals, and hints on sport, together with much extraneous matter. 295.—Military Antiquities; respecting the history of the English Army from the Conquest to the present time. 336.—Collection de Memoires Authentiques. {Meiniys.) Lieut. Overview; Insurance; Office Info; Overview. 8vo. It may also include aviation assets by possessing an army aviation component. Cab-La-Gazeta-de-Murcia.jpg 351 × 54; 17 KB. Translation Services. 4to, 1744; in 12mo, 1755; an edition in Svo, Dublin, 1750. 292.—Observations on the present state of Game in England, and proposal offered for its more effectual preservation. 290.—Tiie British Sportsman, or Nobleman, Gentleman, and Farmer's Dictionary of Recreation and Amusement, including a most improved system of Modern Farriery and Anatomical Dissection of the Horse, with concise Rules for Choosing good Horses, and the secrets of Training them with Wind and Vigour for the Course, Field, and Road, particular Instructions for Riding, Racing, Hunting, Coursing, Hawking, Shooting, Set­ting, etc., etc. There were also some anonymous letters published in between 1756 and 1770. 261.—Doctrine of Projectiles : Demonstrated and applied to the most useful problems in practical gunnery. A manuscript of the Salluziana collection, date 1732. 349.—Compendio Historico de los Arcabueeros de Madrid. Svo, two parts, plates. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=897331646978924 Contains also particulars respecting a new pattern Prussian rifle. Agasse, Paris, 1795. Pie de cajon. and x. ch. Paperback. Experiments relating to loads, ranges, possible weights of cannon, etc., cited by Balbo in his " Life of Papacino." R. Coote. 297.—The Chase. An amusing treatise written to interest sportswomen. Svo. I have been unable to examine a copy. London, 1755. Museo Botta. Nourse, London, 1742. A good edition of The Chase and " Field Sports" annotated by E. Topham, in 12mo, from the Albion Press, 1S04, illustrated with plates and woodcuts. The author was born at Tourouvre (Orne), France, and employed in the King's House­hold. Cooke, London, 1777. Material presented throughout this website is for historical and entertainment value only and should not to be construed as usable for hardware restoration, maintenance, or general operation. A work written "for the use of the Royal Artillery at Woolwich." 285.—Essay on Shooting. I have been unable to refer to a copy of Pye's poem of this date. T. Egerton, London, 1786-88. The Royal Sportsman's Delight: a collection in Svo, 1765, 1800, 1820. Rifugio Maria Luisa. See No. Svo; an enlarged edition, 1757. First edition, 1773. In the broadest sense, it is the land-based military branch, service branch or armed service of a nation or state. Svo. 254.—Complete Sportsman.—Another compilation by J. Giles, who also published in 1740 a compilation of game laws, and list of statutes relative to game licences, etc. A. P. Galvam, Lisbon, 1714, 1 vol., Svo. There are a total of [ 9 ] Small Arms from 1700 to 1799 entries in the Military Factory. 2 vols. Fol. 4to. Svo, xv and 173 pp., plates. Folio, plates. A treatise inferior to that of T. Page, but on similar lines. Venice. A destacar el fet que el Tricorni encara no era del tot institucionalitzat. 304.—Anleitung fur Artillerie. In the following short list are given titles of books, J1SS. Years in Practice: N/A. The first series was edited by Groben and published in 10 vols. 1757. Rumpf gives date as 1747. 314.—Nachricht von Gezogexen Buchsen. Second edition, Zurich, 1739; 3rd edition, 1756. But I have also added additional information from Lars-Eric Höglund's book "Stora nordiska kriget 1700-1721 - del 2" from 2003 and the articles by Torstein Snorrason and Daniel Schorr which were previously published on the now defunct website www.northernwars.com (still accessible in the Internet Archive). Turin, 1754. 252.—Fishing and Hunting : The Art and Cunning of Hunting the Hart, Stag, Hare, Fox, Otter, Wild Goat, etc., the Art of Fishing and sundry curious baits, viz., Worms, Flies, Pastes, etc. Svo, pp. 12mo, 34 plates. Reprinted 18G7 by the Agathynian Club. 330.—L'Artillerie Nouvelle. Domenico Gasperoni. This treatise on gunmaking, the art of shooting, and sport with tho gun, appears to be a compilation by a well-known publisher, and is said to have been derived from English sources. Flag images indicative of country of origin and not necessarily the primary operator. First edition appeared in 1792. Espicion de Castro. Paris, 1778. Folio. There were many other treatises, elementary or otherwise, dealing with gunnery, trajectories, shell firing, etc., etc. An army (from Latin arma "arms, weapons" via Old French armée, "armed" [feminine]), ground force or land force is a fighting force that fights primarily on land. 58 pp., 12mo. . London, 1720. Svo, pp. 8vo pamphlet. A treatise on the art of shooting with the shot gun for sporting purposes. They are attributed to the same author. Madrid, 1779. George Edie. 260.—Light to the Art of Gunnery; or Sea Gunner's Companion. 258.—New Principles of Gunnery. 2, xix. Saved from napoleon-series.org. 311.—Grundsaetze dek Artillerie. Il generale Manson (che poi avrebbe fondato la fabbrica di fucili bavarese di Amberg) incaricò il colonnello di artiglieria Monfort di effettuare esperimenti sul fucile da fanteria M 1777 con acciarino a pietra. Descripcion de España y sus reynos de Clemens Puiche (1706).jpg 5,400 × 4,216; 9.33 MB. See No. G. Casale. Published by subscription and dedicated to the Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin. 1, iv. 4to, plates. Svo. Dublin, 1740. 321.—Amusements de la Chasse. xvi, folio 43. de F. San Roman. Sportsman's Garland: five new songs. A compilation by a well-known "bookmaker." Compiled by G. Montague. 301.—Nädigs underruttilse om Artillerie til Lands och Siös, etc. 235, 1697. Ritorno al vintage. P.R.S. An intro­duction to the Art of Gunnery. It was improved in later editions by descriptions and illustrations of the arms and stores in the Tower. Il problema venne affrontato alla fine del 1700 in Francia in relazione alle armi militari. your own Pins on Pinterest concerning pyrotechnics ; Book III., x. ch. A military band is a group of personnel that performs musical duties for military functions, usually for the armed forces.A typical military band consists mostly of wind and percussion instruments.The conductor of a band commonly bears the title of Bandmaster or Director of Music. Grenoble, 1771. We do not sell any of the items showcased on this site. perronecollezioni. A treatise on naval gunnery; a service publication, cited by Rumpf, but not given in Almirante. (Spanish.) Early Modern (1452-1700) in films by ferreiracarlos1504 | created - 18 Aug 2011 | updated - 07 Apr 2012 | Public Refine See titles to watch instantly, titles you haven't rated, etc. Translated from the French of the King of Prussia. Frankfort, 1703, 1707. The Infantry of the Bavarian Army 1811: the Uniform Plates of Johann Cantler. Nov 1, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Alex Kiermayer. on Fire globes or balls, pt. Faulder. Published in German, Swedish and Dutch. 328.—Silva Venatoria. A treatise by a Jesuit priest, the author of several mathematical works, cited by Rumpf and Almirante. ballistics, by a Professor of Mathematics, the author of numerous works in Arithmetic, Geometry, etc. Studi Storici Di Luigi Cibrario: Storia del Conte Rosso; Frammenti Storici; Dell'armi Da Fuoco Dal 1300 a 1700; Le Valli Di Lanzo E d'Usseglio a Tempi ... Degli Amor E Della Morte d'Agnese VIS: Cibrario, Luigi: Amazon.sg: Books A compilation published with the same illustrations as used in L'Encyclopaedie du XVIII. 1 hour 30 minutes. 25/fev/2016 - Spanish; Military Administration 1808, L to R Army Treasurer, Commissioner of War, Auditor & Army Intendent. A. P. Galvam, Lisbon, 1718. 257.—Treatise on Gunnery. First edition, London, 177S, 4to, plates, second edition 1782, other editions 1787, 1792, 1800. An official order printed at the Royal Press, Paris, in 1770. Francis Grose. Kentucky Rifle (Deckard Rifle / Longrifle / Pennsylvania Rifle). 1700 (MDCC) was an exceptional common year starting on Friday of the Gregorian calendar and a leap year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar, the 1700th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 700th year of the 2nd millennium, the 100th and last year of the 17th century, and the 1st year of the 1700s decade. LIBRI INGLESI DEL 1700 Bib. John Aldington. with this title are among the MSS. London, 1769. Paris, 1774, fr. London, 1782. This book is epoch - making, and probably no book dealing with firearms is better known or so frequently quoted; its principles were accepted generally, and the work was recognised as the standard authority for many years. London, 1710, 1732. 262.—Attack and Defence of Fortified Places. 1734. 286.—Treatise on Gunpowder, a treatise on firearms and treatise on the service of artillery in the time of war. London, 17S4. Personal Blog. Dr. Allen-Clapp is affiliated with William Beaumont Army Medical Center. 12mo. Sportsman's Delight: a collection of hunting songs in 12mo, 1790. 318.—Unterricht in der Artillerie Wissenschaft. Joseph Gonzalez, Madrid, 1745, 8vo; other editions, Madrid, 1788, Barcelona, no date, Madrid, no date, and Madrid, 1807. The construc­ Paris, 1737, pamphlet. 284.—Poem ; written during a shooting excursion on the Moors. Innys and Richardson, London, 1756. This remains the standard work upon the subject of the military equipment of the British army in mediaeval times. Luz Del Carmen Allen-Clapp , MD. 156. A well-written article of 32 pages, illus­trated with 23 plates, by Prevost and Defehrt, appears in Diderot and Alembert's Encyclop:edie du XVIII. An account of the arms in tho Royal Armoury, Madrid. 12mo. 361.—Polvora. 276.—Poem. 4to, 4 pp. [357 manca] London, 1717, 12mo. Fr. Francesco Vandelli. 340.—Memoires d'Artillerie, containing also "New Artillery," by Scheel. 358.—Artigleria Veneta. 4to, pp. (Portuguese.) 12.01.2015 - Imatge del 1700. Lacombe. London, 1731, 1781. The Hague, 1741. 8vo. Fuchs. Svo. 351.—Esercizio d’Artigliera e maneggio del Fucile. Pleryplegia, or the Art of Shooting Flying. . John Alding­ton. 12mo. coin master gt con piastra nel tornado.ritrovamento senza precedenti.grande avventura nei boschi dell'emilia romagna 4to. Petrini Antonio da Firenze. Plutonei. 366.—Stato dell' Artigleria. A satire. Mauzy Technology Ads from SanDiegoUnionTribune.com Supplement, with distinct pagination and title, Swedish Caroleans Carolinian military uniform (karoliner) under Charles XII Great Nordic War 1700 … ch. Heinsius. Another "Ivriegs Bibliothek," published at Leipzig, in 5 vols. 256.—Great Art op Artillery. V., A poetical essay. 305.—Refutacam dos Canos, etc. NUMISMATICA NORIS. Ant. Siecle, of which it forms the 19th part. Marandone of Turin supposed author. A compendious history of the gun-niakers of Madrid, with the marks they use and the current counterfeits of them. III., St. Petersburg, 1733. A treatise on artillery and musketry drill. An elementary treatise on artillery shooting. 281.—Shooting. Francis Holliday. xii, 170, 4 plates. $38.37 Raiders from New France: North American Forest Warfare Tactics, 17th–18th Centuries (Elite) René Chartrand. It contains: Book I., xiii. Natural history of game birds, etc. Le royaume d'Arragon.jpg 1,308 × 1,496; 2.81 MB. WilliamMountain, F.E.S. W. Somerville. An act of the Parliament of Toulouse prohibiting the killing of partridges. 353.—Dissegni d'ogni sorta de cannoni et mortari. Paris, 1740, 4to. Field Sports " pub­lished separately by J. Orphoot, Edinburgh, 1809, pp. Prudhomme, Paris, 1738, 1743. Paris, 1777. The " Complete Sportsman" appeared in 1718. xxxii, 183. London, 1772. 266.—Easy Introduction to Practical Gunnery, or the Art of Engineering. 337.—Considerations sur la Reforms des Armes. Ham­burg, 1710. Saint Remy. 364.—Arte Fabrile. 8vo. 323.—Memoires d'Artillerie. Yorke." Girard. W. Taplin. 8vo, 313 pp. Francis Fawkes. A manual of instruction for shooters and hunters, with directions for target shooting. London, 1747. A work in Latin by a professor of military architecture at the Bologna Institute. A treatise on Shot Guns, among other things, and the use of them explained, demonstrated and proved. 272.—Introduction to Marine Fortifications and Gunnery. $700 Cubre cajon $700 Corona normal $1000 Contamos con envio a domicilio gratis en funeraria de … 282-3 are given as distinct publications by Watt. London, 1782, Svo; 1783, 1787, 12mo. 354.—Sentimento sopra la prova delle polvere. 1793—1880. The illustrations, which were particularly good, are highly prized; an index to them has been made by the Hon. Anonymous. An examination of the modifications made in cannon. London, 1727, 4to. Stahl.) 4to. H Brown. 302.—Curieuser Kriegs- und Friedens-Stern. The Sporting Magazine. A treatise on theoretical and practical gunnery in Swedish. Containing the determination of the force of gunpowder, and an investigation of the difference in the resisting power of the air to swift and slow motions. A new edition, largely augmented by Le Blond. Del av bonad med Karl XIV Johans begravningståg, 1844 - Livrustkammaren - 108204.tif 5,616 × 3,744; ... under Charles XII Great Nordic War 1700-1721 Tricorne hat Justaucorps (våpenfrakk) etc Rustkammeret Army and Resistance Museum Trondheim Norway 2019-03-20 9488.jpg 2,923 × 5,145; 2.65 MB. A compilation, a book of which the brothers Lallemand write, "contains nothing new." The Russian Army in the Great Northern War 1700-21: Organisation, Materiel, Training and Combat Experience, Uniforms (Century of the Soldier) Boris Megorsky. 319.—Traite des Armes. Armi & eserciti nella storia universale dal 1700 al 1914. 338.—Mémoires de Physique. We. (Portuguese.) A. P. Galvam, Lisbon, 1718. Also, " The Theory of Gunnery." 8vo. Published at Turin, 1763. J. P. Ardesoif, P.X. A treatise on the perfect musket, its use and capabilities. About improved firearms, and the rules to be observed in using them. . A special court is being set up in The Hague to try war crimes committed during the war in Kosovo, the Dutch government says. Frontispiece by Choffard. Turbine Spillway Total Time Elevation Tailwater Generation Release Release Release Date CS/CDT (ft-msl) (ft-msl) (mwh) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) _____ 16FEB2021 1300 657.91 457.65 295 19212 0 19212 16FEB2021 1400 657.90 457.33 259 17269 0 17269 16FEB2021 1500 657.86 455.69 203 14399 0 14399 16FEB2021 1600 657.84 455.66 204 14447 0 14447 16FEB2021 1700 657.80 455.81 239 16517 0 … J. Stock-dale, London, 1790. Brit." 4to. May be found in the " Oom-mentarii Bolognesi," vol. (The work is practically a literal transla­tion of Marolles.) and atlas of 32 plates. Gordeguela. 359.—Regolamento, respecting dimensions of the barrel, bayonet, lock, etc., of the infantry musket, 1788 model. Dec 18, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Walter H.. 312.—Arret. A dialogue between a gunmaker and his pupil; gives some curious particulars of guns and gunmaking, Spanish barrels, loads; practice at moving targets, etc. Dr. John Aikins. A book of natural history, with chapters on fowling, shooting, hunting, etc. Appeared in 1757. Salluziana. Army of ... Bandera militar Spain 1700.jpg 276 × 283; 34 KB. Mauzy, Up to $1,700 OFF A New System. Stockholm, 1741. 352.—La Nobilita e Virtu, che ha in se la virtuosissima professione del vera archisbusiere, composta per suo divertimento, etc. Relates to a new infantry arm, and adduces evidence to show that musketry fire was not appreciated at its proper value. Numerous editions, 1735, 1757, 1767, etc. " 324.—Chasse. Svo. Dr. Allen-Clapp works in El Paso, TX and 1 other location and specializes in Pediatrics. 335.—Manuel du Chasseur. 1 vol., pp. 309.—Espingarda Perfeyta. A vocabulary of the component parts of firearms, muskets, carbines, pistols, etc.

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