He then hands her a bag, it's full of money so she can start over somewhere safe. He tells him that he's the Alpha and that the wolves aren't meant to be slaves. Hayley heads towards the area while Jane-Anne and Sophie prepare to do a spell on her. She thanks her for saving her before against Klaus and the vampires. Hayley and Elijah are still in love in with each other more than ever now since the death of Hayley's husband Jackson. Hayley begs Vincent to do something to save the kids and to save Klaus and Marcel. Hayley and Freya go to some building. This The Originals fan art might contain hip boot and thigh boot. Hayley asks Vincent what Hope is saying and he tells her it means "The Hollow" and that it's coming. When Hope starts crying, Hayley tells him she needs to stop and feed her, and he tells her to get some guys and go to a hideout. She soon meets Rebekah, who at first thought she was the maid, and asks her to fetch her bags from the car. hayley marshall | Tumblr. This angers Hayley. Later on, she and Elijah talk outside the house and he tells her that she doesn't have the Mikaelson heart and that there's too much good in her. As a Labonair on her right shoulder, lies the Crescent birthmark. In A Spirit Here That Won't Be Broken, Hayley stands over Elijah's dead body in a casket. Hayley tells Klaus that Elijah isn't answering his phone. Hayley points out that she didn't use it and Klaus wants to know why, as she could've been free from their predicament. Jackson then tries to stake a vampire, but Hayley tells him not to since they are being controlled by Finn's spell. Hayley holds an unconscious Hope inside of the pentagram, which is going to be used for the ritual. She and Gia are in the nursery and Hayley asks why she's there. He tells her he didn't. Klaus immediately snaps forward and begins to choke her against the door. She goes down a dark path, becoming ruthless, cold, and cruel. She awakens sometime later and punches Aurora in the face and tells Cami to go ahead and put the syringe in Aurora, which knocks her out. added by klausyxcarebear. After the harvest fails she is walking with Elijah and asks for his forgiveness and they almost kiss, but Elijah breaks away and leaves. Hayley was first worried about becoming a mother and her pregnancy and even considered to abort the fetus. He also tells them if she doesn't get the bone she will come and get it herself, burning down the city in the process, which shocks and horrifies Hayley and Freya. Hayley stays in New Orleans to raise her daughter and finds love again with a human. Phoebe Tonkin As the two are having a fight, Hayley pulls out a piece of wood which was stuck in her stomach, rushes to Klaus' location and quickly attacks Lucien with a shovel. In The Battle of New Orleans, during a full moon, after that the Moonlight Rings were created by Genevieve and that Francesca Guerrera revealed herself to be a werewolf and took the Rings, Hayley is taken by the witches who take her in the St. Anne's Church. In The Originals, Hayley's personality is further explored. It gives time to Hayley to escape and she is found by Elijah with whom she confronts Klaus about what Tyler said. Hayley has 3 jobs listed on their profile. Despite not keeping contact, Klaus still sent Hope letters through Hayley. They all kneel and Jackson says she'll always be their queen. He then leaves her to deal with her pack. He tells her he can't undo the evil things he has done and also all of the pain and suffering he has caused in the past. Hayley ready to get out of the city with Jackson and Hope, and they leave the nursery soon after. In Alive and Kicking, Hayley is seen in the bath. During his interrogation of her, they eventually have sex and Klaus alludes to knowing something about Hayley's family when he notices a peculiar birthmark on her back. Which surprises and shocks both Klaus and Hayley. She tells Elijah she did terrible things to find her family and when she finally did, they were already dead. Klaus forbids her to go to the bayou because it is too dangerous out there and then asks her to go with him. She is shocked and horrified at what she is seeing. Scopri (e salva) i tuoi Pin su Pinterest. She says Klaus is afraid of trusting anyone and she then decides to tell him about Hope. She wants to see how and why her parents were killed. He uses magic on her to make sure she doesn't move. Dahlia tells her she has no quarrel with her, but if she were to deny her what is owed to her, it would result in her death. Hayley and Freya continue to talk. It is revealed later that Hayley has found peace with Jackson and other deceased werewolves from her family. Freya argues with her, but before anything is else said, Elijah appears. He tells her that she's tough like her dad. She has also expressed a desire to raise the child alongside Klaus. Just before the spell ends they see Hayley's father dropping a key in a floorboard, just before he died. Later, she is sitting in her bedroom in front of a fire and Elijah comes in, holding out the list, which is shown to have all names crossed off. In Haunter of Ruins, she talks with the rest of the family at the safe house and notices Hope has just woke up. He then tells to Hayley that Klaus will use the baby blood to reform a hybrid army and he has to till the baby before. She confesses to him that she read his journals to find Celeste's body, because Sophie could help her family with their curse. Hayley tells Keelin if she wants to survive she will do everything Hayley tells her to do. She also tells him that she appreciates him helping her and that if there's any chance of making Finn an ally, he needs to go. Hayley is with Freya she is still shocked over what happened. When he tells her that the wolves aren't just disappearing, they're being hunted, her eyes widen in horror. In Gather Up the Killers, at home Hayley walks up some stairs into an attic and she sees a coffin. He also tells her before he begins his ritual she needs to leave so Hope is not in danger anymore. After Chris's death, Hayley is passed out the next morning next to Tyler on a sofa; they had clearly spent the entire night drinking in honor of Chris. Hayley finds Diego, she pushes him against a wall and is holding a stake against his heart. Hayley has 1 job listed on their profile. They talk about Hope and how she fits into all of this. When Tyler comes back, he finds Hayley has gone and Klaus tells him she left. She then turns around to see Elijah standing behind her. Freya's spell is almost done but Hayley hears Elijah in trouble and realizes she must go; Freya tells her to go and Hayley gets up to help Elijah. After Josh moves the freezer they go into the tunnel. After he is done feeding. She asks how Hope is and he says she's safe and well, he then hesitates and says he'll find a way to release her from the curse. He pumps them with wolfsbane and decides to get revenge for when she tortured him. As he continues to yell at her for being trapped. After the witch tells her about Lara, a werewolf, she tells Hayley to go to the Bayou. Klaus finds her at the feast and tells her that it's very bold of her to come to the feast on her own and he's impressed that she managed to find out what his deal with the werewolves is. Vincent tells them the book of the Hollow is the only thing he can use to destroy her. She was first introduced in The Vampire Diaries as a werewolf who later on became a hybrid in The Originals. She later walks down a street and she feels a hand touch her, to which she proceeds to swing her hand and hit Declan. She also tells Freya she needs to know if it will stop the Hollow from coming after her daughter. Hayley teams up with Klaus and Elijah to remove the moonlight rings from the werewolves. As the two were having a moment, Elijah hugged Hayley and kissed her on the forehead. When she tells Mary about the symbol related to the cult and Hope's drawings, Mary shows her the journal her husband, Richard, had. Jackson is mad at her because she will always stand by the Mikaelsons despite the crimes they have committed. Jackson says the fight with Dahlia is not theirs and it isn't Hope's either. She is able to handle herself very well despite her delicate state, even holding her own against threats like Mikael. In Season Two, Hayley goes on a rampage against those for making her give up Hope. 372K 8.7K 16. However, when Klaus is forced to return to New Orleans when Hayley is kidnapped by Purist vampires, they share a brief reunion before Hayley sacrifices her life to save Hope's life. In You Hung the Moon, Hayley agrees to what Davina her to do, but without issuing a threat to the witch. Join Facebook to connect with Hayley Marshall and others you may know. She tries to reason with him that if they tell the wolves and Jackson, they could have an army of super-wolves who would protect Hope at all costs. Worried about changing the plan, Hayley texts Shane about having problems, but he merely tells her to fix it. She states that she doesn't feel any better. Hayley and Elijah talk about their day. She finally pulls the knife out, Hayley asks him why is he doing this to her. They let Klaus continue to believe this in order to distract him from the fact that they were systematically unsiring his hybrids from him. Hayley is later forced to sacrifice her life to save Hope, which ends any relationship she might have redeveloped with Elijah. Hayley swears that they will not touch her baby and that she will kill them all, but she can't move as she goes into labor and only can struggle. They burst through the doors and fall together in the sunlight and both instantly burst into flames as Klaus looks on and screams at the sight of Hayley's burning corpse. She confronts him about why he kept the journal from her and read somewhere there is a unification ceremony that bestowed certain abilities onto every member of the pack, and if he believes it. She tells them about the unification ceremony and if she and Jackson get married, they all would inherit her abilities and not have to use the rings anymore. She would bite Marcel as he would be his secret weapon due to the venom in his system. A few days later Hayley is reading Elijah's journals and learn more about him and his feelings about his siblings. After they get through the river, they arrive at a road and a werewolf drives up with a car ready, and they load up on the truck. Hayley walks down the aisle and up to the balcony where Mary is and they exchange vows, to which they kiss. Hayley is at times immature, impulsive and tends to speak before she thinks, which can get her into trouble. Hayley is putting some vials together. Freya shows them her talisman. This leaded Hayley to collapse at Father Kieran's funeral. Hayley is arguing with Elijah about how she was protecting Hope from someone they don't completely trust and Elijah says even if they do or don't, they need her, which makes Hayley frown. When Jackson sees this, he calls Freya to babysit Hope so he and Hayley can be out for a day. She goes through the files Kieran has on werewolf rituals and ceremonies, and concludes it sounds more like folklore and fables. Eve is standing besides him and he tells her that all he wants is for Hayley to be happy. Hayley Marshall was born on August 15, 1985 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Hayley is then wandering around the Bayou and comes upon a beat up trailer, and catches two arrows in midair. June 2020. Four Harvest Girls meet with them, and tell them they have a deal for them. Marcel tells her that he bought her life with that heart. Hayley tells them someone will die. Hayley says that that was very heroic of him. Hayley screams at Klaus demanding that he needs to back off. the originals. She begs him to fight back but he allows her to beat him bloody until she realizes her baby is behind her. As Freya begins her spell to bring Hope's spirit into the pendant. Mary tells her that Jackson is depressed, drinking whisky and shooting arrows at the The Bayou. Hayley attempted to run away with Hope due to the increasing danger brought on by Dahlia and Klaus' family. He tells her they lost Jerick, and that what Aiden did by keeping them scattered was a smart plan. Hayley tells Keelin all she needs is her venom. Both are called by another name that their birth one; Hayley being born as Andréa Labonair and Katherine as Katerina Petrova. She then puts a trucker cap on him and with the keys in hand, they head off to their destination. She tells him she never knew her real parents and that she triggered the gene by accidentally killing someone in a boating accident while she was drunk. Hayley tells him not to worry. She asks him why he is throwing a fake party in honor of Marcel. She tells him what she saw and experienced when she went through the red door; a lot of innocent people being slaughtered. She cups his face, looking at the wound on his cheekbone and she vamps out, feeding on him. Upset about his rift with Elijah she tries to help the werewolves who don't have a place to go and hide from Davina's releasing power. I can't believe Hope is never gonna see her mother again. Hayley takes a drop of her baby's blood to complete her transition. Hayley tells Lara her and Marcel won't hurt her, Hayley begs for help on helping Hope and stopping the Hollow. Hayley joins Freya as she does a spell to find Elijah. Hayley asks Jackson if he's okay with it, he says it's a piece of cake nervously. She says she's still a Crescent and is the last of the Labonair line, which makes her an alpha. In An Old Friend Calls, Hayley is at the compound looking at a piece of paper with a list of names on it. Jackson asks her if he's good to her. She puts Jackson's hand on her belly so that he can feel it too. They try to come up with their own to save Elijah. Hayley tells him Hope needs him. She continues to fight and kill. Eve tells Hayley about how their pack was killed by Marcel and the surviving descendants were cursed to be in their werewolf forms for most of the time, and only turn into their human forms on the night of a full moon. Genevieve and Monique reveal that they will sacrifice her baby. Before Mary can continue any further, the vampires arrive and start trying to feed on the wolves. At first, she was against it and wanted to follow Elijah's treaty. When Freya tells them she needs more time to see if Elijah's soul is in there, they all of them break down in tears. Later, she breaks into Shane's office, and when he arrives she reveals that her deal with Shane was to get him twelve hybrids, unsired from Klaus, in exchange for information about her parents. They talk about how ill he is. She lunges at Eva to get away from Hope and before she can check on her, Eva telekinetically throws her back into the bedroom. She stands up and puts the list in the back pockets of her jeans. She tells Kol to back off so Freya can use her magic to find Klaus so they can get out of town again. Freya finally gets into the room where Hayley was being held hostage, Hayley asks Freya if the totem was destroyed, she isn't sure and Freya gives her a knife and tells her she needs to stab the Hollow. Hope comes and saves her dad, shocking both Elijah and Hayley. With the book now destroyed they can't do a thing to help Hope and kill the Hollow. Hayley died with her baby's blood in her system and now she is transitioning into a hybrid, but she will have to feed on her baby's blood in order to survive. Hayley is in her room packing and Elijah goes in the room to talk to her. In When the Levee Breaks, she is at St. James Infirmary talking to Aiden and Jackson telling them they'll be safe for now since the place is spelled and no one can do magic there, but she says they are given until the next night to hand over Hope, but since Dahlia is drawn to Hope's magic, no matter where they go she will always follow. In current time Hayley is in labor and the witches are preparing to deliver the baby. She tells him Hope is nothing like her or the Mikaelsons, that she's innocent and a very sweet child. Rebekah warns her she should've left the moment Elijah disappeared and Hayley responds that she can't as she isn't able to leave New Orleans due to the spell binding her to Sophie. Hayley realizing it's not Jackson fights back. The events at the feast however made it clear to her that the weak will always be at the mercy of whoever is calling the shots. Hayley lastly asks about what happened with him and Marcel, as they were once like father and son. They all sit around a fire and Jackson explains to her that after Francesca Guerrera took over, she offered a moonlight ring, but he refused and was left to die. The Hollow continues to torture Hayley by breaking every bone in her body. He joke asked if it was a love letter and asked for whom she wrote it. Hair color She realizes Elijah turned Tristan and he asks what she thought of him. Tyler asking Hayley why she was talking to Professor Shane. 54 notes. He reveals he's a Paxon and the others are from the others, such as Malraux, Deep Water, BasRoq, Barry and Poldark. Jackson thinks it is a bad idea getting in the way of a Mikaelson battle. Freya tells Hayley and Klaus that Hope's blood can be used as a weapon against The Hollow. She is very skilled with kick/punch combos Hayley faced, unarmed, four witches armed with machetes and crossbows and managed to kill them with her bare hands. In Every Mother's Son, Hayley tells Klaus that she will help him get rid of Esther. Unfortunately, when she tries to take her daughter away from Klaus, which fails miserably when Klaus teams up with Dahlia, Klaus took his daughter back, and had Dahlia place her under the Crescent Curse as punishment for trying to take Hope away from him. 'The Vampire Diaries' Profile: Hayley Marshall-Kenner. The Labonair family was one of the two royal families which ruled the Crescent Wolf Clan, which itself ran the French Quarter. hayley. Freya tells her it will considering she can feel the mystical energy. Watch it in HD + HEADPHONES. Vincent calls Elijah and he says he was acting like he was on Eva's side so that he could find the witches. Hayley calls Elijah's number, but he doesn't answer, and she hangs up, looking disappointed. She is a highly skilled manipulator with extremely questionable morals, she has proven she is willing to do anything to get what she wants (including betraying those she claims to care about); even at the expense of others' lives. In the meantime Elijah is watching her from a distance. After Klaus leaves, Hayley says instead of going after her, she'll go after the things she loves. klayley. She then leaves and while Finn is looking away, Cami is gone again. Later that night, after Tyler calls Hayley to tell her that Kimberley broke the sire bond, Hayley is in Shane's office and tells him they freed another one. Elijah says that an alliance with Klaus will guarantee anything but that. As Hayley leaves, Katie calls one of Marcel's vampires and tells them there is a werewolf in the quarter. At Lucien's penthouse, they begin to search for the antidote, but can't find it. Marcel and Hayley go into the church leaving Elijah behind. In Red Door, Hayley arrives at Marcel's loft and tells him the werewolf kids are safe in the north. Jackson and Oliver however think that it's a good idea. She meets Jackson, the wolf who has been watching her and protecting her. While they are in the tunnel they find Klaus. Later on, she is proven to be pregnant with his daughter, and their relationship remains neutral although it turns negative after she falsely accuses him of using their baby's blood to create hybrids and he attempts to eliminate her werewolf kin. When Rebekah is about to leave, she apologizes to Hayley about the things she said when she was insane. Cause I ain't fighting on your side anymore" [Aria]. Hayley has become far more hypocritical, after Klaus apparently joined forces with Dahlia, after she tried to take their daughter away from him, and after he had Dahlia, place her under the Crescent Curse, before she was fully transformed into her wolf form, Hayley uses her final moments to try and reason with Klaus, pleading with him to see that Dahlia will take Hope away from them, only for Klaus to call her out on her hypocritical nature, and coldly remind Hayley that she was the one who tried to take Hope away from him not Dahlia. As Davina takes the break from being Regent Hayley comes over to her and they start talking. Hayley eventually wakes up and demands to know where Hope went. In Bring It On, Hayley is attacked by a vampire named Will who was sent by Katherine to kill her. To help with the cure. She and Jackson arrive at Mary's home and she welcomes them inside. Elijah tells Hayley it was a lovely wedding and that he's going to be joining Marcel in Algiers, as with his guidance, the vampire community could prosper. Hayley fights a few of The Strix members and watches Marcel stake Elijah with The Cursed Stake. In Exquisite Corpse, she hears the commotion of Eva taking over her body from Rebekah and goes to the nursery. In Live and Let Die, Hayley walks in a room where Elijah is and tells him that everyone in the compound has supernatural hearing, which makes Elijah tell her off and she tells him Klaus left a while ago. 05-may-2017 - “ Freya Mikaelson → 4x07 “High Water and a Devil’s Daughter” ” She tells Jackson that the pack is gathering for Aiden's funeral and he tells her that he can't live under Klaus' roof and be an Alpha, in which he gives her time to think as well. While there, she met Jane-Anne and Sophie Deveraux, who detected her pregnancy. When Elijah discovers that Rebekah is missing they are going to find her. When Klaus and Elijah back home they do not find Hayley. Oliver suggests that vampires are responsible for this. Hayley Marshall-Kenner (born Andrea Labonair) was a main character of The Originals. Hayley sets off to find Tyler when she hears from one of Klaus' hybrids, who was from a pack she used to run with, talking about protecting him, She surprises Tyler when she shows up at his house unannounced, something which Tyler is clearly happy about. She was transported to The Other Side where Mikael tries to kill her and her child but she managed to defeat him (more for her daughter than for herself) as Genevieve succeeded to bring her back. Hayley has 1 job listed on their profile. She and Ansel arrive at the cemetery and they find a bloodied Oliver suspended by his wrists in the greenhouse. That she should have wanted to be with him and not Elijah. She triggered the werewolf curse when she was drunk on a boat trip and accidentally killed someone. She then sees Elijah feeding on someone. Hayley was transformed into a hybrid by her daughter's blood. Through this family tree Hayley discovers that her birth name is Andrea Labonair. Klaus assures her that the better punishment is sentencing Tyler to a lifetime of paranoia and fear. Hayley forgives her. Hayley calls him out on his attempts to soften her up before mentioning Klaus' plans to kill Tyler.

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