The most thorough study of Góngora in English is antagonistic, Elisha K. Kane, Gongorism and the Golden Age: A Study of Exuberance and Unrestraint in the Arts (1928). The cities that he visited included Madrid, Salamanca, Granada, Jaén, and Toledo. He had strong partisans—Lope de Vega was an admirer—and equally powerful enemies, none more so than his rival Francisco de Quevedo, who outdid even Góngora in mordant and unrelenting satire. Góngora was always successful with his lighter poetry—the romances, letrillas, and sonnets—but his longer works, the Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea (circulated in manuscript in 1613; “Fable of Polyphemus and Galatea”) and the Soledades (circulated in manuscript in 1613; “Solitudes”), written in an intensely difficult and purposely complex style, provoked the scorn and enmity of many. by Nicholson B. Adams, 1960), and in Richard E. … [2] Góngora's passion for card-playing ultimately contributed to his ruin. Miguel de Cervantes, in his Viaje del Parnaso, catalogued the good and bad poets of his time. Updates? Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The word culteranismo blends culto ("cultivated") and luteranismo ("Lutheranism") and was coined by its opponents to present it as a heresy of "true" poetry. His Baroque, convoluted style, known as Gongorism (gongorismo), was so exaggerated by less gifted imitators that his reputation suffered after his death until it underwent a revaluation in the 20th century. Nacido en el seno de una familia acomodada, estudió en la Universidad de Salamanca. It features a typical Andalusian patio and free Wi-Fi in the entire property. He took religious orders so that he might receive an ecclesiastical benefice but was not ordained priest until he was 55 years old, when he was named chaplain to the royal court in Madrid. Jones of selected poems was published in 1966. A los 15 años empezó a estudiar Derecho en la Universidad de Salamanca. The best-known representative of Spanish conceptismo, Francisco de Quevedo, had an ongoing feud with Luis de Góngora in which each criticized the other's writing and personal life. Luis de Góngora y Argote (n.2020, Córdoba, Kingdom of Córdoba[*] , Coroana Castiliei – d. 23 mai 1627, Córdoba, Kingdom of Córdoba[*] , Coroana Castiliei) a fost un poet și dramaturg aparținând „Secolului de aur” al literaturii spaniole, cel mai de seamă reprezentant al curentului literar cunoscut sub denumirea de „culteranism” (sau chiar „gongorism”, după numele poetului). "Góngora's poetry is inclusive rather than exclusive", one scholar has written, "willing to create and incorporate the new, literally in the form of neologisms. "[24], García Lorca presented a lecture called "La imagen poética en don Luís de Góngora" at the Ateneo in Seville in 1927. Góngora and his lifelong rival, Francisco de Quevedo, are widely considered to be the most prominent Spanish poets of their age. Luis de Góngora, in full Luis de Góngora y Argote, (born July 11, 1561, Córdoba, Spain—died May 23, 1627, Córdoba), one of the most influential Spanish poets of his era.His Baroque, convoluted style, known as Gongorism (), was so exaggerated by less gifted imitators that his reputation suffered after his death until it underwent a revaluation in the 20th century. [26], The philosopher Baruch Spinoza proposed in his Ethics (1677) that a man can die before his body stops moving. Personal page of the work of Luis de Góngora Evidencia de Ayleen Ríos, Isabel Mancera y Audrey Mena [27] The historian Carl Gebhardt wrote that "this was probably Góngora, whose works Spinoza possessed, and who lost his memory a year before his death".[28]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965. "[12] As far away as Peru, he received the praise of Juan de Espinosa Medrano (ca. An edition of his poems was published almost immediately after his death by Juan López de Vicuña; the frequently reprinted edition by Hozes did not appear until 1633. Cervantes, after reading "El Panegírico", said: "the [work] I most esteem from those I've read of his. In 1626 a severe illness, which seriously impaired the poet's memory, forced him to return to Córdoba, where he died the following year. The son of a judge, Góngora profited from his father’s fine library and from relatives in positions to further his education. His letters, as well as some of his satirical verse, show an unhappy and financially distressed life vexed by the animosity that some of his writings had evoked. Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana. Excerpts of poetry from one against the other are included within the story itself and poetry from each is included at the back of some of the books. Luís de Góngora y Argote nació en el seno de una familia adinerada el 11 de julio de 1561. [9] He was also the first to write poems imitating the speech of blacks. Góngora also wrote sonnets concerning various subjects of an amatory, satirical, moral, philosophical, religious, controversial, laudatory, and funereal nature. "[9] This anti-Gongorist sonnet mocks the unintelligibility of culteranismo and its widespread use of flowery neologisms, including sulquivagante (he who plies the seas; to travel without a clear destination); speluncas ("caves"); surculos (sprouts, scions). Velázquez painted his portrait. In the poem's end, Acis, enamored with Galatea, is turned into a river. Introduction. [16], Góngora's Fábula de Polifemo y Galatea (1612) narrates a mythological episode described in Ovid's Metamorphoses: the love of Polyphemus, one of the Cyclopes, for the nymph Galatea, who rejects him. Luis de Góngora y Argote (Córdoba, b. [14], Góngora's poems are usually grouped into two blocks, corresponding more or less to two successive poetic stages. Although he studied classical* culture at the University of Salamanca, he never graduated. For other people bearing the surname, see. He attended the University of Salamanca and achieved fame quickly. Luis de Góngora's Works Manuscript copy of Góngora's poems by Antonio Chacón, with whom the author probably collaborated. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Luis de Góngora y Argote (Córdoba, España, 1561-id., 1627) Poeta español. Recursos Literarios Pregunta 2 yuxtaposición - todo el poema dos interpretaciones: la belleza es importante y no es importante porque morirás imaginería - todo el poema descripción vívida de la naturaleza y la mujer hipérbole líneas 1-8 exagera las cualidades de la mujer anáfora Gongorismo derives from a more general base, culteranismo (q.v. His position took him to Madrid, where he suffered financially. Luis de gongora 1. Luis de Góngora was born in 1561 in Córdoba. Góngora was born to a noble family in Córdoba, where his father, Francisco de Argote, was corregidor, or judge. (English: There's no altar, but there's a gambling den; not much of a Christian, / but he's very much a cardsharp, not a cleric, definitely a harpy). Góngora and his lifelong rival, Francisco de Quevedo, are widely considered the most prominent Spanish poets of all time. Luis de Góngora y Argote (11 July 1561 – 24 May 1627) was a Spanish Baroque lyric poet. In the Polifemo and the Soledades Góngora elaborated his style by the introduction of numerous Latinisms of vocabulary and syntax and by exceedingly complex imagery and mythological allusions. [4] Góngora's nose, the subject of Quevedo's "A una nariz", begins with the lines: Érase un hombre a una nariz pegado, / érase una nariz superlativa, / érase una nariz sayón y escriba, / érase un peje espada muy barbado (English: Once there was a man stuck to a nose, / it was a nose more marvellous than weird, / it was a nearly living web of tubes, / it was a swordfish with an awful beard).[5]. Lo luminoso y lo oscuro en Góngora surgen de una misma raíz proteica, capaz de enfrentar el doble espejo en el que … "[18], He also wrote plays, which include La destrucción de Troya, Las firmezas de Isabela, and the unfinished Doctor Carlino.[19]. The movement aimed to use as many words as possible to convey little meaning or to conceal meaning. He was forced to move in search of patronage to Madrid, where his finances and health worsened. the sonnets include autobiographical elements, describing, for example, the increasing decrepitude and advancing age of the author. His major long poem The Solitudes has been translated for a new bilingual edition by Edith Grossman (2012, Penguin). Luis de Góngora y Argote ​(Córdoba, 11 de julio de 1561-ib., 23 de mayo de 1627) fue un poeta y dramaturgo español del Siglo de Oro, máximo exponente de la corriente literaria conocida más tarde, y con simplificación perpetuada durante siglos, como culteranismo o gongorismo, cuya obra será imitada a lo largo de los siglos en Europa y América. In Giannina Braschi's bilingual novel Yo-Yo Boing! In the second of the five parts of Roberto Bolaño's novel 2666 (published posthumously in 2004), "The Part about Amalfitano", one of the characters (the poet, whose name is never explicitly stated) quotes a verse from Góngora: Ande yo caliente y ríase la gente. Luis de Góngora y Argote (born Luis de Argote y Góngora)[1] (Spanish pronunciation: [lwiz ðe ˈɣoŋɡoɾa]; 11 July 1561 – 24 May 1627) was a Spanish Baroque lyric poet. The 19th century found little to like in the obscure and difficult Góngora, but his tercentenary in 1927 reestablished his importance. Vicuña's work was appropriated by the Spanish Inquisition and was later surpassed by an edition by Gonzalo de Hozes in 1633. [22], Rafael Alberti added his own Soledad tercera (Paráfrasis incompleta). Hijo de una familia bastante acomodada u pues su padre era un juez de buena familia y su madre provenía de la alta sociedad. Francisca, María y Juan er… Mit fünfzehn Jahren schrieb er sich an der Universität Salamanca für das Studium der Rechtswissenschaften ein. [23] In 1961, Alberti declared, "I am a visual poet, like all of the poets from Andalusia, from Góngora to García Lorca. Background information is in George Tyler Northup, An Introduction to Spanish Literature (1925; 3d ed. Instituto de Educación Secundaria Luis de Góngora, C/ del Río s/n, 28850 Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) In addition, Góngora composed one of his most ambitions works, El Panegírico al Duque de Lerma (1617), a poem in 79 royal octaves. As a canon associated with this cathedral, Luis de Góngora traveled on diverse commissions to Navarre, Andalusia and Castile. [2] His uncle, Don Franscisco, a prebendary of Córdoba Cathedral, renounced his post in favour of his nephew, who took deacon's orders in 1586.[3]. View in Augmented Reality. This style existed in stark contrast to Quevedo's conceptismo. "Góngora" redirects here. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston Boston, MA, United States. Culteranismo existed in stark contrast with conceptismo, another movement of the Baroque period which is characterized by a witty style, games with words, simple vocabulary, and conveying multiple meanings in as few words as possible. Luis de Góngora y Argote (Còrdova, 11 de juliol de 1561 - 23 de maig de 1627) fou un poeta i dramaturg del Segle d'or espanyol, màxim exponent del corrent literari conegut com a culteranisme o gongorisme, que més tard imitarien altres artistes. [11] Alonso explored his work exhaustively and called Góngora a "mystic of words.

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