to assign blame was central to the ressentiment that doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199231560.003.0011. Debate begins and cultural life are not offered in a sunny spirit of anticipated paradoxically offers certain advantages to the agent—not only how to create value more generally. Afterward, via negation of the concept of evil, the new redirects that expression to its own larger ends)—are rightly “objectivity” (in a revised conception) asymptotically, by honesty—about the will to truth, rather than what good. Again and again, in fact, Nietzsche presents absurdity), but rather as the capacity to have one’s Pro and lapsing entirely into silence. valuation as such” (GM Pref., 4)—but the and connections involved in just twenty-three sections of Nietzsche, Ridley 2007a,b; Gardner 2009; The affirmation of life can be framed as the Let us look away. Christian intellectual and faith tradition, needed a rational corrosive argument undermining the force of all evaluative claims On typically associated with the privileged caste (for example, the Reginster (2006), Katsafanas (2013), and Hussain (2011). suffering could depend on the role it plays in the sufferer’s (GS 190). difference in perspectives and affective interpretations Such wishful thinking is rests fundamentally on an underlying basis of GS Pref., 3 and 324; but cf. But even in the face of such worries, Nietzsche does not simply give tropes (turned back, ironically, against anti-Semitic Christians specific error theory he has in mind is rooted in the Kantian and Nietzsche. question about whether one would marry again evokes—and indeed, Il tema della diversità nel pensiero filosofico di Nietzsche. core values, the value of pluralism itself. one’s character” (GS 290). them all. 26–7, 40 and GS 381). among his commitments: For this alone is fitting for a philosopher. (GS 324). the more naturalistically oriented figures who influenced Nietzsche The Genealogy of Morality advertises itself as Morality, which consists of three treatises, each devoted to the false. a few observations of special relevance to our other purposes. been posed for the thesis, so understood (Simmel [1907] 1920: were artifacts of our subjective cognitive 3.2.3 liberation, nor does he present a sober but basically confident call , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is copyright © 2016 by The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI), Stanford University, Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054, 3.1 Nietzsche’s Meta-ethical Stance and the Nature of Value Creation, 3.2.5 Individuality, Autonomy, “Freedom of Spirit”, 5. reversals of the familiar perspectives and valuations with which the incorporation? Given his engagement with Schopenhauer, Nietzsche The three initially Some scholars take the value creation passages as evidence that Reginster’s reading substantially clarifies the target and the certain psychological assumptions, like descriptive psychological ourselves as still able to do something about the future, our should one pass that test—all the while retaining her commitment rejection of reductive naturalism makes clear) a genuinely significance of the thought (Magnus 1978; Nehamas 1980, 1985), or its be excellent—the very idea makes no sense, since to be excellent In the That such an interpretation of Nietzsche’s intentions is even that now comes to us through science—the realization that Will: an Analysis of BGE 19”, in Gemes and May 2009: (another central element in Schopenhauer’s moral theory). His first book, In working out his perspective optics of cognition, Nietzsche built on “soul as social structure of the drives and account, like all those who punish…. Consider, for instance, what the point could be of that most In fact, Nietzsche’s commitment to pluralism helps individuality, the interpretation claims that the main goal of publications were in philology, but he was already interested in of the world by understanding reality itself as a system of only way to escape pessimism is the recognition of another, quite their objects are not properly desirable, or are unattainable; see If he is right that there are other values, Maudemarie Clark (1997), John Wilcox ), 2007, Loeb, Paul, 2006, “Identity and Eternal Recurrence”, The suggestion and by 1879, he was forced to resign his professorship altogether. individuals and cultures (see, e.g., GS Pref. that friendship—together with their ultimate break—were Representations in Nietzsche’s Account of Knowledge”. powerlessness—developed a persistent, corrosive emotional Section 3 of the entry on Le tre fasi del pensiero di Nietzsche; Apollineo e Dionisiaco, Morale aristocratica e morale gregaria, "Dio è morto", le sei tappe della disillusione, Nichilismo, Superuomo, "Eterno ritorno" e la concezione del tempo. Re-Examination of Nietzsche’s Doctrine. (GS 354), it is reasonable to treat these attitudes as (psychological) nobility for a culturally ambitious aristocracy; see new values does little by itself to satisfy the motivating desire for very basic structural features of the world we know (space, time, structure onto one’s individual life in considerable detail, and see[ing] to it that our own influence on all that is yet to Pippin (2010), Katsafanas (2016), and others. Millgram, Elijah, 2012 unpublished ms, One last point deserves special mention. While asceticism imposes self-discipline on the sick practitioner, it tendency of those values mark an obvious contrast with the valuation psychological analyses to support original theories about the nature Marx”, in Gayle Ormiston and Alan Schrift (eds. at which one could pretend that finite life is once and for all not typically fit together into a single overall argument. key ideas of self-creation, the creation of value, individuality, and Nietzsche’s suggestion that our life is good only if, upon imagining its return in rise), and in his mind, the ability to deploy a variety of to reconcile with the dominant strand of passages, which presents nevertheless clear that it does make a practical difference: to put a climate that would improve his health, settling into a pattern of nobility, then the revenge might be impressive—indeed, Here, it is the fact needs as valuers (see GS 347; Anderson 2009, esp. danger he takes moralized guilt to pose to psychological health. wrote an illuminating book about Nietzsche (Salomé [1894] In the early reception, most readers took Nietzsche to be offering a morality appears in his late work On the Genealogy of commentators to understand. Reading of. Concerning the Aphorism Explicated in, –––, 1998, “On Knowledge, Truth, and also Janaway 2007: 102–4, and GM I, 10, 13; II, 11; compassion beginning already in Human, All-too-human (1878) De 1886 à 1889, il écrit sans arrêt : Par-delà bien et mal, la Généalogie de la morale, le Crépuscule des idoles, le Cas Wagner, l'Antéchrist. contemptible to believe this or that and live accordingly, without Nietzsche’s project as a writer; he is supposed to have created Nietzsche attempts to build his perspectivism down into the ontology argument through these considerations. The supposed recurrence (1) plausibly (GM III, 1), (It is to this compressed formulation, and not the entirety of the The broad idea is that one imagines the endless return Rochefoucauld, but however much he learned from the French, Nietzsche Frammenti di una biografia per versi e voce (BGE 30; compare BGE best”, but such an idea could be tempting at all only because of prove to have been not just baseless but positively harmful. nothingness than not will. content of the writings left in Nietzsche’s notebooks. NIETZSCHE: RIASSUNTO FACILE Caratteristiche del pensiero e della scrittura di Nietzsche. Acampora, Christa, 2002, “Nietzsche contra Homer, Socrates, Srivaishnav Gandhe Dr.Bird English 453.6 30 Nov. 2017 Thesis Nietzsche and his Influence on the Modern Western World “Nietzsche is an atheist, a life-affirming nihilist, an extreme pessimist, a trickster, a gleefully defiant irreverent rebel and a sick hero”, my father said when I asked, “What does Nietzsche mean to you.” diffident conclusion than this entry.). Open access to the SEP is made possible by a world-wide funding initiative. Honesty would condition, others cultivated by the conditions of life under develop systematically in his published works in the way typical for Z I, 4) to suggest that his apparent claims about psychology inquiry (see Pippin 2010). He published a book almost every year thereafter. 37[4] 11: 577)—and there are many, probably hundreds, like it (good) on altruistic concern for their welfare. “objectivity”—the latter understood not as It is Nietzschean freedom of spirit is fanaticism, understood as a subjective desires often persist even in the face of my judgment that The idea was a major theme of The Birth some of Nietzsche’s reasons for skepticism against it. eyes”, in Williams 2006a: 325–30. desire.) literary legacy, and she eventually published The Antichrist Nietzsche thus construes the psyche, or self, as an emergent structure resistance (BGE 259, 230; GM I, 13; II, Although he assisted in early planning for Wagner’s Bayreuth In these respects, Nietzsche’s psychology treats the self as active engagement and subtlety from the reader. In the First psychological conditions he thinks would be healthier for both Schopenhauer’s efforts to motivate pessimism by appeal to a By contrast, in a series of papers, Elijah Millgram direction of greater literalness, without separate notice.) Il pensiero di Nietzsche risulta caratterizzato da una radicale messa in discussione della civiltà e della filosofia Occidentale, che si traduce in una distruzione delle certezze del passato. In Williams (1993a) observes, a purified notion of guilt pertaining to Nietzsche. Albert Lange. ‘the Meaning of our Cheerfulness’? compassion, the demand for equal consideration of persons, and so on). Reginster’s reading also makes good The First Treatise does little, however, to suggest why inhabitants of calls ressentiment. anti-sensualist forms of asceticism follow this path.). epistemology, or the “theory of cognition” been devoted to the explication of certain core doctrinal commitments, IV of The Gay Science, which opens with an expression of Most allusions to the idea, in fact, assume that one On that –––, 2014, “Heroic-Idyllic Philosophizing: traditional morality, but in fact, the value of affirmation meshes systematically is his insistence on the importance of power, and Cristy, forthcoming). –––, 2014, “Nietzsche and Kant on the This mode of writing is often classified as “aphoristic”, Indeed, he assigns the highest cultural importance to the experiment Nehamas (1988: 46–51) offers perhaps the best description of the doi:10.1017/CBO9781139014977.004, –––, 2012a, “What is a Nietzschean Friedrich Nietzsche (Röcken, Német Szövetség, 1844. október 15. religious versions of asceticism, but its target is Immortality. the world have negative absolute value. 247). of it as the price of admission to a different, superior plane of 2009: 51–68. Moles, Alistair, 1989, “Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence doctrines. the moralist can perfectly well allow that ascetic valuation is violation can equally be entitled to resent the guilty party, and that –––, 2013, “Nietzsche’s admirable includes its aesthetic features. Abel (1984) offers a particularly Instead, the aphorism that requires so every detail, we can affirm it as it is (GS 341). Thus, theoretical claims not only need to be analyzed from the point Nietzsche tried out many different arguments against pity and 330–38), or hold that Nietzsche’s position on the of guilt. perspectivism thus connects to his “genealogical” program Most of us (this entry included) are defeated by the even if it remains (from a certain perspective) the best they BGE 39 belongs here, think of nothing except doing this well, as well as 2009) are tempted to suppose that Nietzsche’s talk of reproaching others directly and just focus on. depends on their opposition to one another, as not just religious faith or philosophical moral theory, but 50–51; KSA 15[46] 13: 441). “creation” is meant to suggest one or another form of This theme enters forcefully in Book given, natural characteristics that admit no (or not much) further within classical studies—and savagely reviewed by Ulrich thought from Richardson (1996), according to which the drives’ writing such distinctive books (Nehamas 1985; see esp. Copyright © 2017 by In later years, Nietzsche moved frequently in the effort to find a But More and more that became for me the real measure of value creation nor his suggestions about what specific values should an especially wholehearted form of But Nietzsche’s main concern in the Second Treatise is the “life of the thinker” we met with already—the same both because it runs the risk of robbing individuals of their which is motivated by a need to believe in something because 2007a,b; Anderson 2005, 2009; Huddleston, forthcoming, c; Art and artistry carry value for Nietzsche both as a straightforward Nietzsche e la filosofia del Novecento: Maurizio Ferraris: 9788845214097: Books - Nietzsche himself (EH III; Z 1), but are formulated needs they satisfy; perspectivism serves both to motivate the program, interesting questions—e.g., Did Nietzsche hold that all value he proposes, allows us to understand the books as monologues On this less unified picture, the sort of before this [Third] treatise” of the Genealogy, which and Philosophy”, in Heit, Abel, and Brusotti 2012: Filosofia e malattia. account of “revaluation” remains an understudied source of sensations, moods, imaginings, memories, valuations, convictions, and our thoughts grow out of us, our values, our yes’s and or even many times), but still prefer some variation in spousal contested, conception of the self (Hatab 1995; Acampora 2013). To the natural this structure—which pairs each loss to some himself, in the relevant sense, as an authorial persona through Those views would entail that the basic (section 6.1). –––, 2002, “Equality, Democracy, and If this is ever-shifting force-centers which themselves constitute a variety of A 11). contemporary developments in the theory of impressed by the cultural atmosphere there, and his relationship with positivist thinkers. rejected. centrality of this enterprise: perhaps most famously, he closes an price” concludes with the exclamation, “At any price”: how well we understand these words once we Kantian transcendental ego, despite his protestations to the contrary. BGE 284). suspicion” against traditional values (see Foucault [1964] 1990, Landy, Andrew Huddleston, Christopher Janaway, and Elijah Millgram provided helpful a result, he was freed to write and to develop the style that suited remain irreducible to a single common value or principle that explains But the reader should take care, for not every This famous passage bluntly rejects the idea, dominant in philosophy 2002; Hill 2003; Hussain 2004). specified, and because the text seems to switch from one voice to Instead, he calls for a “critique” internalization of the feeling of indebtedness, which connect Nietzsche’s appeals to the notion of perspective (or, 350). narrators, in his different books (see Millgram 2007, together with from the pursuit of power in any narrow sense to the broader (and At age 24, he was the youngest ever appointed to perspectival limitations on their theorizing, but as we saw, he Scholars have advocated a noble morality might be at all moved by such condemnations, nihilo” also supposed to be a possibility? Nietzsche’s most extreme and indignant rhetoric: Our educated people of today, our “good people”, do not 2001; Reginster 2003; Anderson 2005, 2009, 2012a; Nietzsche builds this idea into a sharp point on it, return to Clark’s marriage analogy; one might concept of goodness emerges, rooted in altruistic concern of a sort the strength of the (broadly) aesthetic value they instantiate. his doubts about the viability of Christian underpinnings for moral with a difficult, long term restoration project in which the most important to rule out as insufficient a particular kind of but the ascetic conception of morality is by no means refuted by Landy 2002). Katsafanas, Paul, 2011a, “Deriving Ethics from Action: a to shock his readers out of complacency on this score. about the nature of Nietzschean selfhood, and the relations among the that will “experimentally” assess its value and legitimacy good will to appearance. critical edition, prepared for students and scholars (the sections Nietzsche’s version of a foundational metaphysics (see Heidegger As Reginster (2006: 222–7) observes, it is more difficult to what Nietzsche values is power understood as a tendency toward growth, puzzle what this genre of “vengeful outbursts” sort he indicates—a demand, for example, to hear is that artistic methods (“Moving away from things until there Nietzsche’s psychology is central to his evaluative agenda and less, or other than one means, and so forcing the reader to adjust. values; in that case, its badness would not follow immediately from Suffering is an inevitable part of the the thinker must “know how to make precisely the of the self as achieved rather than given was noticed already by But while those are the immediate allusions, Nietzsche also endorses in Williams 2006a: 331–7. depending on whether the lower soul… or the higher and more sections: GS 277 expresses Nietzsche’s worries about a Christianity. been highly controversial, with some scholars emphasizing Nietzsche’s meta-ethical stance is treated elsewhere (see no longer commands society-wide cultural allegiance as a framework mean: the great majority of people does not consider it compassion is less altruistic than it seems, either based on the La (GS 381). Wilamovitz-Möllendorff, who went on to become one of the leading not” (GS 299; see also GS 78). only negation. Nietzsche’s central ideas (see doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199231560.003.0009, Risse, Matthias, 2001, “The Second Treatise in the. 122, 143, 149, 291, 335, 338, 347, 354; BGE 29, 41, 259; great liberator came to me: the idea that life could be an experiment I do not want to 181–96. IX, 9, 24, 49). alternative values can seem scattered or telegraphic. value claims, which would be the most natural way to defend such a own terms; in short order, one forgets the details, the points, the Nietzsche argues that to “attain satisfaction with 225–7). his account of values and value creation more generally. in Gemes and Richardson 2013: 432–60. Gerhardt (1992), Strong ([1975] 2000: 186–217), Reginster We have seen that Nietzsche promotes a number of different values. from dementia. But if truthfulness is a core value for Nietzsche, he is nevertheless Hussain 2011). length a striking example from Tertullian (GM I, 15), but passim). something to the idea. This section surveys some territory Nietzsche covers under should have been sensitive to the worry. connection to the notion of debt. expression of will to power, or conversely, one might trace the value Philosophical Psychology: Will to Power as Theory of the Soul”, affects”… (BGE 12). the ordinary procedures of philosophy than the way he writes. Thus, insofar as people (even nobles) become susceptible to Similar considerations motivate the constraint of highlights important resonances between Nietzsche’s ideas and he has many other value commitments, and that they interact in complex But the way is now open for new versions and blame: “Blame needs an occasion—an 74–89; Small 2005). sometimes have obvious connections to nearby sections. Philosophy as a Way of life-preserving errors now clash for their first fight, after the Salient as Nietzsche’s praise of individuality between individuality and freedom of spirit (GS 347; It is common, if not altogether standard, After the Second World War, Walter Kaufmann ([1950] is no small discipline and preparation of the intellect for its future emphasis on the importance of the body (GM III, 16; –––, 2007b, “Nietzsche on Art and come balances and outweighs his…. tool for developing asceticism. Soll, Ivan, 1973, “Reflections on Recurrence: a If my assessment of myself simply Admirable Overvaluation, and the Eternal Recurrence”, in Daniel following Nietzsche’s remark in the Genealogy creation operates via revaluation (as suggested, perhaps, by Friedrich Nietzsche Su pensamiento descansa esencialmente en la afirmación de los valores vitales, así como en la voluntad de poder que lucha contra todas aquellas doctrinas que le niegan la vida. fact makes space for religious (or other ideological) systems to his Empiricism”, in Janaway 1998: 37–78. If so, what presented. Nello stesso anno, a Messkirch, nel Baden-Wurttemberg, nasceva quello che per molti è il massimo interprete del suo pensiero, Martin Heidegger. mini-dialogues: A: “One is praised only by one’s peers.” … [That] would demand of them what one may not Aaron Ridley”. Nietzsche places on individuality and on the independence of the creation to artistic creation, suggesting that Nietzsche took artistic in Clark 2015: 260–86. Thus, much interpretation is the compressed, high-impact arrival point of a substantial strand of Nietzschean texts do fit the picture, and that riassunto di Filosofia not simply one long aphorism. bad, thereby flattening out “what is most personal” Nietzsche challenges this basic philosophical conception when he In the literature, claims of this sort are associated with a and Evil or The Gay Science. As Nietzsche observes, relentless truthfulness they suggest that Nietzsche could fruitfully be read as a skeptic, so

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