[381] Book online, pay at the hotel. The sectors of tourism, accommodation and food services were among the hardest hit by foreign countries' limitations to travel to Italy, and by the nationwide lockdown imposed by the government on 8 March. Food and beverage services at this property may be limited or unavailable due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). Offering unique children's toys, clothes, books and more with over 60 years of quality service, originality, quality and excellence behind us. [112], The Italian Winter Sports Federation decided to proceed with the Women's World Cup alpine skiing races at La Thuile, Aosta Valley on 29 February. Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 virus, the ITI/UNESCO Network and the Piccolo Teatro di Milano had to cancel the planned Festival that should happen at the venues of the Piccolo Teatro di Milano from 12- 18 July 2020. On 28 February 2020, Iceland confirmed its first case, an Icelandic male in his 50s who had previously been to Northern Italy and was placed in strict isolation in Landspítali in Reykjavík. He was in Italy from 15 to 21 February for work. On 28 February, Lithuania confirmed its first case, a 39-year-old woman who arrived in Kaunas from Verona. [621][648] [91] The number of checkpoints in the Red Zones was increased from 15 to 35, and army personnel were sent to help staff the checkpoints. [114], On 27 February, Taranto, Apulia closed all schools until 29 February. Arcuri will cooperate with Commissioner Angelo Borrelli with the aim of strengthening the distribution of intensive care equipment. [157] On the following day, the Army was called in to assist the police forces in enforcing the lockdown. [378][379][380] [497] On 14 March, Shanghai confirmed one more imported case,[498] and Beijing also confirmed one more imported case from Italy. While we are disappointed that we are unable to present your current performance of Neil Simon’s Plaza Suite, the great news is that it will return to Hudson Theatre in 2021. On 2 March, Andorra registered its first case, a man who had been to Milan. [599][600] [93], Istituto Tecnico Economico Enrico Tosi in Varese, Istituto Comprensivo di Pianoro in Bologna and Liceo Attilio Bertolucci in Parma conducted lessons for students online while waiting for the schools to reopen. Furthermore, movement across the country was further restricted, by banning "any movement towards a residence different from the main one", including holiday homes, during weekends and holidays. Da marzo ad agosto nel 2020 sono morte 47.000 persone in più della media del 2015-19. [263], On 18 March, Nigeria placed an indefinite suspension on all flights coming from Italy with immediate effect. Check our live COVID-19 map for Italy travel restrictions, and to find out if you'll need to quarantine on arrival. [30] In late January 2020, following the developments of COVID-19 outbreak in mainland China, on 3 February, Italy set up enhanced screening measures, including thermal cameras and medical staff at airports. [179], Starting from July 2020, many countries in Europe, including Italy, witnessed a new rise in detected coronavirus cases. [79], Major companies such as IBM, Enel, Luxottica, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Vodafone continued to allow employees to work from home. [167][168], On 1 April, the government extended the period of lockdown until 13 April, with health minister Speranza saying that the restrictive measures had begun to yield the first positive results. Haute-Savoie : le directeur général de la santé confirme 4 cas de coronavirus à la Balme de Sillingy", "[Video] Coronavirus : un premier cas avéré à Montpellier", "#Coronavirus Voici un point sur le bilan épidémiologique", "Coronavirus: le maire de La Balme-de-Sillingy, en Haute-Savoie, annonce 2 nouveaux cas", "J'ai eu connaissance d'un 1er cas de #coronavirus diagnostiqué ce matin au @CHUdenice. ... Coronavirus (COVID-19) Support Please check for travel restrictions. Teatro Grassi on 16 September 2019 Tramedautore continues with La Classe by Francesco Ferrara, in which 14 young actors from the Bellini Teatro Factory take on the dark, incomprehensible and chilling case of the massacre of Utøya that took place in Norway in 2011. [citation needed], Romania – [474] [369], Top Italian figures have condemned an article in a German newspaper suggesting the mafia was waiting for an influx of European Union cash amid the coronavirus outbreak. [275][276] France also imposed similar export restrictions and the German health minister Jens Spahn defended Germany's decision. [411] In some northern cities, authorities have had issues in dealing with the storage of the high number of coffins, and churches have offered to care for them. [298] Albania also sent a group of thirty medical staff members to Lombardy. On 4 March, the New Zealand Ministry of Health confirmed its second case, a woman in her 30s who returned to Auckland from Northern Italy. [513], Vietnam – [115] Multiple schools were closed in Roseto degli Abruzzi. On 28 February, Wales reported its first case, a patient who had returned from northern Italy was treated at a specialist unit in England. [363] To facilitate home calls from patients, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genoa (IIT) and Istituto di robotica e macchine intelligenti (I-RIM) designed a robot for video calls that could be assembled by hospital personnel[364][365] and that was tested at the end of April in Pisa, Massa-Carrara and Induno Olona. [262] On same day also Austria barred entry to foreign nationals travelling from Italy with exception for people with medical documents and people who travel only through Austria to Germany without stop in Austria. [425], Less frogs and toads were killed on the roads due to the lower car traffic; birds such as the common swift and the Kentish plover had more favorable conditions to reproduce, and some invasive species such as the American cottontail rabbit also propagated more rapidly. [476] On 8 March, five members of a family in Kerala tested positive, three of whom had returned from Italy. [473] On 3 March, his wife also tested positive. [511], Thailand – Travel may be permitted only for certain purposes and in particular, touristic travel may not be allowed. This has led to an increase in euroscepticism, with the number of Italians agreeing that EU membership is a disadvantage jumping from 47% in November 2018 to 67% in March 2020, according to a Tecnè survey. They were the first such demonstrations in Italy since the start of its coronavirus outbreak eight months ago. [207] The lockdown affects over 16 million people, roughly a quarter of Italy's total population, and prevents people from entering or leaving the zone, except "for proven occupational needs or situations of need or for health reasons",[208] under threat of fines. [641][642][643] [117] Cartoocomics Fair in Milan was rescheduled to 2 to 4 October. [547], Finland – Informazione per il pubblico. [594][595], Malta – Available for editorial and personal use only. Si ritirano le squadre Jumbo e Mitchelton", "Covid: Valentino Rossi positivo, niente Aragon", "Federica Pellegrini annuncia in lacrime: "Fatto il tampone, sono positiva al Covid, "Sorpresa a Casale, due caprioli vanno a spasso indisturbati per le vie del centro storico", "Con il coronavirus è allarme animali selvatici in strada", "Un'aquila reale nel cielo di Milano: l'insolita apparizione fotografata grazie al birdwatching 'a chilometro zero", "Trentino, un orso si arrampica sul balcone di un condominio", "Misurati i primi effetti del lockdown sugli animali selvatici", "Nel Mantovano raddoppiati i danni da fauna selvatica", "Ecco come si calcolano i decessi collegati al coronavirus nei diversi Paesi Ue", "Caratteristiche dei pazienti deceduti positivi all'infezione da SARS-CoV-2 in Italia", "Italy's Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported", "Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries", "Italy's coronavirus deaths could be underestimated in data: official", "The real death toll for Covid-19 is at least 4 times the official numbers", "We May Be Underestimating the Coronavirus Death Toll", "71,000 Missing Deaths: Tracking the True Toll of the Coronavirus Outbreak", "Coronavirus, "il conteggio dei morti varia da paese a paese. A yellow zone (composed of the regions of Lombardy, Veneto and Emilia-Romagna), where social and sports events are suspended and schools, theatres, clubs, and cinemas are closed. Find hotels near Piccolo Teatro, Italy online. [608], Portugal – [492] On 10 March, Shanghai confirmed two new imported cases from Italy. Mascherine subito obbligatorie. On 26 February, Sweden confirmed that a 30-year-old man who previously visited Northern Italy fell ill three days after returning to Sweden and was admitted to Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg. [477], Israel – Si informa il gentile pubblico che, nel rispetto dell’ultimo aggiornamento del decreto della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri del 9 marzo, la biglietteria del Teatro Strehler e il servizio di Biglietteria Telefonica resteranno chiusi … [185], Italian regions and the central government began reinforcing hospitals to accommodate more sick and infected with COVID-19. [277] On 12 March, the German ministry issued a decree suspending the export restriction in particular emergency cases, and promised to send one million protective masks to Italy. [173], On 26 April, the Prime Minister announced a starter plan for the so-called "phase 2", that would start from 4 May. [357] Healthcare personnel were also subject to high levels of stress,[358] and the risk of professional burn-out was considered high, particularly across nurses and in more affected areas. [611] A 38-year-old woman who had returned from Bergamo tested positive was admitted to a hospital in Timișoara. [313], In March 2020, oncologist Luigi Cavanna of the hospital of Piacenza was one of the first physicians in Italy to focus on house calls, realizing that too many critically-ill COVID-19 patients were arriving at his hospitals and that some of them could have been treated earlier at home before a possible escalation of the symptoms. 243,743,381 stock photos, vectors and videos, https://www.alamy.com/licenses-and-pricing/?v=1, https://www.alamy.com/milan-italy-13th-nov-2020-milan-coronavirus-pandemic-covid-19-via-dante-piccolo-teatro-artist-pending-protest-music-presidium-by-artists-and-musicians-milan-2020-11-13-francesco-rossi-ps-la-foto-e-utilizzabile-nel-rispetto-del-contesto-in-cui-e-stata-scattata-e-senza-intento-diffamatorio-del-decoro-delle-persone-rappresentate-credit-independent-photo-agencyalamy-live-news-image385197294.html. "[304][305][306], On 17 March, undersecretary at the Ministry of Health Sandra Zampa announced the purchase of many new ventilators as well as the importing of one and a half million masks from South Africa. On 28 February, South Korea confirmed that a 38-year-old man living in Gwangjin who visited Milan from 19 to 24 February was admitted to Seoul Medical Centre. [403][404] The suspension was later extended, with the agreement of the national government, up to 8 March in Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, and Veneto. [633][634][635][636] A woman who had visited Milan was hospitalised at Hospital de Sagunto, Valencia. [265] The Italian Permanent Representative to the European Union, Maurizio Massari, wrote: "unfortunately, not a single EU country responded to the Commission's call. Ma colleghi over 65 sono a rischio, "In Piemonte oltre mille morti. [43], Educational trips to destinations in Italy and abroad were suspended. [201], The vaccination campaign began on 27 December 2020, when Italy received 9,750 doses of the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccine. [citation needed], Ireland – Ci sono tutti i 7.903 comuni italiani fino al 31 agosto. [182] [158], On 20 March, the Ministry of Health ordered tighter regulations on free movement. In the decree, the Italian national territory was divided into three areas:[126], On 4 March, the Italian government imposed the shutdown of all schools and universities nationwide for two weeks as the country reached 100 deaths from the outbreak. [99] Bologna Children's Book Fair was rescheduled to 4 to 7 May. On 25 February, Croatia confirmed its first case, a man who had until 21 February stayed in Milan. [526][527], Bosnia and Herzegovina – [178], Penalties for breaching isolation were increased with fines from €500 to €5,000 and imprisonment of up to 18 months. On 28 February 2020, Georgia confirmed that a 31-year-old Georgian woman who had travelled to Italy tested positive and was admitted to Infectious Diseases Hospital in Tbilisi. [282][283] Chinese billionaire and Alibaba co-founder Jack Ma also donated 500,000 masks and other medical supplies, which landed at Liege Airport in Belgium on 13 March and were then sent to Italy. [654], Ukraine – Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio said, “Die Welt, an important German newspaper, urged Europe this morning to not help Italy because ‘the mafia is waiting for money from Brussels’”. [604] First or early cases in Argentina,[455] Bolivia,[456] Brazil,[457] Canada,[458] Chile,[459] Colombia,[460] Cuba,[461] the Dominican Republic,[462] Guatemala,[463] Mexico,[464] the United States, [465][466] Uruguay[467] and Venezuela [468] were linked to Italy. [241][242] El Salvador barred the entry of travellers arriving from Italy. [120] Messina closed all schools from 29 February to 3 March. No tips yet . Guida al "coprifuoco" da Coronavirus", "Coronavirus. [326], At least ten different clinical trials were ongoing in Italian hospitals at the beginning of April. Enter your log in email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Proteste pure a Frosinone, Napoli e Palermo", "Rivolta nel carcere di Bologna: morto un detenuto", Carceri, 14 i detenuti morti. "L'ospedale di Lodi sperimenta la telemedicina sviluppata da un'azienda locale", "Coronavirus, robot in ospedale per le videochiamate tra pazienti e famiglie", "Le soluzioni Zucchetti e Bitdefender per il Covid-19", "Coronavirus, negli ospedali i primi robot teleguidati che consentono ai pazienti di video-chiamare a casa", "Diagnosi del coronavirus, l'Italia ha acquistato l'intelligenza artificiale cinese", "Italy, Spain curb trading to stem coronavirus market crash", "Italy faces mounting economic damage from coronavirus", "Italy Struck by Deadliest Day as Virus Prompts Industry Shutdown", "Mafia primed to feast on Italy's virus devastation", "As northern Italy is ravaged by coronavirus, there's trouble brewing down south", "Mafia distributes food to Italy's struggling residents", "La grande corsa alla riconversione: chi creava vestiti ora fa mascherine", "Coronavirus, lo stampatore di libri che dona mascherine: "Ho conosciuto la morte, non potevo sottrarmi, "Coronavirus, Grafica Veneta riconverte produzione: 4 milioni di mascherine al giorno "gratis alla popolazione, "Grafica Veneta pronta a produrre "mascherine", Zaia: "Saranno le prime "made in Veneto", "Coronavirus, l'azienda si converte: dai tessuti per gli hotel alle mascherine distribuite gratis", "Dai body sportivi alle mascherine la fabbrica che reagisce all'emergenza", "Sergio Dreoni, il primo imprenditore toscano a riconvertire la sua produzione per donare mascherine: "Onesto e appassionato, "Canelli, la fabbrica dell'amaro Ramazzotti si mette a produrre l'igienizzante per le mani", "Coronavirus, la fabbrica dei cocktail ora fa i disinfettanti", "Meet The Italian Engineers 3D-Printing Respirator Parts For Free To Help Keep Coronavirus Patients Alive", "Le valvole per la rianimazione scarseggiano: si stampano in 3D", "Easy Covid 19, la maschera da sub si trasforma in respiratore", "Busto Arsizio, in ospedale mascherine con la stampante 3D". Tre detenuti morti a Rieti, le vittime salgono a dodici", "Rivolta in carcere Foggia,alcuni evadono – Cronaca", "Coronavirus, rivolta nelle carceri: a Foggia evasione di massa. Your Lightboxes will appear here when you have created some. On 9 January 2020, the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC) reported the identification of a novel coronavirus (later identified as the SARS-CoV-2) as the cause. With Gordon Ramsay. [111] Politecnico di Milano conducted thesis mentoring for more than one thousand students graduating the following week using Skype. On 25 March, a C-130 from Ramstein Air Base in Germany delivered humanitarian supplies to Aviano Air Base. [656] Northern Ireland reported its first case, an adult who had travelled from Northern Italy via Dublin and was admitted to Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. [545] The infected in Saaremaa included the CEO of the Saaremaa VK volleyball club. [238] Six American universities — Elon University, Fairfield University, Florida International University, New York University, Stanford University and Syracuse University — postponed or cancelled their study-abroad programmes in Italy, mainly in Florence. [258], On 3 March, India suspended all visas to nationals of Italy, as well as visa to foreign nationals who have travelled to Italy on or after 1 February 2020. [515] On 10 March, out of 10 new cases 6 new were close contacts of the first 2. Copyright © 21/02/2021 Alamy Ltd. All rights reserved. Milan, Italy. [118] The Winter Rescue Race in Piedmont was cancelled. [475] A Paytm employee in Gurgaon who had returned from a vacation in Italy also tested positive. [44][45][46][47][48][49][excessive citations], On 22 February 2020, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte suspended all sporting events in the regions of Lombardy and Veneto, which included three Serie A football matches in those regions, as well as one in Piedmont, that were to be played the following day. Please contact our customer service team. On 26 February 2020, a 36-year-old man who had made multiple trips to Lombardy tested positive and was treated at Nouvel Hôpital Civil, Strasbourg. On 27 February, Bavaria confirmed that a man from Middle Franconia tested positive after having contact with an Italian man who later tested positive. [626] A 24-year-old man from Madrid who had recently returned from Northern Italy tested positive and was admitted to Hospital Carlos III. PiccoloTV. [279][280][281] While the head of the Italian Red Cross, Francesco Rocca said these medical supplies were donated by the Chinese Red Cross, other sources claimed that these were paid products and services. [292] President of Lombardy Attilio Fontana and Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio expressed their gratitude for the aid. Piccolo Teatro Ristorante, Ascoli Piceno: See 1,399 unbiased reviews of Piccolo Teatro Ristorante, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #9 … Website by Kall Kwik Farnham. Conte later proceeded to officially sign the new executive decree. [138][139], Riots broke out in many penitentiaries throughout Italy after restrictions on conjugal visits were imposed by the government in the 8 March decree. A group of infected Italian tourists passed on the disease to a 52-year-old tour guide. Stop a bar e ristoranti alle 18 ma aperti la domenica", "Coronavirus, allarme di Johnson: "La variante inglese più letale del 30%, "Covid, Oms: "Variante inglese già in almeno 70 Paesi, "Bassetti a Tgcom24: "Terza ondata tra questa settimana e la fine di marzo, "Covid, Merkel: Agito tardi nonostante i segnali Con le varianti ipotesi terza ondata, rischiamo effetti catastrofici", "Coronavirus, De Luca "chiude" altri quattro Comuni", "Coronavirus, Medicina è zona rossa, vietato entrare e uscire", "Coronavirus: Lombardy, Tuscany make face masks compulsory", "Coronavirus: Italy to shut nightclubs and make masks compulsory after spike in cases", "Covid, picco di casi in Campania: chiuse scuole e università fino al 30/10", De Luca annuncia: “Campania verso il lockdown per 30-40 giorni. Many Slovenian cases are linked to Italy, including the nation's first case. Covid-19 : le service de réanimation de l'hôpital de Creil, où a été hospitalisé le patient décédé, ferme pendant 14 jours", "France reports second coronavirus death, Italian link in another case", "France reports first citizen to die from coronavirus as three new cases confirmed", "Santé. "Arrivano i robot-medici che dialogano con i pazienti: "Come si sente? [627][628] [113] The MIDO Milan Eyewear Show was rescheduled to 5 to 7 July. [481], Japan – [56][57], Authorities in Veneto cancelled the last two days of the Carnival of Venice on 23 February. On 23 February 2020, the crisis surrounding Covid-19 … Generali installa scanner tecnici per misurazione febbre", "Coronavirus, il Senato corre ai ripari: scanner termici agli ingressi e stop alle scolaresche", "Alla Fao, obbligatoria la misurazione della febbre all'ingresso", "Il coronavirus non è affatto come l'influenza: ecco il grafico che lo dimostra", "Coronavirus-influenza, differenze enormi: picco dei morti oltre 4 volte superiore", "Italian stocks slump nearly 6% as European equities crumble on spreading coronavirus", "L'assalto ai centralini per la paura coronavirus: 300mila chiamate in un giorno al numero di emergenza della Lombardia", "Codogno, i ribelli della zona rossa: "Violiamo i blocchi per sopravvivere, "Coronavirus: Life around Italy's quarantined 'red zone' | DW | 24 February 2020", "Coronavirus threatens U.S. military base operations in Europe, general says", "Coronavirus: sospesi gli esami per la patente – Lombardia", "Check-point zona rossa,arriva l'Esercito – Cronaca", "Basket: la Fip sospende la serie A, A2, B maschile, A1 e A2 donne – Rai Sport", "Ai tempi del Coronavirus scuole chiuse e lezioni online: "Ecco come ci siamo organizzati per garantire il diritto allo studio, "Coronavirus, lezioni col tablet da casa per gli studenti del Tosi: "La tecnologia ai tempi della quarantena, "Coronavirus, "Confinati sì, isolati no": il racconto dei liceali di Parma dalle loro camere", "Università, lezioni sospese e lauree a porte chiuse", "Goldman, Citi among banks curbing Italy trips over coronavirus fears – sources", "Coronavirus, Salone del Mobile rinviato a giugno", "Coronavirus, Expocasa rinviata, la fiera dell'arredamento si terrà dal 28 marzo al 5 aprile", "Aggiornamenti Corona Virus – Rinvio Manifestazione", "Effetto Coronavirus: rinviato a Roma il Motodays", "Italy probes "insane" prices for coronavirus masks, sanitizers", "Coronavirus, Consiglio superiore sanità: tamponi solo su sintomatici | Sky TG24", "Coronavirus, Manfredi, Università: "Da lunedì lezioni on line per gli studenti delle aree colpite, primo passo verso la normalità" – Coronavirus, Manfredi, Università: "Da lunedì lezioni on line per gli studenti delle aree colpite, primo passo verso la normalità, "Coronavirus: a Napoli scuole chiuse fino a sabato 29 febbraio", "Scuole chiuse fino a lunedì a Palermo e Provincia, arriva l'ordinanza regionale", "Coronavirus: scanner termico all'Unibas – Basilicata", "Coronavirus, sospesi i tirocini di Medicina a Bari. People were not allowed to enter or exit the town for any reason. On 27 February 2020, a daughter and a friend of the infected couple from La Balme-de-Sillingy were confirmed positive. [177], On 3 June, free movement within the whole national territory was restored, de facto ending the lockdown started in March. On 28 February, a 45-year-old-man who had travelled to Milan tested positive in Zürich. [74][75], On 24 February 500 additional police officers were assigned to patrol the quarantined areas in Lodi and Veneto. With this, the initial dream of Piccolo Teatro and … Lunghe file e scaffali vuoti", "Supermercati assaltati, slittano anche le consegne a casa", "Supermarket shelves stripped bare as coronavirus fears grip Milan", "Ghost towns: Coronavirus closes parts of Italy", "Coronavirus, Milano deserta: mezzi pubblici vuoti e mercati abbandonati – Foto Tgcom24", "Coronavirus, quarto morto, è un 84enne di Bergamo. [110] The University of Bari suspended all medical- and health-related internships for medical and healthcare students. On 27 February, a couple who tested positive and their two children who were showing symptoms were admitted to Kaiser-Franz-Josef Hospital. [506], Oman – Gualtieri alla Ue: 'Servono stimoli, "Coronavirus: chi è Domenico Arcuri, il commissario delegato per l'emergenza scelto da Conte", "Coronavirus, Gori: "Tanti muoiono in casa, non vengono contati, "Coronavirus: Italian army called in as crematorium struggles to cope with deaths", "Italy calls in military to enforce lockdown as 627 people die in 24 hours", "Le nuove restrizioni decise dal governo", "Italy: PM warns of worst crisis since WW2 as coronavirus deaths leap by almost 800", "Coronavirus, i sindaci toscani scrivono a Conte: "Chiudere tutto ciò che non è essenziale, "Chiudere le fabbriche? Sorry, this image isn't available for this licence. [278], On 13 March, a team of nine Chinese experts, among whom there was the manager of the 40,000 Chinese doctors who had been sent to Wuhan and a leading cardio-pulmonary reanimation doctor, arrived in Rome to share their expertise. [194], On 15 October 2020, the president of Campania De Luca, closed all schools and universities until 30 October 2020. [580][581][582][583] These people would undergo isolation at home and would be followed up with new tests until they were negative. [509][510], Sri Lanka – Many Serie A football players have tested positive for the COVID-19 and some matches played in stadiums without a public have been postponed. [272][273] Masks were confiscated by mistake in Czechia. [90] Driver's licence exams were suspended in Lombardy and Veneto. [576][577][578] [94][95][96] The University of Palermo suspended all activities until 9 March. [413], According to a few surveys, many Italians feel betrayed by the European Union's response to the crisis. [591], Latvia – [597] Moldova confirmed the existence of imported case from diseased Italy on 11 March. Universities in Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol, Piedmont and Emilia-Romagna suspended all activities from 23 February until 1 March. [436][437][438] In addition to this, some countries only report deaths in hospitals.[439][428][440]. On the same day, swimmer Federica Pellegrini confirmed that she was positive at COVID-19. [370], Multiple factories, like Fiat Chrysler, halted production in some of their plants. [63][64], In addition to the emergency phone numbers 112 and 118, new dedicated numbers were added for the different regions – Lombardy 800894545, Campania 800909699, Veneto 800462340, Piedmont 800333444 and Emilia-Romagna 800033033. [98], Multiple fairs and exhibitions were rescheduled. [658], New Zealand – Sì della Camera alla risoluzione di maggioranza", "Conte: 'Non manderemo la polizia a casa, ma serve responsabilità, "Covid, in Campania vietati tutti i cortei, anche quelli funebri", "Covid, Conte: "Lockdown? On 26 February, North Macedonia confirmed its first case, a woman who tested positive at the Clinic for Infectious Diseases, Skopje. To not be able to do the Second Student Festival in the venues of Piccolo Teatro, in the city of Milano in Italy, was a shock to all of us, unprecedented and unexpected. In Piedmont this occurred in Canelli at the Ramazzotti factory (part of the Pernod Ricard group)[384] and in Chieri at the Martini plant. She appeared on Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares in 2007 as the put-upon chef at Piccolo Teatro, a vegetarian restaurant in … Select from the license options below to get a price. [389] The Italian National Mint and Printing House used the plastic film applied to identity cards to produce face shields. [196] In the night, riots and clashes happened in the streets of Naples to protest against the lockdown. [416][417][418], Even at the Giro d'italia 2020 some cyclists were found to be positive at COVID-19 and some withdrew from the race. All hospital facilities were upgraded and expanded with a larger capacity for beds and intensive units than in March 2020. [89], On 1 March, the Council of Ministers approved a decree to organise the containment of the outbreak. [189][190], On 15 March, President of Campania Vincenzo De Luca imposed a strict quarantine on Ariano Irpino, in the province of Avellino, and four other municipalities in the province of Salerno, Atena Lucana, Caggiano, Polla, and Sala Consilina. The Italian man visited his wife's family and had several business meetings in Romania from 18 to 22 February. The rest of the national territory, where safety and prevention measures are advertised in public places and special sanitisations are performed on means of public transport. Shops may double the amount and donate non-perishable foods to local aid groups like the Community of Sant'Egidio. [19] Overall, there have been 2,780,882 confirmed cases and 95,235 deaths (a rate of 1,579 deaths per million population)[20] while there have been 2,303,199 recoveries or dismissals. Alamy and its logo are trademarks of Alamy Ltd. and are registered in certain countries. [106], The Italian Minister of University and Research, Gaetano Manfredi, announced that online lessons would be delivered to students in areas affected by the outbreak starting on 2 March.

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