These are ascribed to the Isaac Master. They are considered by many as the best examples of Tuscan wall paintings prior to Cimabue. Messe domenicali a partire da lunedì 18 gennaio e fino a nuova comunicazione. It was designed by Pasquale Belli with precious marble in neo-classical style. Passione di Gesù * ComPassione di Francesco, Scopri La Basilica di San Francesco in Assisi, "La Quaresima Francescana": musica in biblioteca, sfogliare on line la brochure dell'intervento conservativo. Francesco nacque ad Assisi nel 1182, nel pieno del fermento dell'età comunale. The church was designed by Maestro Jacopo Tedesco, who was in those days the most famous architect. This bright and spacious basilica consists of a single four-bay nave with cross-vaulted ceiling bordered with patterns of crosses and leaves, a transept and a polygonal apse. Louis. A major part was built under the reign of Pope Sixtus IV, a Franciscan, between 1474 and 1476. Link utili. Sentir raccontare la storia di San Francesco d’Assisi ai bambini piacerà tantissimo. Contatti. 1181-82:  nasce in Assisi Francesco da Pietro di Bernardone e madonna ‘Pica’. Figlio di un mercante, da giovane aspirava a entrare nella cerchia della piccola nobiltà cittadina. Prior to him there had been some decorations in the upper right hand section of the transept by an (anonymous) Northern Master, probably an English artist (1267–1270). Biografia. Recapiti Telefono (+39) 06121122745 Fax (+39) 062415987. To the left of the church stands a free-standing bell tower of Romanesque design. The chapel on the right side of the third section is dedicated to St. Anthony the Abbot. The doors are surmounted by a large rose window, flanked by two smaller ones, called "the eye of the most beautiful church in the world" [6] The decorations on the left wooden door were executed by Ugolinuccio da Gubbio (circa 1550) and those on the right door by an anonymous Umbrian artist (1573). She was at his side in the Porziuncola at the hour of his death. Architecturally, the exterior of the basilica appears united with the Friary of St. Francis, since the lofty arcades of the latter support and buttress the church in its apparently precarious position on the hillside. E' la vela ... “Insieme per San Francesco” è un progetto per la tutela e valorizzazione della Basilica Inferiore di San Francesco ad Assisi lanciato dalla ... Si può sfogliare on line la brochure dell'intervento conservativo ... CUSTODIA GENERALE DEL SACRO CONVENTO DI SAN FRANCESCO DEI FRATI MINORI CONVENTUALI, Piazza San Francesco, 2 - 06081 Assisi (PG) Italy, Copyright ©2021 Custodia Generale Sacro Convento. But the most important decorations are the series of 28 frescoes ascribed to the young Giotto along the lower part of the nave. religioso e culturale del complesso architettonico di Assisi, e LoveItaly, organizzazione no-profit per la promozione del patrimonio San Francesco d'Assisi Il Natale del Poverello d'Assisi Quando arrivo nella città cercò un piazzale per fare una capanna che rassomigliasse la grotta di Betlemme dove nacque Gesù , il suo cuore era pieno di tenerezza e con slancio lo mise atto con figure viventi. Pellegrinaggi individuali e di gruppo, preghiera, sacramenti, benedizioni, Ufficio informazioni, visite individuali, ingresso gruppi, accessibilità e servizi, Apertura, Ufficio divino, celebrazioni eucaristiche, confessioni, Rimani aggiornato sulle celebrazioni, gli incontri e i progetti della Basilica. They are known as the "Basilica superiore" (The Upper Basilica), generally called "The Upper Church" and the "Basilica inferiore" (The Lower Basilica), generally called "The Lower Church". In their centre, on a raised platform, stands the papal cathedra. Many critics esteem these the work of the anonymous Isaac Master and his workshop. To the left of the façade and visible from both the forecourts of the Upper Church and the Lower Church is the Benediction Loggia in the Baroque style which was built in 1754, when the church was raised to the status of basilica. It was built by the Franciscan Cardinal Gentile Portino da Montefiore and was decorated between 1317 and 1319 with ten frescoes depicting the saint's life by Simone Martini. There are tall Gothic windows with Geometric tracery in each bay of the nave and in the polygonal apse of the chancel. Il progetto ha la finalità di fare rete e mobilitare l’intera collettività per poter realizzare, grazie a una campagna di crowdfunding, They feature five scenes from the Passion of Christ on the right side, while on the left side equally five scenes from the Life of St. Francis. Monumento a San Francesco d'Assissi is a statue located in the coastal path in Monterosso al Mare, one of the five towns in Cinque Terre National Park, in La Spezia Region, in the North of Italy. The frescoes with the eight episodes from the life of Saint Catherine were painted in 1368–1369 by ‘Andreas pictor de Bononia’. The burial place was concealed for fear that St Francis' remains might be stolen and dispersed. Today, this hill is called "Hill of Paradise". It towers over the valley below, giving the impression of a fortress. They housed the numerous pilgrims flocking to this church. The prototype for this cycle may have been the (now lost) Saint Francis cycle by Pietro Cavallini in the church San Francesco a Ripa in Rome. Above the door, in the second zone is a large and ornate rose window in which most of the decorative details are Romanesque in style. Brother Elias had designed the lower basilica as an enormous crypt with ribbed vaults. Above this last burial monument stands a statue of the Blessed Virgin and on its left the figure of a crowned woman seated on a lion, made by Cosmatesco (1290). This static painting in Gothic style is in stark contrast with the lively frescoes of Giotto. There was widespread devastation and many ancient buildings were destroyed or damaged. Around the altar are a series of ornamented Gothic arches, supported by columns in different styles. Dopo una giovinezza spensierata, si convertì e da lui ebbe origine l’Ordine dei Frati Minori, comunemente noti … The distance to the parking is not as far as it appears on the map as Assisi is a very small town. 00516830544 - C.F. The Lower Basilica was finished in 1230. Like the Lower Church, there is a nave of four bays with ribbed cross-vaulting. The windows of the apse are believed to have been created by German craftsmen active around Assisi at the end of the 13th century. Péter Bokody (Pannonhalma: Pannonhalma Abbey, 2014), 136–151. [8] Martini also painted a triptych depicting the Madonna and Child with Two Hungarian Royal Saints with a row of five attendant saints in the St. Elizabeth Chapel (southern arm of the transept). The choir has 102 wooden stalls with carvings and marquetry by Domenico Indovini (1501). Cosi grazie a te San Francesco tutti gli anni il 4 Ottobre c’è festa per tutti gli animali,in ricordo del suo anniversario della sua morte che avvenne il … Pietro Cavallini had painted around 1290 a similar fresco Isaac blessing Jacob in the convent of the church Santa Cecilia in Trastevere in Rome. Vita ed opere del santo di assisi, pellegrinaggi e itinerari religiosi nei sacri luoghi umbri The construction of the Upper Basilica was begun after 1239 and was completed in 1253. Questo luogo santo, insieme alle altre chiese, fanno di Assisi una vera e propria città-santuario. With its accompanying friary, Sacro Convento, the basilica is a distinctive landmark to those approaching Assisi. Liceo Scientifico "Francesco D'Assisi" Indirizzi: Tradizionale e Cambridge. san francesco assisi. San Francesco d'Assisi Caravaggio, S. Francesco in meditazione (1605) Nato ad Assisi, in Umbria, il 26 sett. The left transept was decorated by the Sienese painter Pietro Lorenzetti and his workshop between 1315 and 1330 (attributed by Vasari to Pietro Lorenzetti and also (wrongly) to Giotto and Puccio Capanna) . The chapels on the right are dedicated to Saints: The nave ends in a richly decorated semicircular apse, preceded with a transept with barrel vaulting. The cuspidate façade of the upper basilica has a portal in Gothic style with twin doors and a beautiful rose window. It was probably incomplete at the time of Montefiore's death (October 1312), thus he was interred in the neighboring Chapel of St. The interior of the Upper Church is an important early example of the Gothic style in Italy. Francesco d'Assisi, vissuto nel 13° secolo voleva ripercorrere la vita povera di Cristo e degli apostoli e, come loro, amare e capire la sofferenza dei miseri. Pope Nicholas IV, a former Minister-General of the Order of Franciscans, raised the church to the status of Papal Church in 1288. This burial place of Saint Francis was found in 1818. Gian Francesco Malipiero: San Francesco d’Assisi (1920–1921), Mysterienspiel. The fine Gothic walnut choir stalls were completed in 1471 by Apollonio Petrocchi da Ripatransone, with the help of Tommaso di Antonio Fiorentino and Andrea da Montefalco. The Piazza del Loge, the square leading to the church, is surrounded by colonnades constructed in 1474. It was already inhabited by the friars in 1230. The live HD streaming shows you the magnificent Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi (Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi), set on a hillside in the town of Assisi, in central Italy.This splendid basilica is a significant place of pilgrimage in Italy - where stands the crypt of Saint Francis - the founder of the Franciscan monastic order. Pietro was in France on business when Francis was born in Assisi, and Pica had him baptizedas Giovanni. It is a Papal minor basilica and one of the most important places of Christian pilgrimage in Italy. At the entrance of the crypt, an urn with the remains of Jacopa dei Settesoli was added to the crypt. However the authorship of Giotto is disputed, due to the ambiguous attributions given in early descriptions of this work. "Mural Painting as a Medium: Technique, Representation and Liturgy." Another (anonymous) master, the Roman Master, painted the Isaiah and the David and the remainder of the wall under the eastern lunette. There were about 330 work-stages needed to complete this cycle. Dono Doni è un ... La Cappella Musicale della Basilica propone un ciclo di appuntamenti dal titolo "La Quaresima Francescana – Incontri inusuali ... Durante la Quaresima 2021 i frati del Sacro convento propongono a tutti di prendere parte alla compassione di san Francesco ... Mercoledì 17 febbraio il Custode del Sacro Convento, fra Marco Moroni, presiederà la Messa Conventuale in Basilica ... “Insieme per San Francesco” è un progetto per contribuire alla tutela e valorizzazione della Basilica Inferiore di San Francesco Celebrazione del Transito di san Francesco alla vigilia del 4 ottobre, festività di san Francesco di Assisi, preparata dall’ordine francescano secolare di Valtesse Bergamo. These stained glass windows are among the best examples of 13th-century Italian glasswork. The range and quality of the works give the basilica a unique importance in demonstrating the outstanding development of Italian art of this period, especially if compared with the rest of Christian Europe. Unlike that of the Lower Church, it is only the diagonal ribs which are of semi-circular form. - San Francesco da Paola Eremita e fondatore S. Francesco, detto da Paola dalla sua città natale, nacque nel 1416. Bokody, Péter. This is probably the nearest likeness existing, showing the actual appearance of Saint Francis. Deducing from stylistic details, attesting to his Roman background, some think that the Isaac Master may have been Pietro Cavallini or a follower. Informazioni Viale della Primavera, 207 00172, Roma C.F. The windows on the left hand side of the nave were made by a French workshop (1270), while those on the right hand side are attributed to the workshop of Maestro di San Francesco. I resti mortali di San Francesco d’Assisi riposano nella Basilica da ottocento anni insieme a quelli dei suoi primi compagni. As is characteristic of Italian church architecture, the main decorative feature, and the main medium used for conveying the Church's message is fresco, rather than stained glass. But because of small differences in style with the frescoes of Isaac, it is thought that several or even all of these frescoes were painted by at least three separate painters, using the original concept of Giotto : the Master of Legend of Saint Francis (the principal painter and probable supervisor of the cycle), the Master of the Obsequies of Saint Francis and the Cecilia Master. Unlike the Lower Church, the transepts also have ribbed vaulting. San Francesco d’Assisi Giovanni Francesco Bernardone nasce nel 1182 ad Assisi. This painter, called Andrea, is most probably Andrea de’ Bartoli (c. 1349 – 1369), the court artist of Albornoz (and not Andrea da Bologna, as usually, but wrongly, attributed). Due to the use of lead oxide in his colours and to the fact that the colours were applied when the plaster was no longer fresh, they have deteriorated and have been reduced to photographic negatives. The entrance vault gives us the Four Latin Doctors of the Church: St Gregory facing St. Jerome and Saint Ambrose facing St. Augustine. Il santo dell'amore per il prossimo e per la natura. The Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi (Italian: Basilica di San Francesco d'Assisi; Latin: Basilica Sancti Francisci Assisiensis) is the mother church of the Roman Catholic Order of Friars Minor Conventual in Assisi, a town in the Umbria region in central Italy, where Saint Francis was born and died. Il padre, Pietro Bernardone dei Moriconi, è un ricco mercante di stoffe e spezie, mentre la madre, Pica Bourlemont, è di estrazione nobile. On Pentecost 25 May 1230, the remains of Saint Francis were brought in a solemn procession to the Lower Basilica from its temporary burial place in the church of San Giorgio (St. George), now the Basilica of Saint Clare of Assisi. / P.IVA 80205370580 . On the left wall of the porch stands the bust of Pope Benedict XIV who granted this church the title of Patriarchal Basilica and Cappella Papale. È un itinerario che collega tra loro alcuni luoghi che testimoniano della vita e della predicazione del Santo di Assisi; un cammino di pellegrinaggio, che intende riproporre l'esperienza francescana nelle terre che il Poverello ha calcato nelle sue itineranze. [4][5] The collapse was captured on tape. Questo Fratello ,che è tra i più santi famosi e vicino a Gesù Cristo è San Francesco d’Assisi ,il poverello ma tanto ricco di amore verso il prossimo ,e verso tutti gli animali. These are among the greatest Martini's works and the finest examples of 14th-century painting. Libri di Francesco D'assisi (san) Risultati per pagina: 25; 50; 75; 100; Filtra I fioretti di san Francesco Francesco d'Assisi (san) BUR Biblioteca Univ. He was initially buried here but his body was later transferred to Toledo, Spain. Parla, riguardo il linguaggio dantesco, di una lingua dal “pensiero sensato”, “sensibile”. Seguici su Facebook. The lowest level shows three frescoes representing St. Francis posthumously intervening in favour of two children. La vita del Santo Patrono d’Italia fa riflettere su quanti valori ci ha trasmesso attraverso la sua condotta. Transito di san Francesco d'Assisi visualizza scarica. The paintings are as vivid as if Giotto had been a witness to these events. The paintings in the lunettes of the vaults (1315–20) depict the Triumph of St Francis and three allegories of Obedience, Poverty and Chastity by the so-called Maestro delle Vele (Master of the Assisi vaults), a pupil of Giotto (about 1330). It was enlarged by Gattapone da Gubbio and decorated at the expense of Cardinal Egidio Albornoz, papal legate in charge of the Papal States (from 1350 to 1367). Francesco nacque ad Assisi nel 1182, nel pieno del fermento dell'età comunale. Each bay contains three frescoes above the dado on each side of the nave, two frescoes in the east galleries beside the entrance, and two more on the entrance wall. The stained glass windows show Cardinal Napoleone presented to Christ in the summit and his brother presented to Saint Nicholas in the zone below. Un Capitolo, secondo il nome tradizionale per le famiglie religiose, è l'assemblea plenaria di tutti i ... Voluta da Papa Gregorio IX quale "specialis ecclesia" con la Bolla "Recolentes" del 29 aprile 1228, dal 1230 custodisce le spoglie mortali del ... La tomba di san Francesco, meta ogni anno di milioni di pellegrini da tutto il mondo, è un semplice sarcofago di pietra racchiuso nel pilastro ... La chiesa Inferiore della Basilica, la cui costruzione venne avviata nel 1228, era già completata nel 1230, quando vi fu solennemente traslata ... La costruzione della chiesa superiore della Basilica papale di San Francesco in Assisi venne conclusa nel 1253 da Innocenzo IV. San Francesco d'Assisi Patrono d'Italia. On the right side of the entrance there are two monuments by anonymous artists: in the first span, the mausoleum of Giovanni de' Cerchi, surmounted by an early 14th-century porphyry vase (a gift of a queen of Cyprus) and the mausoleum of John of Brienne, king of Jerusalem and emperor-regent of Constantinople. Surrounding it are carved the symbols of the Four Evangelists, combining with the window to create a square composition. Nella parte inferiore di alcuni crocifissi medievali dipinti su tavola è rappresentato san Francesco con la testa poggiata ai piedi di Gesù, in atteggiamento di tenero affetto per lui e di partecipazione al dolore causato dalle ... Gli affreschi del transetto sud della Basilica inferiore, opera di Pietro Lorenzetti, presentano gli ultimi momenti della vita di Gesù a partire dall’ingresso in Gerusalemme fino alla morte sulla croce e alla sepoltura e a ciò aggiungono la discesa agli inferi e la risurrezione dai morti. This woman of Roman nobility, affectionately referred to as "Brother Jacoba", was the most faithful friend and benefactress of Saint Francis. Plain decor, but good AC, refrigerator in the room and very nice staff who speak excellent English. San Francesco D'Assisi nasce ad Assisi tra il dicembre 1181 e il settembre 1182. Pagina ufficiale di San Francesco d'Assisi. In 1818, the remains of Saint Francis were rediscovered beneath the floor of the Lower Basilica. San Francesco d'Assisi nacque ad Assisi nel 1182 ca. But it was redesigned in bare stone in neo-Romanesque style by Ugo Tarchi between 1925 and 1932., Giorgio Vasari "Vite de'più eccellenti pittori, scultori e architetti", Francesco d'Assisi e le origini dell'arte del Rinascimento in Italia by Henry Thode, Péter Bokody, "Mural Painting as a Medium: Technique, Representation and Liturgy," in, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Diocese of Assisi-Nocera Umbra-Gualdo Tadino, Pontifical Legation for the Basilicas of Saint Francis and Saint Mary of the Angels in Assisi, Minister-General of the Order of Franciscans, Basilica of Saint Mary of the Angels in Assisi, "Totius Orbis Of The Holy Father Benedict XVI for the Coordination of Pastoral Activities and Initiatives at the Basilicas of St Francis and of St Mary of the Angels in Assisi", "Emergency Stabilization of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi", "Restoring the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi",,, The legend of Saint Francis painted by Giotto, Saint Francis review – The official review of the Basilica of Saint Francis, The official website of the Basilica of Saint Francis, To see the webcam in the tomb of Saint Francis, Frescoes of Pietro Lorenzetti in the lower basilica, Frescoes of Simone Martini in the lower basilica, Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi – Italy, Brothers and Sisters of Penance of Saint Francis, City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto, Arab-Norman Palermo and the Cathedral Churches of Cefalù and Monreale, Longobards in Italy, Places of Power (568–774 A.D.), Prehistoric pile dwellings around the Alps, Venetian Works of Defence between 15th and 17th centuries, Permanent Observer to the Council of Europe, Palace of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, Palace of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches, Pontificio Collegio Urbano de Propaganda Fide,, Burial sites of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (Bulgaria), 13th-century Roman Catholic church buildings in Italy, Articles lacking in-text citations from September 2011, Articles containing Italian-language text, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and Other Franciscan Sites, House of Retreat for the Clergy of Saints John and Paul, This page was last edited on 6 February 2021, at 05:19. nome file: (1177 kb); inserito il 26/07/2018; 2577 visualizzazioni l'autore è Tommaso Palermo, contatta l'autore. It was built with pink and white stone from Mount Subasio. According to Vasari, they were executed in the period between 1296 and 1304. This Chapel of Saint Nicholas of Bari, at the northern end of the transept, was commissioned by the papal legate Cardinal Napoleone Orsini and it contains the tomb of the cardinal's brother, Giovanni Orsini, who died between 1292 and 1294 . 39.7k Followers, 15 Following, 506 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from San Francesco D'Assisi (@sanfrancescoassisi) Simone di Pucciarello donated the land for the church, a hill at the west side of Assisi, known as "Hill of Hell" (Italian: Colle d'Inferno) where previously criminals were put to death. P.I. The frescoes of Cimabue soon suffered from damp and decay. They depict six scenes from the Passion of Christ. He had acquired his experience by building huge sepulchres out of hard rock in Syria. The church was designed by Maestro Jacopo Tedesco [3] on two levels, each of which is consecrated as a church. [3] The construction was supervised by Brother Elias of Cortona, one of the first followers of Saint Francis and the former Vicar General of the Order under Saint Francis. The nave is decorated with the oldest frescoes in the church by an unknown artist, called Maestro di San Francesco. The second vault is decorated with roundels with busts of Christ facing Saint Francis and the Virgin facing Saint John the Baptist. But construction took a long time, with as result different styles intermingling : Romanesque with Gothic style. Each group of ribs springs from a group of clustered columns. [9] By order of Pope Pius VII a crypt was built under the lower basilica. The two frescoes of the life of Isaac (Isaac blesses Jacob and Esau in front of Isaac) in the middle register of the third bay, are traditionally ascribed to the young Giotto (1290–1295) (previously wrongly ascribed to Cimabue by Vasari). The position of the resting Isaac looks like the same position of the Virgin in Cavallini's mosaic Birth of the Virgin in the apse of the church Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome. The cycle decorating the walls of the chapel, completed by 1307, comprises twelve scenes painted on the ceiling and on the walls illustrating the life and miracles of St Nicholas A scene of the chapel's dedication is painted above the arch of the entrance on the southern wall: the Redeemer receives the homage of Giovanni Orsini, presented by St. Nicholas, and of Napoleone Orsini, presented by Saint Francis. Francesco, che aveva almeno un fratello di nome Angelo, nacque nel 1181 o nel 1182 da Pietro di Bernardone e, secondo testimonianze molto tardive, dalla nobile provenzale Madonna Pica , in una famiglia della borghesia emergente della città di Assisi che, grazie all'attività di commercio di stoffe, aveva raggiunto ricchezza e benessere. Many Italian critics continue to support the authorship of Giotto and his workshop. This dedication most likely referred to the Cardinal's position as Cardinal-Priest of the Basilica of St. Martin "ai Monti" in Rome, and was intended to be his burial place. On the left side of the entrance is the small Chapel of St. Sebastian with a canvas by Giorgetti and episodes of the life of the saint on the walls painted c. 1646 by G. Martelli (Irene taking care of St. Sebastian; St. Sebastian before Domitian). It has been a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2000. Questo luogo santo, insieme alle altre chiese, fanno di Assisi una vera e propria città-santuario. They portray stories from the lives of Saint Francis, Saint Clare, Saint Louis and Saint Anthony. The parallel architectural arrangement of both Orsini chapels suggests that they were conceived together. On 27 October 1986 and January 2002, Pope John Paul II gathered in Assisi with more than 120 representatives of different religions and Christian denominations for a World Day of Prayer for Peace. Sua madre lo fece battezzare con il nome di Giovanni (dal nome di Giovanni Battista) nella chiesa costruita in onore del patrono della città, il vescovo e martire Rufino, catte… The Upper Church has a façade of white-washed brick divided into two horizontal zones of about equal height, and with a simple gable of height equal to the lower zones. The transverse ribs are pointed in the Gothic manner, and thus rise to the full height of the wider diagonal ribs. There is a single large doorway in the Gothic style, divided by a column and with a rose window set in the tympanum above the two cusped arches. The construction having been begun at his order, the Pope declared the church to be the property of the papacy. The earliest frescoes are some of those in the Lower Church. San Francesco d’Assisi: riassunto della vita e la predicazione del santo patrono d’Italia e fondatore dell’ordine religioso che da lui prese il nome. Internally, the Upper Church maintains Brother Elias' original simple aisleless cruciform plan. Il padre, di nome Pietro, è un mercante di stoffe, la madre è la nobile Giovanna detta "la Pica", di origine provenzale. La Cooperativa Sociale “Francesco d’Assisi” gestisce da 10 anni un Centro di Formazione Professionale rivolto a ragazzi in obbligo formativo (14-20 anni) in condizioni di svantaggio scolastico dovuto a varie difficoltà di apprendimento. 7. Since it took about six months to paint one bay of the nave, different Roman and Tuscan masters, followers of Cimabue, have performed this series of scenes such as Giacomo, Jacopo Torriti and Pietro Cavallini. As the popularity of this church increased, side chapels for noble families were added between 1270 and 1350, destroying the frescoes on the opened walls. The basilica, which was begun in 1228, is built into the side of a hill and comprises two churches (known as the Upper Church and the Lower Church) and a crypt, where the remains of the saint are interred.

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