I took this book with me on my travels in Rome and I bored Matt with my constant readings whilst we were visiting all of the historic sites. Sure we have a Vice President who shot a friend in the face and who brazenly admits to authorizing acts that make him a war criminal, and yes there are Greek bastards who have made a living off of sanctioning genocide for their own twisted ends, and this is just naming two high points in the Hal. Ebbe, quindi, a disposizione fonti di prima mano, anche se si servì anche di fonti non ufficiali, come scritti propagandistici e diffamatori e anche testimonianze orali, al fine di alimentare quel gusto per l'aneddoto e il curioso a cui egli dedica ampio spazio e che alcuni gli ascrivono come difetto e altri come pregio. (Svetonio, Vite dei Cesari. This non-chronological approach can sometimes be slightly confusing, but the Penguin Edition is replete with explanatory footnotes, glossaries, and maps of Rome and the Empire, which are very helpful to the lay reader. It's hilarious, and I gluttoned on the worst bits in my teens. Vite dei Cesari-De vita Caesarum. 69 -ca. Welcome back. Caii Suetonii Tranquilli Vitae duodecim Caesarum diligentissime recognitae, C. Svetonii Tranquilli De Vita duodecim Caesarum libri duodedim, Biblioteca Nazionale di Monaco di Baviera, https://it.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Vite_dei_Cesari&oldid=118502733, Voci non biografiche con codici di controllo di autorità, licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Le Vite dei Cesari o Vite dei dodici Cesari (in latino De vita Caesarum) sono un'opera storiografica di Svetonio (ca. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I didn’t actually read the pictured Penguin classic edition translated by I, Claudius author Robert Graves, but rather a Harvard press edition which was translated by John C. Rolfe and first published in 1913 that I got from the library. Each and every member of that "family" and ahherm non family who acquired that infamous title ceasar is such a massive wrecking case of extreams that I can't even begin to fathom that these men are real. Did you know that the Emperor Augustus had a collection of dinosaur bones? Post su Vite dei Cesari scritto da graz58. I don't care if he's a gossip. The Oxford History of the Classical World, Please make 0140455167 an edition of 0140449213, Adam Grant Wants You to Rethink What (You Think) You Know. as written by Suetonius and read by posterity interested in their biographies. [6] Tre secoli dopo, quando Servato Lupo, abate del monastero di Ferrières in Francia, sapendo che nel monastero di San Bonifacio a Fulda in Germania era conservato un esemplare dei Cesari, chiese che gliene venisse inviata una copia trascritta, l'opera era già mutila del principio. Each and every member of that "family" and ahherm non family who acquired that infamous title ceasar is such a massive wrecking case of extreams that I can't even begin to fathom that these men are real. A bonus for those who come to this work after reading and loving Robert Graves's novels and wanting more is that this is his own fine and pellucid translation from the Latin. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. 69 -ca. Svetonio: Vita dei Cesari LIBRO PRIMO CESARE 1 Aveva quindici anni quando perse il padre; nell'anno successivo gli fu conferita la carica di Flamendiale. I contenuti di questo blog … This edition is based on Robert Graves' translation, revised with an Introduction and Notes by JB Rives. This quest for a true account of the Caesars leads the reader through quotes, eyewitness accounts, and likely treasure troves of accounts sifted through from the emperor’s own library. One star, definitely, for the heinous acts that happened under their reign in Roman history, but five stars for Suetonius's recounting of it all. Il progetto dell'opera prende vita in Pontiggia per un curioso stimolo: la lettura nel febbraio 1992 di un elenco di biografie in un catalogo antiquario, che annoverava le . Or that one of the many perversities Caligula exhibited was a liking for bathing in, Suetonius does an excellent job in painting an objective picture of the lives of the twelve Caesars from Julius Caesar to Domitian. [ “He trained some boys of tender age, whom he called his little fishes, to slip between his thighs when he was swimming and provoke him playfully with their licking and biting.”. Ediz. "Vita dei Cesari" è una raccolta di dodici biografie dedicate a Cesare e agli imperatori da Augusto a Domiziano: scritte con lingua chiara e semplice, senza prolissità o ricercatezze, hanno stile rapido e … This biography of the twelve emperors is thought to have been published around 121 AD. [Robert Graves version is the best. It is very clear and lively. Svetonio - Vita Dei Cesari by Gaio Svetonio Tranquillo (69a.C -126 d.C) Collection opensource Language Italian. Vita dei Cesari è una raccolta di dodici biografie dedicate a Cesare e agli imperatori da Augusto a Domiziano: scritte con lingua chiara e semplice, senza prolissità o ricercatezze, hanno stile rapido e … by Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli. Lucius Livius Ocella Servius Sulpicius Galba. It is thought that this was due to the fact that Hadrian dismissed Suetonius for having an. This is in my Top 10 books. Tiberio [3] ) La leggenda è stata confutata più volte, dimostrando che un corpo lanciato da un'altezza pari a circa 300 m non cadrebbe direttamente nello specchio di mare … Suetonius himself even lived through the reigns of Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. Le vite, scritte durante il regno dell'imperatore Adriano[1], furono dedicate al prefetto del pretorio C. Setticio Claro[2] e comprendono: Nell'analisi di ciascun imperatore, Svetonio segue uno schema che, anche se modificabile a seconda delle esigenze dell'autore, rimane sempre lo stesso: descrizione delle origini familiari, carriera prima dell'assunzione del potere, vita pubblica e provvedimenti relativi a Roma, vita privata, aspetto fisico e ultimi giorni prima della morte. Caligula and Nero are clearly the most entertaining, but Augustus is my favorite. 126 d.C.). "Vita dei Cesari" è una raccolta di dodici biografie dedicate a Cesare e agli imperatori da Augusto a Domiziano: scritte con lingua chiara e semplice, senza prolissità o ricercatezze, hanno stile rapido e … No words. 4,4 su 5 stelle 3. A cura di Francesco CasoratiIntroduzione di Lietta De SalvoEdizione integrale con testo latino a frontePoche opere hanno avuto la fortuna della Vita dei Cesari, tra le prime a essere riprodotta a stampa, diffusa e tradotta in tutte le lingue. Vite … when was the twelve caesars book origionally published? The mixture of historical biography and, what must have been, a political gossip tatler. Sure we have a Vice President who shot a friend in the face and who brazenly admits to authorizing acts that make him a war criminal, and yes there are Greek bastards who have made a living off of sanctioning genocide for their own twisted ends, and this is just naming two high points in the Hall of Fame of War Criminals that we have allowed to consistently run and or advise this country for the past forty years or so. … One of those classics that is a genuine, even salacious pleasure to read, and the historical basis for Robert Graves's "I, Claudius", "The Twelve Caesars" covers the first twelve emperors of Ancient Rome (Including Julius Caesar, though Augustus was the first officially); the Julio-Claudians through Nero, his very brief successors Galba,Otho and Vitellius (in the tumultuous 'year of three Emperors', A.D. 69), and finally the Flavians Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. Fratarcangeli M., CALIGOLA, SVETONIO E I DODICI CESARI IN ETÀ MODERNA. Secretary to Hadrian, Suetonius had direct access to the Imperial archives, which gives his account a depth and immediacy lacking in the other Roman chroniclers' accounts, as well as a wealth of anecdote regarding the subjects' often scandalous personal lives. Loved it! It is thought that this was due to the fact that Hadrian dismissed Suetonius for having an affair with his wife. One of the raciest history books every written, full of fascinating detail. Ciononostante la sua opera riveste un ruolo importante: ad esempio, è la fonte principale per la vita di Caligola e su altri aspetti in cui mancano altre fonti, come Tito Livio o Tacito. The mad, the bad and the dangerous to know. This Roman bedtime reading gives the reader a mixed experience. Essa comprende la biografia di Gaio Giulio Cesare (101 a.C.- 44 a.C.), … La sua opera funse anche da modello per le biografie imperiali scritte nel II secolo da Mario Massimo, che, sebbene sia andata perduta, sembra essere stata una delle principali fonti per la successiva Historia Augusta, che è considerata una sorta di continuazione delle Vite di Svetonio, in quanto narra degli imperatori e degli usurpatori romani del II e III secolo.Ancora, nel IX secolo Eginardo prese a modello proprio Svetonio per la sua Vita di Carlo Magno. While reading this biography of 'The Twelve Caesars', one word popped in my mind, that is, 'nobility' since all emperors in question were of course noble, feared and thus honored according to their own deeds. È questa la seconda … Yes we have allowed a constant stream of sociopaths to be our guiding light for so many unbroken years (I'm trying to come up with a number, I'm having trouble figuring if Carter and Ford were war criminals, all the rest of the leaders since Reagen have been, and the ones before Ford going back quite a bit were too, oh it hurts the mind to think of all the charges our living former leaders could face at Hague and which would put nooses around their necks). Let alone contemplate what citizens must of thought of them in their day. Of the over 17 hours of the audiobook, just a little over 3 hours are devoted to the last six, but I was fine with that because I learned more about the Caesars I care about. This is a book I have wanted to read for many years. De viris illustribusdi Cornelio Nepote, le Vite dei Cesari . integrale. Rives explains that he has removed the interpolations Graves inserted to provide context to remarks that non-specialist readers would not be able to follow otherwise, and has used a glossary and footnotes to provide extra information to help out. If Suetonius is to be belived how many of these men would in our day be catergorized as legally insane? Suetonius not only points out flaws and misdeeds from the Caesars, but even sometimes goes as far as to negatively portray their appearances (many of whom were deified at this point). Separatosi da Cossuzia, donna di famiglia … 126 d.C.). I suppose it depends on what you mean by published. “Nothing is more unpredictable than the mob, nothing more obscure than public opinion, nothing more deceptive than the whole political system.”. Le Vite dei Cesari o Vite dei dodici Cesari (in latino De vita Caesarum) sono un'opera storiografica di Svetonio (ca. Still, despite some reservations about Suetonius' style and accuracy, it is hard to underestimate his influence on the narrative of. Rives explains that he has removed the interpolations Graves inserted to provide context to remarks that non-specialist readers would not be able to follow otherwise, and has used a glossary and footnotes to provide extra information to help out. 69 -ca. Stranger than any fiction...the chapter on Caligula is truly disturbing. L'incoronazione di Poppea, in un prologo e 3 atti, su libretto di Gian Francesco Busenello, dagli Annali di Tacito, dalle Vite dei Cesari di Svetonio, e dall'Octavia dello pseudo-Seneca, rappresentata per la prima … Suetonius is like a gossipy old woman. Suetonius was a senator during the reign of Hadrian (2 Caesars after Domitian), so the futher back, the less direct knowledge Suetonius had (which given his style of writing could be both good and bad). The lives of the emperors of the Caesarian-Claudian lineage, thus up to and including Nero, are extensively discussed, while there are only concise biographies of the emperors following Nero. Come membro della corte imperiale, Svetonio utilizzò gli archivi imperiali per ricercare le testimonianze oculari e non, decreti, senatus consulta, verbali del Senato, le perdute opere di Gaio Asinio Pollione e Cremuzio Cordo e le Res Gestae Divi Augusti. However, such nobility and deeds might intensify admiration or hatred due to each emperor himself. Essa comprende la biografia di Gaio Giulio Cesare (101 a.C.- 44 a.C.), … I love it so much, i think i have read it 3 times (no joke). I did initially think that for it to have been published you'd need to wait for the invention of the printing press, but according to that's not the case, and the Romans had a publishing industry based on slave labour and hand copying. Questo rafforza la deduzione precedente, perché Nerone era ben, a partire da Giulio Cesare, il sesto Cesare o imperatore (Vedi il libro di Svetonio “Vite dei dodici Cesari"), dove Svetonio ci dà le biografie dei … While reading this biography of 'The Twelve Caesars', one word popped in my mind, that is, 'nobility' since all emperors in question were of course noble, feared and thus honored according to their own deeds. Mutila dell'inizio, che comprendeva, probabilmente, anche la dedica a Claro. I literally about fell out of my chair this weekend when I read that Nero had the gates blocked duri. Vite … This edition is based on Robert Graves' translation, revised with an Introduction and Notes by JB Rives. Consequently, Suetonius did not have access to the imperial archives any longer and just had to rely on oral history which should have been quite possible at that time, as there must have been enough people still alive to be able to give first hand accounts of facts and events. Le risposte per i cruciverba che iniziano con le lettere S, SV. It's hard to rate the raging lunatics of the Roman Caesars. The length of the lives is uneven - the first three lives in the Robert Graves (he'd go on to recycle much of the material here into his novels, [ administration may well be too strong a term, [ from this we may conclude that Hadrian was not gallant and courtly with regards to his wife, [ where upon Nero is forced to use 'plan B' which is hopelessly undramatic and dull, [the victim is striped naked, has their head held still in a big wooden fork and they are then flogged to death, [ he at least wasn't a neoliberal of the ancient world, or an economic protoliberal I guess, Suetonius (70 - 140 AD) was a biographer, librarian and high official under Trajanus and head of the royal archives under Hadrian. 126 d.C.). Essa comprende la biografia di Gaio Giulio Cesare (101 a.C.- 44 a.C.), … Secondo quanto riportato da Giovanni Lido, nel VI secolo circolavano versioni di Vite dei Cesari ancora complete di prefazione con dedica a C. Setticio Claro, prefetto del pretorio, e dell'inizio della Vita di Cesare. This biography of the twelve emperors is thought to have been published around 121 AD. "My dear Tiberius, you must not give way to youthful emotion, or take it to heart if anyone speaks ill of me; let us be satisfied if we can make people stop short at unkind words,"Chapter 2, pg. Oh my! Due volumi indivisibili Introduzione di Settimio Lanciotti Testo latino a fronte Scritte nel II secolo d.C. da un letterato che fu segretario dell'Imperatore Adriano, Svetonio, le "Vite dei Cesari" hanno goduto nei … This was a fascinating book. While full of jaw-dropping accounts of profligacy and debauchery, the author nevertheless appears to be very conscientious in presenting balanced accounts of each ruler, often including differing accounts of the same events when the facts are in dispute, and carefully crediting even the worst Emperors with any mitigating benevolent acts -- this is no hatchet job in the manner of Procopius' 'Secret History', and appears to be very credible, on the whole. Let alone contemplate what citizens must of thought of them in their day. Propone il testo latino della Vita dei Cesari e la traduzione dell'opera. Vite dei Cesari Svetonio ecco la copertina e la descrizione del libro libri.tel è un motore di ricerca gratuito di ebook (epub, mobi, pdf) Libri.cx è un blog per lettori, appassionati di libri. If Suetonius is to be belived how many of these men would in our day be catergorized as legally insane? Vite dei Cesari , Novelle per un anno , anche quel ripiano scorso e riscorso con la certezza di non trovarci più nulla di invitante, a un tratto ci appare pieno di promesse. 69 -ca. Le vite dei Cesari Svetonio [7 years ago] Scarica e divertiti Le vite dei Cesari - Svetonio eBooks (PDF, ePub, Mobi) GRATIS, Scrittore romano d'età imperiale, Gaio Svetonio Tranquillo ha lasciato una vastissima produzione erudita, negli ambiti più svariati, ma il suo genere letterario prediletto è sicuramente la biografia.Grande importanza rivestono le sue Vite dei dodici Cesari… Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published As an author, professor, and psychologist,... To see what your friends thought of this book. Sebbene, inoltre, non fosse mai stato un senatore, Svetonio sposò il punto di vista del Senato romano che aveva avuto molti conflitti con i primi imperatori. Suetonius not only points out flaws and misdeeds from the Caesars, but even sometimes goes as far as to negatively portray their appearances (many of whom were deified at this point). Sono noti come Bagni di Livia, ma si tratta di una parte della Domus Transitoria, la prima reggia di Nerone edificata tra il Palatino e l’Esquilino. Start by marking “Vite dei Cesari” as Want to Read: Error rating book. “So much for the Emperor; the rest of this history must deal with the Monster. February 1996 Secretary to Hadrian, Suetoniu. No words. Testo latino a fronte (Italiano) Copertina flessibile – 8 giugno 1982 di C. Tranquillo Svetonio (Autore), F. Dessì (Traduttore) Its hysterical, and who is around to counter suetoniuses descriptions of these men? This book is not yet featured on Listopia. di C. Tranquillo Svetonio e Z. 2 volumi all'interno del loro cartone editoriale … Testo latino a fronte. di Svetonio e le. This book is really about six Caesars (Julius, Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero) and six men I never heard of before. The story about Tiberius's minnows rounds this up to a five for me. La più ampia ed articolata, in circa 100 capitoli. Suetonius (70 - 140 AD) was a biographer, librarian and high official under Trajanus and head of the royal archives under Hadrian. Each Emperor is given his own chapter, which begins with an account of his acts and accomplishments, followed by a discussion of his character and personal life. Suetonius does an excellent job in painting an objective picture of the lives of the twelve Caesars from Julius Caesar to Domitian. Translated by Graves, who wrote. Forse iniziate già sotto Traiano, se ad esse si riferisce. No one. Essa comprende la biografia di Gaio Giulio Cesare (101 a.C.- 44 a.C.), Pontifex maximus dal 63 a. C. e dittatore dal 49 al 44 a.C., e undici imperatori romani a cominciare da Ottaviano Augusto, nipote, figlio adottivo ed erede designato da Cesare stesso nel proprio testamento, che fu il primo imperatore; si conclude con la morte di Domiziano (Roma, 24 ottobre 51 – Roma, 18 settembre 96; imperatore dal settembre dell'81), coprendo così un arco temporale di quasi due secoli. He was a grand story teller and many of the narratives we have about these men (and some of the women around them) comes from his writing. 69 -ca. I was admittedly anticipating a biased account considering that Suetonius was the chief secretary to Hadrian during his reign. Simply delicious! One of those classics that is a genuine, even salacious pleasure to read, and the historical basis for Robert Graves's "I, Claudius", "The Twelve Caesars" covers the first twelve emperors of Ancient Rome (Including Julius Caesar, though Augustus was the first officially); the Julio-Claudians through Nero, his very brief successors Galba,Otho and Vitellius (in the tumultuous 'year of three Emperors', A.D. 69), and finally the Flavians Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian. Really? Scarica il libro Vita dei Cesari - Svetonio eBooks GRATIS (PDF, ePub, Mobi) GRATIS, A cura di Francesco CasoratiIntroduzione di Lietta De SalvoEdizione integrale con testo latino a frontePoche opere hanno avuto la fortuna della Vita dei Cesari… Clearly I was mistaken. Julius Caesar the catamite of King of Bithnyia?? this is one of the must-read classics for anyone interested in Roman history - have read it almost 40 years ago now for the first time but looked through it many times since. Le Vite dei Cesari o Vite dei dodici Cesari (in latino De vita Caesarum) sono un'opera storiografica di Svetonio (ca. Le Vite dei Cesari o Vite dei dodici Cesari (in latino De vita Caesarum) sono un'opera storiografica di Svetonio (ca. Le Vite dei Cesari o Vite dei dodici Cesari (in latino De vita Caesarum) sono un'opera storiografica di Svetonio (ca. Refresh and try again. Di Tillio | 25 feb. 2016. Svetonio Vite dei cesari,Svetonio,2 Voll. PERSISTENZA ICONOGRAFICA DI UN SOGGETTO DANNATO Goodness, that's a hard one! A very informative read for anyone interested in Imperial Rome, and juicy fun as well! Reading this book makes me kind of thankful that the sociopaths who we choose to govern us are relatively harmless men with only strange dreams of imperialism and desires for fame, riches, and adulation. Le Vite dei Cesari sono un'opera storiografica di Svetonio (ca. Despite this I still found I floundered a bit, because I just don't know enough about ancient Roman government and social hierarchies, which were cl. You can compare or assess each reign from your views acquired from reading unbelievably episodes of kindness or ruthlessness since they wielded absolute power within their families, colleages. Testo latino a fronte sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis!

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