[6] The initiative of free phone calls was replicated in 1991 and 1993. [18], The first server farm holds the racks of the SAN storages with mp3/mp4 files and online distribution systems of audio and video streaming (Icecast and Wowza respectively), set up on Dell servers with the Linux OS Slackware. Paola Carucci, councillor of the President of Italian Republic for the Historical Archive, claims: Compared to our traditional concept of archive, that is a set of documents realized by an entity exercising its functions, Radio Radicale is a mediator of a third subject which records and creates a source produced by others. About See All. Un'imponente mole di dati e di argomentazioni. [3] However, the archive owns also some records done before 1976 and precisely 52 tapes and 216 cassettes for the period from 1967 - 1975, in addition to some tapes of 1941 (a radiophonic interview in English recovered by Ernesto Rossi where Gaetano Salvemini comments the obtaining of the American citizenship), some of 1960 (the recording of a concerence held by Ernesto Rossi in Florence entitled L'antifascismo in carcere e al confino) and others of 1966 (Ernesto Rossi's Salvemini maestro ed amico). Radio Radicale decided to realize a valid public service alternative to the state broadcaster RAI. In August 2008 Radio Radicale was the only broadcaster to be excluded from the public funds resizing for the publishing[23] due to its nature of private radio broadcaster active according to law no. For 2010 and 2011, the agreement prolongation with the Ministry of Economic Development excepted a €9.9 million funding for Centro di produzione S.p.a.[8] For 2012, two laws of 2011[9][10] allowed a total expenditure of €10 million and for 2013 the same amount was confirmed in 2012. In May 2007, during the congress L'archivio multimediale di Radio Radicale: un patrimonio per la storia, l'informazione, la democrazia[15] (The Multimedial Archive of Radio Radicale: an Heritage for History, Information, Democracy), organized by the RR along with the Doctorate of Research on European History and the Archivists and Librarists Special School of the Sapienza University of Rome, various critics and archivist agreed in recognizing not only the historical and social value of the archival production of Radio Radicale, but also its complementarity with the main collections of Italian documents, first of all those belonging to RAI. e che nel dicembre 2008 ha ricevuto, da Italia Oggi, il premio … Radio Radicale è la radio italiana che si occupa esclusivamente di politica. Radio Radicale piace a sinistra, una certa sinistra, e piace a destra, una certa destra, piace a certi intellettuali e a certi esponenti del ceto produttivo, perché mette insieme tutto ciò ruota attorno all’identità liberale, cosa che in Italia è cosa per pochi e dunque coraggiosa, ma anche un’idea un po’ vaga e a tratti cialtrona. Intervista ad Andrea Frailis, Milleproroghe: approvati due emendamenti a sostegno dell'editoria e di Radio Radicale. Riascolta tutte le rubriche di Radio Radicale, su politica, diritti, economia, giustizia, con la rassegna stampe e i notizia. It is managed with the open source CMS Drupal, published under GNU GPL licence. The start of the experimentations of these multimedial service was required by law n. 350 of 2003. Radio Radicale è la radio italiana che si occupa esclusivamente di politica. Sempre con un solo motto: conoscere per deliberare. Inaugurazione Anno Giudiziario TAR del LAzio, XIX Congresso di Radicali Italiani (I giornata), PETIZIONE PER RADIO RADICALE - CHANGE.ORG, La programmazione di Domenica 21 Febbraio 2021, Riascolta i programmi Domenica 21 Febbraio 2021, Rassegna Stampa Vaticana di Giuseppe Di Leo, Replica di Stampa e Regime di Marco Cappato, La rassegna delle riviste storiche di Michele Lembo, "2 microfoni" di targia: intervista a g.mughini, intro lembo dibattito online "il pci nella storia d'italia, secondo macaluso", moderato da g.di leo, Notiziario di Reanda: collegamento con Francesco Radicioni per gli ultimi aggiornamenti sul Myanmar; interviste di Reanda ad Anzaldi, Bartolozzi, Capitanio, Casciello, Fassina, Frailis, Lattanzio e Mollicone su emendamenti editoria e Radio Radicale, Replica della rassegna stampa vaticana di G. Di Leo, LUISS - Inaugurazione del Master in Giornalismo e Comunicazione multimediale, Incontro del Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, con la Comunità Ebraica di Roma, CONVERSAZIONE SETTIMANALE CON MAURIZIO TURCO, SEGRETARIO DEL PARTITO RADICALE, A CURA DI SALVATORI, Processo Scaroni ed altri (presunte tangenti pagate da ENI in Nigeria). Radio Radicale. Radio Radicale è la radio italiana che si occupa esclusivamente di politica. In recent years these programmes are reduced but the Radio invites a politician every week. This page was last edited on 12 August 2020, at 23:35. At midnight there is the reading of front pages of the newspapers of the following day and this programme starts the night schedule, when events not broadcast in the daytime schedule are aired along with recordings taken and selected from the archive. News bulletins are broadcast every day and they are built around interviews and reading of news provided by press agencies. [2], Radio Radicale was founded between 1975 and 1976 by a group belonging to the Radical Party in a small apartment near Villa Pamphili, in the Gianicolense district of Rome. [3][13], Hours of audio and video recordings are made every year through a system of connections with public institutions and events. [16], Online since 1998, the website of Radio Radicale has been one of the first in Italy to stream actuality videos on the web and nowadays political, social and institutional events of the past and of recent times are always available for all the citizens. [18], All files published on the website of Radio Radicale have a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Italy (CC BY 2.5 IT) licence, which allows the free reproduction, distribution and adaption of the material along with the appropriate credit and the reference to the licence itself as only obligations. #ILVA Non perdiamoci su Radio Radicale le requisitorie finali dei pubblici ministeri al processo ILVA. The contract excepts that RR has to broadcast, between 8 am and 9 pm, at least 60% of the annual total number of hours dedicated by the Parliament to the sessions in the chambers. Come previsto dalla legge di Bilancio per il 2019 (art. Fine convenzione inaccettabile” Updating occurs in real time since September 2001. [18], In December 2015 the experimentation for the transition to IPv6 begun through the address assigned to Centro di Produzione by RIPE NCC. Politicians often participate in a programme, called Filodiretto (Direct line), where they dialogue with listeners without access limitations but with only a bond of 40 seconds for each call. [26], Among with the other entities receiving public funds, Radio Radicale is the only one having a national network[3] and spends over €3.7 million every year just for the technical management, and it is also the only one which dedicates almost all the schedule to broadcast service public programmes.[1]. Furthermore, the broadcast via satellite Eutelsat Hot Bird 13 East has allowed to expand the audience all over Europe and in wide areas of Africa and Asia, including the Middle East, with a potential audience of 98 million households.[3]. Space dedicated to the politicians and parliamentarians in particular is a typical characteristic of RR, tough it is a party branch and so it can not respect the par condicio, and offers a certain balance across the political groups. Founded in 1976 along with the "Free Radios", it has no commercial adverts and is partly funded by the party, however the Italian government funds the broadcaster according to an agreement for the broadcasting of Parliamentary sessions. Dal 1990 infatti - con la legge n. 230 del 7 agosto - Radio Radicale accede ai contributi pubblici (nello specifico l’emittente riceve dallo Stato ogni anno circa 4 milioni di euro) per le radio private che svolgono attività di interesse generale. [3], The constant work of document collection and preservation done by Radio Radicale during its activity has allowed the creation of an important and wide archive, defined in 1993 by the Archival Superintendency as "of a remarkable historical interest". Vai Principe Amedeo 2 (5,620.68 mi) Rome, Lazio, Italy 00184. Since February 2016 the website is available in dual-stack IPv4+IPv6 with the HTTP/2 protocol. The broadcaster decided to use the name “Radicale” (Radical) not only in reference to its role of party branch but also for its editorial policy characterized by impartiality, professionalism and innovation.[3]. 53,328 people like this. Perché Radio Radicale è così importante per il dibattito pubblico? The director of the archive has been Gabriella Fanello Marcucci since 1992. [11], Until 2018, Radio Radicale received €8.2 million, according to the agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development for the broadcast of parliamentary sessions, and another €4 million as contribution to the publishing activity. In 1997, the Prodi I Cabinet refused to renew the agreement with Radio Radicale for the broadcast of parliamentary sessions and Rai began to develop its own dedicated radio station after 7 years since the law which instituted it. The internet connection happens with two fluxes on optic fibre of 1,000 Mbit/s each from two different ISP with that Centro di Produzione Spa has autonomous system relations. In December 2008, Radio Radicale was awarded by Italia Oggi as "best specialized radio broadcaster". Questo è il bollettino di oggi 16 febbraio 2021 per Radio Radicale. Tutto ha inizio nell’autunno 1975 quando a Roma nasce Radio Blu, un’emittente del quartiere Monteverde Vecchio che irradia i suoi programmi dagli 88,500 MHz, dopo alcuni mesi di vita della radio uno dei fondatori, simpatizzante radicale, si rivolge a Marco Pannella al fine di potenziare l’area di copertura all’intera città di Roma. e che nel dicembre 2008 ha ricevuto, da Italia Oggi, il premio come "miglior emittente radiofonica specializzata". In summer 1986, the broadcaster risked closure for lacking funds and in this period received thousands of calls which were aired without filters. [3], Documents preserved in the Sound Archive of Radio Radicale can be classified in: Institutional Archive, Judicial Archive, Political Parties and Movements Archive, Associations, Unions and Movements Archive and Cultural Archive. 5 aggiornamenti sono stati effettuati durante l'ultimo minuto. Arte, scienza e libertà di pensiero, Visto dall'America - sabato 20 febbraio 2021 - a cura di Lorenzo Rendi, Milleproroghe: approvati due emendamenti a sostegno dell'editoria e di Radio Radicale. e che nel dicembre 2008 ha ricevuto, da Italia Oggi, il premio come "miglior emittente radiofonica specializzata". Memento - Iniziativa di Rita Bernardini sull'emergenza Covid 19 nelle carceri. Intervista a Massimiliano Capitanio, Milleproroghe: approvati due emendamenti a sostegno dell'editoria e di Radio Radicale. Intervista a Stefano Graziosi, Alessandro Di Battista: "Rispondo alle vostre domande", Ricordo di Luca Coscioni in occasione del 15° anniversario della sua scomparsa, Il magistrato e i mass media. Radio Radicale nacque tra la fine del 1975 e l’inizio del 1976 per iniziativa di un gruppo di militanti radicali in un appartamento di 60 mq situato in via di Villa Pamphili nel quartiere Monteverde di Roma. Radio Radicale is the only radio station to have been recognized by Law 230 of 1990, as radio company that carries out information of general interest. [18], To prevent control and managing activities of the computer network, Centro di Produzione Spa uses software like Nagios and Netflow which can promptly report every possible logical or functional anomaly of the services supplied. [3] After the deadline on 20 May 2019, Radio Radicale will not have enough resources to go on. [3], The proper archive thought of as a service with its own specialized staff was established three years after the start of Radio activities, so that the sorting of collected recordings has started since 1979. Along with the news about the party, Radio Radicale began a schedule dedicated to the main events of the Italian institutional and political life: since the beginning, its main distinctive traits had been the live broadcasts of parliamentary sessions, congresses of the main parties and important trials, making them accessible to the wide population without cuts and journalistic mediations. Intervista a Michele Anzaldi, Milleproroghe: approvati due emendamenti a sostegno dell'editoria e di Radio Radicale. [14] In the same year, the archive was quoted in the volume Fonti orali: censimento degli istituti di conservazione published by the Italian Ministry of Cultural and Environmental Heritage,[14] while in the following year it was a subject of the Congresso sugli archivi dei partiti politici (Congress About Political Parties' Archives) organized by the Central Archives of the State.[3]. Radio Radicale è la radio italiana che si occupa esclusivamente di politica. On Fai notizia, registered users could collaborate in searching and writing the news, loading texts, videos, photos, evidencing interesting news found on other websites or blogs. The choice of Marco Pannella to preserve, catalogue and archive all the recordings without any manipulations on tapes allows the citizens to consult 430 000 documents (cassettes, tapes, mp3, mp4, RealAudio and RealVideo), which contains the most important events of the institutional, political, social and cultural history of Italy: there are full recordings which allow to everyone to know and relive an event in its entirety. Internet, televisione digitale e altro", "Creative Commons - Attribution 2.5 Italy - CC BY 2.5 IT", "Fai notizia: Radio Radicale lancia un esperimento di giornalismo partecipativo", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Radio_Radicale&oldid=972600515, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Per ovviare all'emergenza Covid nelle carcere italiane c'è la proposta di vaccinare il prima possibile gli stessi carcerati e il personale penitenziario, categorie che entrambe si trovano a vivere e a lavorare in contesti in cui il distanziamento per contenere l'epidemia è il più delle volte impossibile. di Massimo Emanuelli. [22] Users commented and voted the reports made by other members and could start collaborative investigations. Despite being an official political party organ, Radio Radicale dedicates its airtime to broadcasting parliamentary live debates from the Italian Chamber of Deputies and the Italian Senate as well as important court cases. See more of Radio Radicale on Facebook. [3], Between February and March 1998, Radicals organized a convention entitled Quali lotte e leggi subito per la rivoluzione tecnologica, per la rivoluzione liberale[17] (Which struggles and laws to be done immediately for technological revolution, for liberal revolution), attended by the major Italian entrepreneurs of ITs and telecommunications, lawyers and other specialists of that field. ... sui nostri processi editoriali e su come ci impegniamo a creare news di qualità. Anche in podcast. 54,572 people follow this. Community See All. sono rilasciati con licenza Creative Commons: Attribuzione 2.5, Osservatorio Giustizia - Conversazione con il prof. Bartolomeo Romano, Intervista a più voci a Ronke Oluwadare su psicoterapia e seconde generazioni, Incontri. The remaining airtime is used for programmes about actuality themes relevant for the political beliefs of the Radical Party. Both server farms have UPSs, generators sets and air conditioning systems to guarantee the management of the operative continuity at a steady temperature and humidity. Forgot account? [3][20], In 2006 the editorial board of RadioRadicale.it created FaiNotizia.it, the first Italian website of citizen journalism: based on Newsvine, it was intended as a social and journalistic experiment and an attempt to use the new free and collaborative attitude of the new media at the time, creating a new model of information.[21]. Radio radicale copre invece ancora oggi non solo la politica ma anche i processi – dalla mafia alla grande cronaca al terrorismo – segue i dibattiti interni alle istituzioni, i … The SAN is formed by EMC, Dell and Qnap storages with RAID5 discs interconnected with the iSCSI technology for a total space of 170 TByte. All the content had been published under Creative Commons licences. It broadcasts Italian political party conventions of all political spectrums, from far right to far left. In 1987 the classification and archive changed with the introduction of computer systems and today the analog documentation is at an advanced digitalization. Since 1980, Radio Radicale has broadcast pieces of requiems during the breaks between programmes as a symbol of mourning, and protest, in front of deaths for hunger which occurs every day. 230 of 7 August 1990. Once the main headquarter has been reached, different signals are spread for different uses through an active matrix which allows the distribution of 128 signals.[3]. Radio Radicale, Travaglio contro i piagnistei: 'se non ha ascoltatori, chiude' Title Next Video. [3], The website of Radio Radicale made possible the streaming of the sessions held by the European Parliament, Court of Audit, High Council of the Judiciary and other institutions. The radio station introduced press reviews, direct talks with politicians, interviews through the streets and broadcasts for immigrate communities in Italy. [7] The law confirmed the call for tender with which stipulate the agreement and renewed the contract with Radio Radicale for another three years, Rai's obligation to broadcast parliamentary sessions was kept but the public company was prevented to extend its radiophonic network until the entry into force of the telecommunication general reform. [3], Centro di Produzione SpA is the publisher of Radio Radicale, its archive and of its website. e che nel dicembre 2008 ha ricevuto, da Italia Oggi, il premio come "miglior emittente radiofonica specializzata". 1,363 check-ins. Intervista a Federico Mollicone, Milleproroghe: approvati due emendamenti a sostegno dell'editoria e di Radio Radicale. In 2012 Fai notizia was completely renewed and transformed into a format of investigations distributed by Radio Radicale, which offers now little payments for who collaborates in creating reports about great issues of public interest. Inoltre, Radio Radicale svolge attività di servizio pubblico non solo durante la trasmissione delle sedute del Parlamento, ma anche nel resto della programmazione, con la trasmissione dei congressi dei partiti, dei processi giudiziari, degli eventi organizzati dalle associazione maggiormente rappresentative. [3], The 2019 budget law[12] has prolonged the agreement for the parliamentary session broadcasting by Radio Radicale for only one semester, allocating €5 million gross (€4 million net) for the year 2019. All four directions can broadcast. e che nel dicembre 2008 ha ricevuto, da Italia Oggi, il premio come "miglior emittente radiofonica specializzata". Radio este singurul radicale postul de radio au fost recunoscute prin lege 230 de 1990, ca companie de radio care desfășoară informații de interes general. It is a member of the consortium DAB Italia for the developing and diffusion of DAB technologies in Italy. After the live streaming, the Parliamentary sessions are shown in sheets which respect the various phases of the parliamentary work and allows a direct access to a single intervention or phase. [3] During the residual time, Radio Radicale tries to document also the activities of other institutions (Communal Councils, Court of Audit, High Council of the Judiciary, European Parliament), as well as congress, festivals and major meetings of all political parties, those organized by trade and labour unions, demonstrations, important press conferences, debates and book presentations. La Radio da Roma, legata al Partito Radicale, con una programmazione incentrata sulla pubblicizzazione dei momenti centrali della vita delle istituzioni e dei partiti: la trasmissione integrale delle sedute del Parlamento, dei congressi di tutti i partiti e dei processi giudiziari sono il segno distintivo dell’emittente. The former manager of Rai Teche, Barbara Scaramucci, stated that: The archive of Radio Radicale is absolutely precious and entirely complementary with the one of Rai [and] is true that a large part of the materials inside the archive of Radio Radicale is not inside the archive of Radio Rai and the work done by Radio Radicale since 1976 is completely different from that one done by Rai radio broadcasting.[15].

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