into your chariot, while the Satyrs gave their cries. Si licet a parvis animum ad maiora referre. fac timeat speretque simul, quotiensque remittes. It’s not fair for armed men to battle with naked girls: that would be shameful, men, even if you win. Did you think she’d come soon, Aura, whoever she was, Now regretting that you came (not wishing to surprise them). Also when the lover you’ve just caught falls into the net. Aren’t true words cheated by the voice. Especially if he’s cultured, pleased with his mirror. Later let him sense a rival, the bed’s shared pact: The horse runs swiftly from the starting gate. and lay hidden, an old woman, in her tower? This love’s more sure: that’s brief and more prolific: snatch the swift fruits, that fly, in your hand. to a human voice, as the tale of Arion’s lyre noted. instead of her own, pays cash for another’s. Quid, cum legitima fraudatur littera voce. Munera, crede mihi, capiunt hominesque deosque: Quid sapiens faciet? bravely herself entered the grove, in secret, on silent feet. Hos ego, qui canent, frutices violaria vidi; Tempus erit, quo tu, quae nunc excludis amantes, Quam cito, me miserum, laxantur corpora rugis, quasque fuisse tibi canas a virgine iures. it’s important to banish looks of anger from your face: bright peace suits human beings, anger the wild beast. She might as well put out the sleepless Vestal’s fire. (Infelix, cui torpet hebes locus ille, puella. Still safe loving should be mixed with fright. examine them, you’ll despise them: gilding hiding wood: but the crowd’s not allowed to approach them till they’re done. Lovely girls, the crowd is useful to you. Sed neque ramosa numerabis in ilice glandes. cautaque non stulte latronum proelia ludat, bellatorque sua prensus sine compare bellat. There’ll be a time when you, who now shut out your lover. L’occasione è stato il bimillenario della morte di Ovidio avvenuta a Tomi nel 18 d.C. La lezione è stata rivolta agli ex alunni del “Liceo Classico Augusto” che si sono costituiti in Associazione nel 1987, in occasione del cinquantenario del Liceo nato nel 1937, contemporaneamente al Virgilio e al Giulio Cesare per celebrare il bimillenario della nascita di Augusto (63 a.C.). don’t trust these tokens to a new young man. See, the sky’s colour, when the sky’s without a cloud. What ardour, in your terrified heart? and Tartarus’s lake and Cerberus, the triple-headed hound. the darker then have recourse to linen from Alexandria. Don’t apply preparations of deer marrow openly. ut Veneri, quem luget adhuc, donetur Adonis. and throw back your head with its flowing tresses. lana tot aut plures sucos bibit: elige certos; Pulla decent niveas: Briseida pulla decebant; cum rapta est, pulla tum quoque veste fuit. Sunt quoque non dubia quaedam mala nomina fama: deceptae, a, multi crimen amantis habent. cui digiti pingues et scaber unguis erit; cui gravis oris odor, numquam ieiuna loquatur, si niger aut ingens aut non erit ordine natus. Nec minus in vultu damnosa superbia vestro: Odimus inmodicos (experto credite) fastus: Sic ubi prolusit, rudibus puer ille relictis. Ista decent pueros aetate et amore calentes; Ignibus heu lentis uretur, ut umida faena. And hairs that you’ll swear were grey from your girlhood. I find it hard to believe, though I’m forced to by your children. the throws at knucklebones, and your values, you rolled dice: sometimes throwing three, sometimes thinking, closely. it’s crazy to bear your fortune on your back! L'Ars amatoria è un poemetto in distici elegiaci, in latino, composto da Publio Ovidio Nasone nell'1 a.C. o nell'1 d.C. Ambition and desire for possession don’t touch us: the shady couch is cherished, the forum scorned. What to say about dress? Often hounds wander the wooded hills in vain. Hornless cows are ugly, fields are ugly without grass. Omnibus his, quoniam prosunt, inpendite curam; est et in incessu pars non contempta decoris; Haec movet arte latus tunicisque fluentibus auras. Probra Therapnaeae qui dixerat ante maritae. cum fluit in tepidos pondere lapsa sinus? Sollicite exspectas, dum te in convivia ducam. nomine cum doceat, quid agamus, adultera clavis, sunt quoque quae faciant altos medicamina somnos. Discunt etiam ridere puellae. Still, let the parts of your lower shoulder and upper arm. the law lets arms be wielded against arms. Longa probat facies capitis discrimina puri: Exiguum summa nondum sibi fronte relinqui. And learn to sweep both hands across the genial harp, Let Callimachus, be known to you, Coan Philetas. that you recite softly with sweetly-teachable lips: or let your voice sing those letters he composed, the Heroides: he invented that form unknown to others.’. Jupiter keep you free from all such vile reproaches. and night itself grants concealment to your failings. to the enemy, and betray myself on my own evidence? and move her limbs as decreed when the wine goes round? «Ei mihi,» conclamat «fixisti pectus amicum: hic locus a Cephalo vulnera semper habet. 315 saepe sub autumnum, cum formosissimus annus, plenaque purpureo subrubet uva mero, cum modo frigoribus premimur, modo solvimur aestu, are non certo, corpora languor habet. lest he consider you hardly worth a night. Nor does my voice say sell it, just don’t be afraid. I’ll start with how you look: good wine comes from vines. of casual loss: your gifts are freed from loss. how many ways you have to repair the damage! and takes his sharp arrows from his quiver. and be able to recite tender Propertius’s song, and the high-flown speech of Varro’s fleece. Beware of burdening the many with the crime of the few: let the merits of each separate girl be seen. concealed in the deep curves of her warm breasts? and plunged his burning face in the fountain’s water. fallet et umiduli quae fiet acumine lini. haec quoque, quae praebet lectum studiosa locumque. Priamides Helenen avide si spectet edentem, oderit et dicat «Stulta rapina mea est.». Callida prosiliat dicatque ancilla «Perimus»; Admiscenda tamen Venus est secura timori. I’ve not come to teach Semele or Leda, or Sidon’s Europa. Non est fera: supprime tela! Only beware when you feign it, lest it shows: create belief in your movements and your eyes. But I’m not teaching girls from the Caucasian hills. (perfidus ille quidem, qui talia pignora servat. She called out: ‘Ah me! than I can possibly count so many fashions: And tangled hair suits many girls: often you’d think. But don’t give in too easily to a young man’s prayers. We hate (believe the expert) extravagant disdain: a silent face often sows the seeds of our dislike. Claude forem thalami: quid rude prodis opus? This work may be freely reproduced, stored and transmitted, electronically or otherwise, for any non-commercial purpose. As her joyous error in the name came to the miserable girl. and scratched at her innocent cheeks with her nails: Then she fled quickly, frenzied, down the ways. of golden wool, Phrixus, your sister Helle’s lament: and Aeneas the wanderer, the beginnings of mighty Rome. I want to kiss your shoulder, as far as it’s shown. nec cito credideris: quantum cito credere laedat, Est prope purpureos collis florentis Hymetti. vos quoque si media speculum spectetis in ira. While wit works, seek your orders here girls. Idle Nature has allotted these games to girls: Theirs the swift ball, the javelin and the hoop. or because blue waters retreat from the piers: but because civilisation’s here, and no crudity remains. where one piece can be lost to two opponents. How quickly (ah me!) La traduzione è divisa per Even if you’re deceived, what do you lose? Tum mihi «Quid miserae» dixit «meruere puellae? on having been born just now: this age suits my nature. If they promise truly, promise in as many words: and if they give, you give the joys that were agreed. quam capis: es paulo, quam potes esse, minus. I remember I lamented, friends are to be feared: If you’re credulous, others snatch your joys. Leave your maid alone: I hate those who scratch her face. If you’re short sit down, lest, standing, you seem to sit: there also, so your measure can’t be taken. of the learned Muses, in the night, has the name of idleness. The larger number among you lack such gifts. Procris, ut accepit nomen, quasi paelicis, Aurae. attack his mistress’s tender cheeks with his nails. Ah! pertinet ad faciem rabidos compescere mores: candida pax homines, trux decet ira feras. So why should any woman say: ‘Not now’? We’ll think you too are sleeping while you do your face: Why should I know the source of the brightness in your looks? If Apelles of Cos had never sculpted Venus. Even if they are sent from Athens. Domini Cancellati. Tattoo. What destroyed you all, I ask? Formosae non artis opem praeceptaque quaerunt; est illis sua dos, forma sine arte potens: cum mare compositum est, securus navita cessat; Rara tamen menda facies caret: occule mendas. Traduzione di tutto il primo libro dell'Ars amatoria di Ovidio (22 pagine formato doc) or always have it done at Bona Dea’s fertile temple. And the jailor’s attention’s fuddled with much wine. Ora tument ira, nigrescunt sanguine venae. To have been taught more is shameful: but kindly Venus, said: ‘What’s shameful is my particular concern.’, Let each girl know herself: adopt a reliable posture. with loosened hair and unchecked weeping suits you. Let others seek advantage: faithful to how I started, I’ll go on: I’ll give the Lemnian girls swords to kill me. You’ve pierced a loving heart. and that hare you started running goes to others. At licet et prodest Pompeias ire per umbras. Munda sed e medio consuetaque verba, puellae, A, quotiens dubius scriptis exarsit amator. the man might stand, she spread, with her body downwards. and dawn and twilight were parted equally: behold, Cephalus, Hermes’s child, returned to the wood. Cum fieret, lapis asper erat; nunc, nobile signum. Ante diem morior, sed nulla paelice laesa: hoc faciet positae te mihi, terra, levem. cornaque adhuc nostris non satis apta cibis. has Clytemnestra, her sister, to charge with crime. I’ve seen girls, made pallid by this terror. Divina Commedia. Your chestnuts are not lacking, Amaryllis, and almonds: As many as the flowers the new world, in warm spring, bears. The rich give gifts: the lawyer appears as promised: often he pleads a client’s case that must be heard: We who make songs, can only send you songs: we are the choir here best suited above all to love. Still, don’t give cause for grief, excessively. Who’s not offended by cream smeared all over your face. 1 Agamemnon and Menelaus, two brothers, married two sisters: both the sisters preferred gallants to their husbands.. 2 Her chastity is often mentioned to the reputation of the fair.. 3 Protesilaus, Laodamia's husband, was the first Greek who was killed in the Trojan War. Avoid those men who profess to looks and culture. but let something soft and feminine ring out. And those traced out with a point wetted with linseed oil. dÅ«xērÅ«nt cōllō ‖ quÄ« iÅ­gă nōstră sŭō. let the anxious man suspect it, rather than know. Have fun while it’s allowed, while your years are in their prime: The wave that’s past can’t be recalled again. from her rash breast, was caught on her sad lover’s lips. When you like it, show it with cries and panting breath: Ah! Someone will say: ‘Why add venom to the snake, and betray the sheepfold to the rabid she-wolf?’. Questus eram, memini, metuendos esse sodales; Credula si fueris, aliae tua gaudia carpent. Ūt quōndām iÅ­vĕnēs, Ä­tă nÅ«nc, mĕă tÅ«rbă, pŭēllaē, Ä«nscrÄ«bānt spŏlÄ­Ä«s ‖ «Nāsŏ măgÄ«stĕr ĕrāt.». Beware especially lest you’re irritable then. Venus - Cornelis Bloemaert (II) (Dutch, 1603 - 1692) Book III Part I: It’s Time to Teach You Girls, Book III Part II: Take Care with How You Look, Book III Part III: Taste and Elegance in Hair and Dress, Book III Part IV: Make-Up, but in Private, Book III Part VI: Be Modest in Laughter and Movement, Book III Part VII: Learn Music and Read the Poets, Book III Part XII: Avoid the Vices, Favour the Poets, Book III Part XIII: Try Young and Older Lovers, Book III Part XVI: Make Him Believe He’s Loved, Book III Part XVII: Watch How You Eat and Drink. Don’t ask for brocade. make sparing use of gestures whenever you speak. from birth, laughing would be a fatal error. why waste the water if you’re not going to use it? Though as many eyes as Argus owned observe you. But there’s measure here as in most things: both the rustic’s stride. Blown tresses suit this girl, loosely scattered: that one’s encircled by tight-bound hair. Nei tre libri che la compongono Ovidio si presenta come praeceptor amoris rifacendosi agli schemi dell’epica didascalica (disgressioni, invocazioni agli dei, ecc.). Do you suppose that gloomy wife ever said to Ajax: ‘Light of my life’: or the words that usually delight a man? why should we be afraid of the leader’s name? LIBRO PRIMO Se c' tra voi chi non conosca ancora l'arte d'amare, legga ci e fatto esperto ami con stile! Chiedile piuttosto un buon compenso: e chi può più di lei ():). Hoc quoque, qua patiens caput est animusque pedesque. and, if you check, they’re rarely accused of fraud. Keen to please she’ll linger in all those places. Nec nunc segmenta requiro. Our good leader trusts those commanders with a squad. Two books of their tricks have been composed: let this lot too be instructed by your warnings. They’re taught to cry. When he’s practised, so, the boy leaves the foils. Let him lie before the door, crying: ‘Cruel entrance!. You have no Field of Mars, no ice-cold Aqua Virgo. et multi, quae sit nostra Corinna, rogant. 101-128) Dopo il lungo proemio del libro III (riservato alla precettistica rivolta alle donne), Ovidio, con una posizione innovativa rispetto al tradizionale elogio moralistico del passato, proclama in questo brano la sua preferenza per la contemporaneità. Her husband was a rough soldier? Cum tot prodiderint pretio leviore colores. stand firm: and you don’t see two of what’s only one. nor your threshold sprinkled with roses at dawn. when male eyes are banned from Bona Dea’s temple. Latmius Endymion non est tibi, Luna, rubori. Don’t eat before at home, but stop before you’re full: if Paris, Priam’s son, saw Helen eating greedily, he’d detest it, and say: ‘Mine’s a foolish prize.’. don’t let wild words be silent in the middle of your games. Venus, from your temple, all glittering with gold. Make us believe (it’s so easy) that we’re loved: faith comes easily to the loving in their prayers. Utendum est aetate: cito pede labitur aetas. Don’t let too beautiful a maid serve you: she’s often offered herself to me as my lady. praecipue si cultus erit speculoque placebit. these with the cavalry, that man to guard the standard: You too should judge what each of us is good for. the mind of mature years and of green youth. on your dressing table: art delights in its hidden face. But let the guard be bought for once and all: who surrenders to it once, will surrender often. You’re anxiously expecting, while I lead you to dinner. Though he might be famed for piety, Aeneas, your guest. The game is done: time to descend, you swans, As once the boys, so now my crowd of girls, inscribe on your trophies ‘Ovid was my master.’. Falsely, Jason left Medea, already a mother: As far as you knew, Theseus, the sea birds fed on Ariadne. Conditions and Exceptions apply. visite turicremas vaccae Memphitidos aras, spectentur tepido maculosae sanguine harenae. Anguibus exuitur tenui cum pelle vetustas. Weigh all this with care, since it’s for you: learn to carry yourself in a feminine way. must know you only, always cling to you alone: this crop must be surrounded by high hedges. on which Phrixus and Helle once escaped fierce Ino: this resembles the waves, and also takes its name from the waves: I might have thought the sea-nymphs clothed with this veil. 101-128 32, 34, libro I). saying: ‘You can’t,’ and love will touch you too. when, skirts tucked up, she seeks the frightened quarry. write the tablets in your maid’s or boy’s hand. to make a ring, first crush the golden ore: That was rough marble, now it forms a famous statue. Procris? et facit ad mores ars quoque nostra suos: nec nos ambitio nec amor nos tangit habendi; sed facile haeremus validoque perurimur aestu, Scilicet ingenium placita mollitur ab arte. Odimus et maestas; Tecmessam diligat Aiax. si latet, ars prodest: adfert deprensa pudorem, atque adimit merito tempus in omne fidem. I’ve given the Greeks arms, against Amazons: arms remain. hic rudis et castris nunc primum notus Amoris. shall sing greater truths to you than my Muse: If you trust art’s promise, that I’ve long employed: Woman, feel love, melted to your very bones. and the latest songs played in the Egyptian style. Quem non offendat toto faex inlita vultu. Don’t let light into the room through all the windows: it’s fitting for much of your body to be concealed. qui tetigit thalamos praeda novella tuos. Keep rivals away: you’ll win while you hold just one: love and power don’t last long when they’re shared. those that modesty, principles and your rules allow. si qua fides, arti, quam longo fecimus usu. Quid faciat custos, cum sint tot in Urbe theatra. cnÄ«s dēscēndĕrĕ tēmpÅ«s. Nupta virum timeat, rata sit custodia nuptae: hoc decet, hoc leges duxque pudorque iubent. Nos male detegimur, raptique aetate capilli, ut Borea frondes excutiente, cadunt; Please refer to our Privacy Policy. quaeritur atque illis hac quoque parte decor: sint modici rictus parvaeque utrimque lacunae. But to resume the work: bare facts for me. you’ll deceive them (if only your will is firm). Not knowing how to love: your art was lacking: love lasts long through art. Virtue herself is named and worshipped as a woman too: it’s no wonder that she delights her followers. Don’t think it shameful to loosen your hair, like a Maenad. don’t write again on wax unless it’s all been scraped. Charm’s in a defect: they try to speak badly: they’re taught, when they can speak, to speak less. no warm south-westerly threatening heavy rain. then: ‘What have the poor girls done. Ite per exemplum, genus o mortale, dearum. Let me speak closer to the theme: hold the reins. nor yet deny him what he seeks out of cruelty. pretend to sweet delight with artful sounds. under your armpits, no legs bristling with harsh hair! and bathed the cruel wound with his tears. Why show a naked front. a little book, but one whose labour took great care. (a, pereant, per quos ista monenda mihi!). What are you doing, unhappy man? was made of wattle when Tatius held the kingship. How can a guard make sure that you can’t write. and good looks have been harmed by barbarous words! Write elegantly girls, but in neutral ordinary words. nec quia decrescunt effosso marmore montes, sed quia cultus adest nec nostros mansit in annos. The crowd come to be taught, girls pretty and plain: and always the greater part are not-so-good. Quid, nisi quam sumes, dic mihi, perdis aquam? Ennius emeruit, Calabris in montibus ortus, nunc hederae sine honore iacent operataque doctis. the stag doesn’t teach the savage hounds to run. «Illa» sit in vestris, qui fuit «ille», notis. Il termine ars si rifà alle artes, cioè ai manuali tecnici. The Senate-House, now worthy of such debates. berries (since her hair was crowned with myrtle): glowed, and a whole weight lifted from my spirit. Some officious person, evilly remembering what he’d heard. when vine-buds wake, and dark winter vanishes. Quae facie praesignis erit, resupina iaceto; spectentur tergo, quis sua terga placent. A bard’s dignity was inviolable: his name was honoured. and perhaps, from its intent, what he might anxiously be asking. he’ll straight away be convinced: and she’ll be pitied, and he’ll say: ‘She’s seized by love of me.’. damna vetat: damnis munera vestra carent. and the door alone doesn’t grant the exits you seek? Where does art not penetrate? it smells of rosemary, bay and black myrtle: there’s no lack of foliage, dense box and fragile tamarisk, The many kinds of leaves and grass-heads tremble. cum fuget a templis oculos Bona Diva virorum, cum custode foris tunicas servante puellae, cum, quotiens opus est, fallax aegrotet amica. Men often cheat: it’s seldom tender girls. Nunc venisse piget (neque enim deprendere velles). Ma da principio, con estrema cura, solevano celare i loro amplessi; velata di pudore era la colpa. Arte citae veloque rates remoque moventur, arte leves currus: arte regendus Amor. We’re reckless, and revealed by eagerness itself. L'arte di amare Ars amatoria I, vv. Endymion causes you no blushes, on Latmos, Moon. What good’s a guard, with so many theatres in the city. Be mindful first that old age will come to you: so don’t be timid and waste any of your time. See, what to you, you’ll say, looks similar to that fleece. Adde, quod insidiae sacris a vatibus absunt. a woman shows herself in dense bought curls. I was once suddenly announced arriving at some girl’s: in her confusion she put her hair on wrong way round. Arma dedi Danais in Amazonas; arma supersunt. and bushes without leaves, and a head without its hair. deve tribus libris, titulo quos signat Amorum. ut patuit miserae iucundus nominis error, surgit et oppositas agitato corpore frondes, ille feram vidisse ratus iuvenaliter artus. Nec coma vos fallat liquido nitidissima nardo, nec toga decipiat filo tenuissima, nec si, forsitan ex horum numero cultissimus ille. add tears, and feigned grief over a rival. near to the bright slopes of flowered Hymettus: the low woods form a grove: strawberry-trees touch the grass. She’ll curse her mistress’s head at every touch. Munera det dives; ius qui profitebitur, adsit; Carmina qui facimus, mittamus carmina tantum: Nos facimus placitae late praeconia formae: nomen habet Nemesis, Cynthia nomen habet. constiterat) folium granaque pauca dedit; sensimus acceptis numen quoque; purior aether. Also a letter’s safe, and deceives the eye, written with fresh milk; you read it by scattering it with crushed ashes. Quid aperto pectore in hostem. the sagging flesh wrinkles. Glance at a glance, smile tenderly at a smile: he nods, you too return the signal you received. What’s easily given nourishes love poorly: mingle the odd rejection with welcome fun. Ars amandi Ovidio Ars amandi III, vv. Li s oprì il Sole, ui non ’è nel mondo cosa che sfugga, e così fu palese ogni inganno di lei. or those who drink your waters, Mysian Caicus. vel tibi composita cantetur epistula voce; o | ita, Phoebe, velis, ita vos, pia numina vatum. Ovidio. vos quoque, de nobis quem quisque erit aptus ad usum. What’s hidden is unknown: nothing unknown’s desired: there’s no prize for a face that truly lacks a witness. Sed famae vigilare iuvat: quis nosset Homerum, Quis Danaën nosset, si semper clausa fuisset. press the bed with her knees, arch her neck slightly. del testo latino di cui cerchi la traduzione. and the colour, there, is lost from the bright cheek. sed tamen Aetnaei fulminis instar habent). No rider rules a horse that’s lately known the reins. for her body: one layout’s not suitable for all. Let the small be carried by a horse: Andromache. that you can even ask for my advice there too. you don’t swim in the Tiber’s calm waters. Ut fallas, ad mea sacra veni. Who’d believe it? What am I talking of, madman? Tu quoque, cui Veneris sensum natura negavit. fainted, and was suddenly dumb with grief: She grew pale, as the leaves of choice vine-stalks. Quis credat? and that disgrace be reserved for Parthian girls. One form’s used in exercising many hands, (Ah! like a mangy ass braying at the shameful mill. nunc iuvat: incertus pectora versat amor: credere quae iubeant, locus est et nomen et index. and tongues forced to make lisping sounds to order? Your older warrior loves sensibly and wisely. The body’s artistes, the theatre’s spectacle, are loved: so great’s the gracefulness of their agility. Think of Protesilaus, and Laodameia who they say. ‘Give it me back!’ at the top of her voice in the cattle-market. Categoria: Chimica; Tipo: Appunti; Formato:.doc, .pdf; Pagine: 3 (8.7 KB) virgilio: vita, opere e traduzione quarta egogla bucoliche e primo libro (121-146) georgiche - VirgilioVita Virgilio fu un autore romano che visse tra il 70 a.c. e il 19 a.c. , in un drammatico periodo per Roma. If you’re very slender, wear a full dress, and walk about. where the winner will have made his line up together. Stir him with a dismal watchman, fictitiously set to guard you. Discunt lacrimare decenter. Cura dabit faciem; facies neglecta peribit. and always keep your mouth a distance from your lover. great horned Bacchus, and the Nine goddesses! Ut iam decipiant, quid perditis? If I might turn from lesser to greater things. So too a lovely woman must let the people see her: and perhaps there’ll be one among them she attracts. Ennius earned it, born in Calabria’s hills, Now the ivy wreaths lie without honour, and the painful toil. Cartoline. Ars Amatoria takes the form of didactic verse in which a purportedly mature and experienced narrator instructs men and women alike on how to best play their hands at the long con of love. I judge that countering fraud with fraud’s allowed. «I procul hinc,» dixit «non es mihi, tibia, tanti». «redde meum» clamant spoliatae saepe puellae, Has, Venus, e templis multo radiantibus auro. Iamque dies medius tenues contraxerat umbras. We can’t stand sweetness: bitterness renews our taste: often a yacht sinks swamped by a favourable wind: their husbands can come to them when they wish: add a closed door and a hard-mouthed janitor. perque aditus talis lucra pudenda petant. cum, quos praetereat quosque sequatur, habet. Certior hic amor est, gravis et fecundior ille: Omnia tradantur (portas reseravimus hosti). There’s a kind of game, the board squared-off by as many lines. The Rijksmuseum, Translated by A. S. Kline © Copyright 2001 All Rights Reserved. Cui femur est iuvenale, carent quoque pectora menda. One girl will distort her face perversely by guffawing: another shakes with laughter, you’d think she’s crying. Adde, quod et partus faciunt breviora iuventae. when she’s free to gaze at horses paired together. Ista dabunt formam, sed erunt deformia visu. will spring up all over your head overnight. Ulysses, your body nearly melted hearing them. I’ve given the Greeks arms, against Amazons: arms remain, to give to you Penthesilea, and your Amazon troop. Come late, and come upon us charmingly in the lamplight: you’ll come with pleasing delay: delay’s a grand seductress. they’re oils extracted from the unwashed fleece of a sheep. Yet their aims are not required for my art. No doubt our minds are sweetened by gentle art. nor in poor spirits if you hear of a rival. nec, nisi quam tolles, ulla movenda pila est; est genus in totidem tenui ratione redactum. not to know how to play: playing often brings on love. ‘Give it me back!’ the girl who’s robbed will often cry. It’s no shame to highlight your eyes with thinned ashes. Virginis aetheriis cum caput ardet equis; quaeque soror coniunxque ducis monimenta pararunt. Quid tibi mentis erat, cum sic, male sana, lateres. Sed neque vector equum, qui nuper sensit habenas, nec, stabilis animos annis viridemque iuventam. while the wax filled your companions’ ears. Procri? Jupiter himself is pleased with the gifts he’s given. with the same bit as one that’s truly mastered. her chest throbbed, quivering with its anxious heart. Pleasure that comes with safety’s less enjoyable: though you’re freer than Thais, pretend fear. Quid iuvat ambages praeceptaque parva movere. believe me, she’s been mine more than once. There are many things it’s right men shouldn’t know: most things offend if you don’t keep them secret. Scilicet obstabit custos ne scribere possis. The beautiful ones don’t seek art and instruction: they have their dowry, beauty potent without art: the sailor rests secure when the sea’s calm: Still, faultless forms are rare: conceal your faults. © Copyright 2000-2021 A. S. Kline, All Rights Reserved. Si quis in hoc artem populo non novit amandi, hoc legat et lecto carmine doctus amet. Now my spirit departs into that air with its deceptive name: He held the body of his dying lady on his sad breast. Dissimulate tamen, nec prima fronte rapaces. (Ars amatoria, 3, vv. Book III Part I: It’s Time to Teach You Girls. 1. and close eyes overcome by Lethe’s night: or your maid can rightly detain the wretch with lengthy games. There’s a thousand games to be had: it’s shameful for a girl. she’d be hidden, sunk beneath the waters. hair flowing, like a Maenad roused by the thyrsus. so that the empty tablet carries secret messages. The place, the name, the witness, command belief. You know how to acquire whiteness with a layer of powder: she who doesn’t blush by blood, indeed, blushes by art. quae nunc sub Phoebo ducibusque Palatia fulgent, Prisca iuvent alios, ego me nunc denique natum, non quia nunc terrae lentum subducitur aurum. Ut prope perventum, comites in valle reliquit. Anger enters, ugly mischief, desire for gain. Viderit utilitas; ego coepta fideliter edam: Efficite (et facile est) ut nos credamus amari: Spectet amabilius iuvenem et suspiret ab imo. Iron crumbles, stone’s worn away with use: that part’s sufficient, and escapes all fear of harm. In vitio decor est: quaedam male reddere verba; discunt posse minus, quam potuere, loqui. Traduzione e introduzione di Ortensio Celeste RL S.P.A. editore 2017 – Un libro da leggere. quoque volunt plorant tempore quoque modo. and a rival often has to retrace the journey he began. Add that the time of youth is shortened by childbirth: the field’s exhausted by continual harvest. Tum bene fortis equus reserato carcere currit. like the swift child of Parthia, turn your mount around. Sit tibi Callimachi, sit Coi nota poëtae, nota sit et Sappho (quid enim lascivius illa?). Tu quoque dum coleris, nos te dormire putemus: Cur mihi nota tuo causa est candoris in ore? Unhappy girl, for whom that sluggish place is numb. and the mind always thinks what it fears is true. He, sure a wild beast moved, leapt youthfully to his feet. Art imitates chance: when Hercules, in captured Oechalia, saw Iole like that, he said: ‘I love that girl.’. The guard’s on the look-out for that, your go-between. Let a woman noted for her length of body.

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